Rite Aid
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Category: Lifestyle
Contact Information 9810 Apollo Dr , Largo, Maryland, United States
Phone number: 301-322-9027
Rite Aid Reviews
September 24, 2010
Rite Aid advertises prices in the store and when you get to the cash register the price charged is not the advertised sale price, but up to $1 more. This has happened to me several times and I catch it and they blame it on corporate. The cashier states that the corporation sends them the sales prices, and that all of the upc coding that is scanned at the register is through corporate and that they have no control of it. Perhaps if the manager of the store notified corporate about this problem it could be fixed. I shop here due to the fact that it is close to my home, but I can certainly make other arrangements. Another shopper who was in line before me caught this happening while purchasing a completely different product today and so I have concluded that this is a practice that is perpetrated often and probably goes unnoticed by many customers, and ends up making a lot of money for either corporate, or the store in question. It is a shame that we can not even count on our local drugstore to charge the advertised price unless we are hyper-vigilante about checking the receipt while still trying to be courteous to the customers in line behind us. I believe that Rite Aid counts on this. Shame!
September 24, 2010
false advertising
Rite Aid advertises prices in the store and when you get to the cash register the price charged is not the advertised sale price, but up to $1 more. This has happened to me several times and I catch it and they blame it on corporate. The cashier states that the corporation sends them the sales prices, and that all of the upc coding that is scanned at the register is through corporate and that they have no control of it. Perhaps if the manager of the store notified corporate about this problem it could be fixed. I shop here due to the fact that it is close to my home, but I can certainly make other arrangements. Another shopper who was in line before me caught this happening while purchasing a completely different product today and so I have concluded that this is a practice that is perpetrated often and probably goes unnoticed by many customers, and ends up making a lot of money for either corporate, or the store in question. It is a shame that we can not even count on our local drugstore to charge the advertised price unless we are hyper-vigilante about checking the receipt while still trying to be courteous to the customers in line behind us. I believe that Rite Aid counts on this. Shame!
September 10, 2010
Employee Mistreatment/Slander
So My Wife Was Working For This Rite Aid For About 5 Years. She Started As A Cashier And After 3 Years Worked Her Way Up To A Shift Manager. Midway through Her Employment They Changed Management, New Store Manager, And Assistant Manager. Everything Was Fine Until My Wife Got Pregnant. One Instance She Was Working And Was Feeling Weak And Dizzy, She Went To The Multi-care Clinic In The Store And The Nurse Sent Her To The Hospital. Her Mom Pretty Much Had To Carry Her Out The Door. She Went To The Emergency Room And As She Was Being Seen The Assistant Manager Called Her And Yelled At Her For Leaving And Not Telling Anyone, Even Though She Told Another Manager On Duty She Was Going. She Then Demanded That My 6 Month Pregnant Wife That's Having Complications With Her Pregnancy Return To Work And Finish Her Shift. Yeah No. There Were Several Occasions Where They Would Make Her Work A 9-10 Hour Shift Without Any Breaks. They Made Her Work Night Shifts As The Only Manager On Duty Thus Making It Impossible To Use The Restroom, Which Was Located At The Opposite End Of The Store. The Assistant Manager Has Called Me At My Work Yelling At Me And Accusing Me Of Lying About My Wife's Whereabouts, Which Almost Got Me Fired. They Called Her Lazy At Work And Gave Her The Most Difficult Mundane Jobs That They Could Possibly Find For Her To Do. When She Did Use The Restroom, She Would Give Her Only Employee On The Night Shift Her Manager Code For Return Approvals And Such Because You Cant Hear The Intercom From The Restroom. She Changed The Code As Soon As She Was Finished. They Were Doing A Big Investigation On The Store For Theft, So They Interrogated All The Employees Like They Were Criminals. They Made Her Confess To Giving Out Her Code, which Has Nothing To Do With Stealing. So They Fired Her, Conveniently 3 Days Before Her Due Date And Delivery. So There Was No Maternity Leave For Her. So She Filed For Unemployment. She Was Denied For Breaking Company Policy. She Didn't Know She Wasn't Allowed To Give Out Her Code Because All The Other Managers And The Assistant Manager herself Was Doing It. Funny How The Ready To Pop Mom To Be Is The Only One That Got Canned. Nevertheless We Fought Unemployment. In Washington, The Employer Pays Your Unemployment Benefits, So They Aren't Trying To Pay. So After 6 Months Of Appeals And Tons Of Phone Calls Later, We Got To Talk To A Judge And Have A Hearing. We Gave Our Case, The Corporation Gave Theirs, And That A Hole That Interrogated Her Like A POW Was On The Line As Well. Well Sorry Rite Aid, (Not Really!) We Won. Thanks For The 3, 200 Bucks. Now Shes Been Trying To Find Work For About 6 Months And No One Will Hire Her. When I Say Nobody I Mean Nobody. She Worked At Rite Aid For 5 Years. Great Work History, 1 Job For So Long. That's Good. But Not Good Enough. Some Places She Sends Her resume To E Mail Her Back 5 Minutes Later Telling Her She Didn't Get The Job. But The Add Stays. We're Beginning To Think That Rite Aid May Be Slandering Her Name When They Call Her Only Work Reference. What Can We Do?
