August 5, 2009
unwanted text messages
I keep getting text messages that mean nothing to me. I am an elderly lady on a fixed income, and each text message is charged to my phone. #508-981-3136<br />
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please make them stop. It's from ringaza, whatever that is. <br />
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My email is [email protected]<br />
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thank you
April 27, 2009
Being Charged for something I never recieved
Ringaza is sending me text messages that I'm being charged for, not to mention I'm being charged for ringtones I never puarsched ! I'm being charged 9.99 a Month, for something I never agreed to nor did I get !!!
April 9, 2009
Unsolicited calls day and night
These idiots call me day and into the night as late as 2 a.m. with nonsensical messages. I did NOT ask for these and it irritates me to think they can call like this any time they please, but they have only a five number ID so you can't get them.
March 2, 2009
Cell phone Scam!
These people charged me $9.99 for "hip-hop updates" that I NEVER signed up for...just like all these other people on here. Same shit different toilet. Verizon "couldn't" refund my money as it was a third-party charge, Ringaza said said I "must" have gone through an exhaustive subscription process involving me visiting there website, subscribing, receiving a confirmation email with a personal pin (how cute), and then entering that pin on there website. Then Voila! I would be blessed with there Hip-hop updates service, oh goody. Well, I explained to the gal that I couldn't remember ever spending an hour of my time with their subscription process, as, shocking as it might be, I don't even like hip-hop music!! Pardon me, maybe I am loosing my mind and memory...
This company should be sued...put out of business. And by the way, why hasn't verizon and Alltel put a general block on Ringaza sending text messages to their company as CLEARLY, they are SCAMMING THEIR CUSTOMERS!!
February 28, 2009
Unauthorized text messages
Received my cellphone bill today with over $21 in "premium" text message charges that turned out to be Ringaza. They got my cell number from completing an "IQ" test off of Facebook. Guess who's the idiot. At no time did this company say they were going to charge premium text services.
February 20, 2009
I got a text that I had been signed up for some kind of ringtones and such and I did not authorize this in any way!!! When I finally got it cancelled, the membership, I am still out $10.00. I can not get a hold of the people at all. All the websites they give are not there and I can't get my money back at all!! They are awful and should be avoided at all costs!!! The thing is, I did not want or ask for this service!!! I don't know how they got my cell number.
February 16, 2009
unwanted text messages
I was being sent text messages on my cell phone that I did not ask for or sign up for and was being charged for them.
February 5, 2009
charges on my phone bill
Text messages started appearing on my phone and I started to just erase them and then I replied to not send them again and I was charged $9.99 for two different messages, I then realized I had to call these rip off artists to discontinue something I didn't start. I didn't know I was being charged $20 until I got my bill. What a bunch of crooks!
December 1, 2008
free ringtones
I cansled as soon as i relisd i had be charged for what was supost to be free ringtone . Of course i didnt get my money back but they said i could have my free 10 ringtones .Which they have made it imposbile to get them. I have been tring for almost a month and still have not got them i have e-mailed them several time NO RINGTONE HAVE BEEN SENT TO MY PHONE. P>S I WONT MY RINGTOPNES B_KAY MORALES
November 16, 2008
my phone
I was subcribed to something without my knowlegde and how is that possible? When someone subcribes to something dont they have to sign up or call in electronically do something? How can they do this? My cel phone bill was disrupted by the ignorance of a fowl company and they should no longer be here! Whowill pay for this and y is this happening? I dont understand this is a scam and a bad one!!! I am appalled by this and the better business bureau need to know this or some place for the flaws of this unproductive company thank you and have a nice day.