My loan payment is due the first, and will be accepted up the 15th of every month. Beginning two weeks prior to the first of the month, I received a phone message from CitiMortgage while at work. They wanted to "Speak with me regarding my account." I ignored the message.
October 9, 2009, I responded to another call from CitiMortgage; this time I responded and found the call to be way out of bounds. Apparently, the "CitiMortgage Collections Department" was making a "courtesy call" regarding my account in hope of saving me the cost of "late fees."
After I pointed out that my payment would arrive on time, and that the payment was not late; demanded to speak with a manager—did so; agreed to pay using EFT because, "We will waive the fee of $20.00 which is usually charged." I authorized the $184.37 note payment directly from my checking account.
Days before the "grace period is closed" I checked my on-line bank statement. The check had been drawn for the authorized payment PLUS the $20.00
Immediately, I called and supposedly made my point; "the fee will be removed." This time I asked for a written follow-up from CitiMortgage, which I received just two days (October 19) ago; form letter: "We are sorry to inform you that our records show that you were advised of the $20.00 fee...unable to remove it from your account."
Now, I am writing appropriate authorities to follow-up to compel reimbursement, alert other customers to CitiMortgage under-handed tactics, and give the government notice of this deceptive practice. I have contacted another lender and am seeking a refi at today's rates.