September 7, 2010
Hello, I am an avid rite aid shopper. i purchase almost all of my bath, cleaning, medicine and some food supply there, and i have been for years. I have a wellness card and also decided to take advantage of the weekly coupons i get in the mail. i spent a lot of time reading the catalogue and cutting out coupons. Unfortunately, i ended up wasting a lot of time and expending too much energy and frustration. I shopped and gathered my "sale" items for about an hour and waited on a long line because there weren't enough workers tending to the registers. I got to the register and found that almost all of my supposed "sale" items were actually full priced. The coupons were completely wrong. I still have the receipt to prove it. The catalogue said things like, buy one get one free for certain body washes, kitty litter, rite gaurd deodarant etc. Some items were "2 for $4" such as Gillete shaving cream and febreeze. Turns out NONE of these things were on sale and I had to put EVERYTHING back. Also, I had my doctor write me a prescription for rite aid instead of walgreens so i could take advantage of the $25 giftcard. Once again, the gift card was only for NJ residents over age 65. THIS WAS NOT WRITTEN IN THE FINE PRINT. i also have that coupon to prove it. I am very frustrated and annoyed that i wasted so much time doing these things and got nothing out of it except frustration. Can someone please explain to me why this happened? Thank you. My email is [email protected]
August 29, 2010
Racist Shift Supervisor
So I went to several Rite Aids today.. and after two that didn't have what I wanted in stock, finally the third one had mostly what I wanted. So I have my cart full of Gains, Pantene, Nivea body washes, etc, and headed to the register with my coupons. I get there and handed my card and waited for her to scan all my items. I then handed her my coupons, with my $4/$20 VV on top. She separates all the coupons to match them to the items and then says that I can't use the Boudreaux's VV $3 coupon with my $2 manufacturer's coupon because that would exceed the selling price $3.99. I didn't want to argue about that so I said fine just use the $3 one then. She scans the rest and I said you forgot the $4/$20 VV. She starts to get pissed and asks what that is like she didn't know what a $20 purchase meant and why didn't I give her that first? I said I put that on top of the stack! She then prints out the receipt and complains that she would have to cancel the whole transaction and start over. I said fine, I don't want them anymore, give me my coupons back. She throws them at me very rudely and I start to count them to make sure I get all of them back. Meanwhile, she says, "It's always YOU PEOPLE. You CHINESE people always want free stuff." If that is not ignorant and racist I don't know what is. I storm out of there with my coupons. My only mistake was not getting her name. But I know she was the shift supervisor there so I will be making a call to customer service first thing in the morning. I don't understand how she can have a job in that position and treat customers without any respect!
Gay K.
August 28, 2010
Rude Pharmacist
Back in May I went through drive through of the local Rite Aid. My daughter was with me. I ordered a prescription for Diabetis medicine.
It was Humilog 70/30. First time using my insurance card. They said it will be $40. I said with my card it is that much. They said yes. I told them I didn't have the money and left. On my way home my daughter said call them when you get home and see what costs the $40? I called them and talked to the head pharmacist. He said the needles is what cost the most. the insulin is $8. So I told him I would get the insulin only and not the needles for I was using the little hypodermic 3 cc needles. I knew I could buy them real cheap. My husband went to the drug store and picked up the insulin. Paid $8 for it. I purchased my needles at Walmart. It is on record there.
