My father who does not own a computer noticed a charge on his Verizon phone bill for $14.95 plus tax from a service defined as "Resdnt1Email Mo Fee" billed on behalf of "Residential Email". When we contacted Verizon they informed us this was beyond their control. They said that they were forced to accept these charges from 3rd Parties. I find that hard to believe. They put us in touch with this company who said that this had been ordered by someone who's name was not at all familiar. Both companies had difficulty dealing with me because they said they needed to talk to someone who had authorization to make changes on the account. Are they kidding. The can charge for a service without authorization but they can not cancel the charge without authorization.
Residential Email agreed to apply a refund to the Verizon account and and cancel the service account supposedly opened by someone else. They also said that there might be an additional charge since we were already in a second billing cycle and that I would have to call again to get that charge refunded. They sent the cancellation email to a mail I gave them. When I read the email it appeared to be a fake. It appears to come from "support.residentialemail. com" however, in looking at the actual detailed email header I can see that it came from "mail.ednmail. com". The site is defined as Email Discount Network and providing internet services. I am very concerned.