I ordered the foot detox pads on 5/21/09. The web site appeared to have the pads in stock. It said nothing about being out of stock. They took $98.98 off of my credit card the next day, and for the last 3 months my order has pulled up "presently being packaged for shipment".
After trying to call and getting no one to answer and trying to get a callback by e-mail as they advertised and getting no answer, I sent an e-mail wanting what I ordered shipped to me or my money put back in my credit card. The web site has since disappeared and I have decided that after 5 months they apparently have no intention of sending me what I ordered and are going to keep my money.
It is sad that these kind of people in the world, however, I know that there is a righteous judge in heaven that these people will stand before and give an account of their thievery.