The following month I called to order my prescription and he said the insulin is $40. I said how can it be? You only charged me $8 last month. He argued with me and told me I didn't pay $8 for the insulin and that I paid $40 for it and bought needles and other medicine.
I didn't save the receipt for I wasn't expecting this. He argued with me and said somebody picked up other medicines he can show me the cash register print out. I said no one here got any other medicine. We argued about it. He said do you want me to transfer your prescriptions. I said we'll see. I hung up. He charged it to the insurance company but I didn't know how to tell them about it for i couldn't prove what went on. i never got any medicine from them again and I transferred my daughters medicine out of there which was over $400 a month. My hubby didn't get hs medicine form there either. I will not use Rite Aid with that rude pharmicist in there.
Gaynell Kirk
Hatin' Rite Aid
August 16, 2010
Horrible Cashiers!!
I was verbally assaulted by a Rite Aid cashier on the evening of 08/14/2010 at store # 1430 in Belpre Ohio.
A few minutes after I walked into the store with my coupon basket, Edna, who was hanging price tags, looked at me & said "Oh no. Are you going to have a 'buttload' of coupons?" I told her that I would be using just a few coupons that night. She walked away & left me thinking that she was annoyed over my coupon use. I continued to shop & take my time gathering items for two transactions. I got out the coupons I would need, & laid them in two piles. As I began to place my first transaction on the counter, Edna stated that "We have a new policy. You need to show me every item & every coupon before I ring anything up." I laid out each item, showed her the coupon I intended to use for each item, & then I laid each coupon on it's corresponding item. I then showed her my $5 off $25 Rite Aid coupon & asked that she be sure to scan that one before any other coupons. She did, but in the middle of the transaction, she glanced over at the coupons for my next transaction & said, "I can't let you use that other $5 off $25 coupon because this one says one per customer." I said "That's not correct. Rite Aid policy allows me to use multiples, as long as they're in separate transactions." I then showed her the coupon & that it was completely different.
I decided to step back & let other customers go ahead of me, so I could get out my Rite Aid coupon policy & find the section that states customers can use more than one total purchase coupon. I tried to show it to her & she said that she couldn't use mine, only the one in the store. I said to her "Could you get it? I'm sure it must be the same as mine since it's off of RiteAid.com." That's when she lost it.
Edna began to get loud & shrill & started yelling at me that SHE knows the policy & then two other cashiers, Doletta & a young blonde with no uniform or nametag, came over to see what was going on. Edna stated to me that they all got a memo & she got yelled at about coupons & that HER copy was at home. I asked her if there was a copy that stays at the store & she said, "Of course." I said "Can you please get it." Doletta listened to Edna yelling at me, & then Doletta told me the same thing as Edna & that they weren't going to get the policy & I said "It doesn't make sense that I can earn three different Video Values coupons for $5 off $25 if I can only ever use one." All this time, Edna is SCREAMING at me. She said the policy was different now. I said "I know. I have a copy of the changes." The only other witness in the store is Edna's husband, who walked in & went behind the counter at first. Then all three began telling me how wrong I was & I asked them to call the district manager. They said "It's almost 9 o'clock on a Saturday & we're not calling him." I said that I would be making a complaint about this the first chance I got & then they REALLY lost it! Edna yelled even louder about how Roxanne no longer worked there because I had sent a complaint about her, which is not entirely true. I read her name tag aloud, then Doletta's, & I asked the girl who was not wearing one what her name was. She held up empty hands & said "I guess I don't have one (a name)." She was my cashier on my prior shopping trip. Her cashier number is 1430-8344.
At this point, with Edna yelling & blonde girl talking, I barely heard Doletta when she said "Are you going to leave?" I said "Yes, but I have this other stuff to buy." Doletta picked up the phone, & I thought she was calling the District Manager to ask about the coupon. I was shocked when I heard her telling the POLICE that she told me several times to leave & I had refused & they couldn't get me out. COMPLETE LIE!
