This is my compliant, the business or website in question,
run away... boycote this site.
horrible customer service.if at all any, they wont answer your question once you have made you purchase, in fact they avoid you all together. they also are misleading in what they promote. and sell, once they make the sale they head to the bank and close off communication,
ie. i recently ordered an ebook that was include in a pakaged deal. from this merchant, included was,
a, free access to members area
b, free website included, what they dont tell you, is that once you become a member and you try to claim your web site you find out that its a partner site that gives you a domain, but charges you 120-year for hosting, so in other word not really free. plus it an affiliate to so he make make a commission. sneaky huh!
C. and last, befor you even buy the book, your promised a garatee no question ask refund within a period of time., if you do not get it, (it not that i dont get it, oh i get it clearly), its a scam.
which they will not honor if you file., so dont go, you get ripped off, i want my money back,
ok people, i writing a bit fast cuase im @#$% off but here another site for you to boycote spread the word. get this guy back. peace.