I was victimized by the head of HR for RGIS Inventory after I brought forth documented concerns of discrimination, hostile work environment, retaliation for bringing forth a complaint. I have a letter from the Head of HR for RGIS which was based on slander that came out of my District. I gave witnesses to HR to the offenses in my district and HR never contacted them instead there names were released to district management and they found themselves the victims of retaliation like myself. One of which was a 25 yr veteran and the most respected supervisor within our district. RGIS HR did not contact any of the witnesses in my complaints and accused me of offenses I was not even guilty of, I have witness statements to back me up.
I was the victim of a witch hunt and Kim Foley Head of RGIS HR, Todd Holland Operations Manager, Marie Bommarito HR Specialist refuse to release any documentation to me as to how they arrived at there slander.