Being inspired with guaranteed payout, i had taken into consideration of the above mentioned Companies and likely had gone with them viewing their PTR/PTC,
keeping enormous patience and wasting valuable time untill reaching minimum payout, i faught tooth and nails and sucessfully reached and had gone beyond the far.Being strengthened with this overcome, i had requested payout to all of them according to the dates of reaching minimum payout respectively, BUT they neither apt for to pay me so far nor gave any reply
to me in this respect.I want to legall suit what deemed fit against them immediately.I also reqest to all other
sufferers those who are allied with me, should lodge
complaients asking for justice in the court of law.In such cases i would humbly request the Honourable
Lawyear Mr. ayub may kindly take up our cases for
retrospective justice.The Comp.Board is appealed to make wide circulation in all websites to caution people
against the above online Companies.