I worked for EduCare, a subsidiary of ResCare, for almost 2 years. After a violent incident with one of the consumers I decided to work on oncall status, March 2006. At that time I called the place that was garnishing my wages to see how much I still owed. I was informed that NOTHING had been paid. My checks had been garnished since October 2005! Also 1 of my last paychecks and last 2 millage checks were lost.
When I brought this to the attention of the HR director he said he would handle it. After MANY months of having to go up to the office and inquiring about my money I received my checks in AUGUST 2006!
I was also informed in May that I was no longer an employee, since I had not worked in over a month. A policy I had never seen, nor had the new HR director. I was not asked to sign anything, and the HR director asked if I wanted to come back... LOL Ya as if!
In the time I worked at Educare, the top Administrative people were fired for embezzlement. It was reported that over a MILLION dollars was stolen. All the while, we staff could not get raises, I was not offered health insurance after going to fulltime status. One week before my wedding $600 was stolen out of my wallet. I think it was the staff I worked with. I reported it to my supervisor the day it happened and nothing was ever done. I did not get an apology, no admin staff ever questioned the clients or staff that was there that day. And that does not even begin to say what kinds of things they were doing to the clients!!! One example, before I left they made a rule that the clients could only shop at Wal-Mart. Even if food was cheaper at other stores. What happened to choices??? And by forcing them to shop at a specific store they would have less money for activities. Truly a disgrace!
I am happy I am no longer there but I feel bad for the clients who have to live in their group homes, with undereducated and underpaid staff and no money.
Supposidly there is a 1 800 complaint number ResCare offers, but I never saw the number. If all else fails, and there are issues involving the clients, go to the clients social workers. They are legally bound to investigate all allegations of abuse and neglect. That is how they found out about the embezalling. But you would think a huge corporation would have thier own way of checks and balances, but this one obviously does not.