RE/MAX HiNet - Team Athey – Remarkable Property Management is home to some of the most unprofessional realtors and buisness people I have come accross. They are downright rude and treat their tennants like burdonsome children. I pay my rent early and I keep the place tidy, all I ever asked from them was to be talked to with some respect. Indimidation and strong arming my spouse is dirty buisness. My word of advice for those out there, dont use RE/MAX HiNet - Team Athey and Remarkable Property management. If you are looking to purchase a home and this company is the listing agent/sellers agent, see if you can convince the owner to sell direct or to change agents. If you need to rent your home and need a manager, look elsewhere. Dont expect a different tone by speaking to the owner, she is just as rude as her employees.
I will NEVER EVER utalize this company to sell or rent my property.