I said (loudly enough to be overheard on the phone) "That's not true. This is the first time anyone said to leave." After she hung up, I overheard blonde girl quietly say to Doletta "If she forgets to leave the other stuff, we'll get her for shoplifting, too." Of course, I was completely flustered, but never forgot that I still had things in my cart. I went to the register near the front & started putting the unpaid things on the counter. Doletta said "You can't buy those things NOW. There's no cash drawer in this register." I told her "I know that. I'm NOT buying this stuff." I had to stand & wait for Edna to unlock the door. As I was leaving & she closed the door, she called me a "Stupid fucking bitch."
I waited a few minutes in my car for the police, but they never showed up, so I left.
I somehow managed to keep my temper through all of this & did not utter one single curse word. I feel abused & assaulted. Naturally, I don't want to go where people are so hostile to me. I am treated very well at CVS & Walgreens & would rather spend my money there if things don't change at Rite Aid # 1430.
Abusive behavior from cashiers seems to be a pattern at store #1430. A few weeks ago, after I had sent an email about not getting my Up+ rewards, another cashier refused to wait on me & take my coupons, although the manager told her she had to. The manager had to wait on me because the other woman still refused. The woman proceeded to tell me that I'm a cheater for using coupons & that I was taking money out of her paycheck & I was "cheating" because my transaction ended up costing me much less after coupons. I stated that that didn't make sense, because Rite Aid chooses to have sale items that are free after Single Check Rebates & takes coupons for those items. She stated that people like me are the reason that R.A.'s revenues were down & that corporate could choose to close down her store, & she'd lose her job & in turn, her paycheck. My thinking is that if I no longer wish to go there, & prefer to take my business elsewhere due to her personal attack & if I were to complain to corporate, that is a far more likely reason for her to lose her job. I considered sending an email complaint & it still eats at me when I think about it, but so far I tried to chalk it up to everyone has a bad day.
A few days after that incident, the cashier # 1430-8344 waited on me. I came in for a couple 12 packs of soda & had no coupons. She did not greet me. She didn't tell me my total. She didn't tell me how much my change was. In fact, she refused to speak one single word to me.
I have spent over $500 on general merchandise at Rite Aid, just since signing up for the Wellness + card in May 2010 (It's mid-August 2010). When I spend that kind of money in that time period at one store chain, I think that entitles me to be treated decently. I don't know if anything could make me go back now. I love getting good deals, but not at this cost.
August 6, 2010
Don't honor coupons, rude
They're rude and they don't honor their own coupons. Rite Aid has coupons that allow you to TRANSFER a drug prescription to their store from another drug store and get a $25 gift card. However, they don't honor this coupon. They hide behind some excuse or other to not give you the $25 gift card once you transfer the script.
In my case, they claimed that they only gave the gift card if the prescription had been filled before at another drug store. I explained that their coupon doesn't say that; therefore, they should honor what the coupon DOES SAY. Nowhere on the coupon does it say that it is only valid on refills. I explained that once a prescription is only able to be filled at their store, and not the store where the prescription was dropped off, then that prescription has been TRANSFERRED. If they are interested in changing the English language so that "transfer" means "refill, " then they have bigger problems than printing false coupons and pissing off half their customers.
Both the pharmacist and his assistant laughed in my wife's face and snapped at her and me rudely as if we were doing something wrong and not they. When we left in utter disgust, I called the pharmacist and he was a bigger idiot on the phone than he was in person.
I called their customer service department and talked to "Bob" (yeah, right!) and I explained what happened. He reiterated that the company policy was a shift in the English language whereby RiteAid considers "refills" to be "transfers." I explained the tenants of the English language to him, and asked him if he cared that his coupons were stating a bald-faced lie to every RiteAid customer. He flatly stated that he did not care, so I laughed at him and hung up on him.
My recommendation is that every person who reads this email steal from RiteAid every time they walk in the store. I mean, you can change the word "theft" to "purchased, " because RiteAid is in favor of applying the standard definition of one word to another, completely different word. I'm sure they would approve since they do the same thing.
RiteAid doesn't deserve to be business. They hire complete morons who can't figure out that the blame lays with their own company printing false coupons and not their customers. I say we all work together to shut these idiots down. How do we do this? Tell your stories and the others you've read about. Tell every person you know. Don't visit their stores unless you can do it so that it's a complete loss to their bottom line. In any way you can think of, chip away at their pretense of business power. Do something, and then do something else. Do something tangible every single day to undermine and weaken RiteAid's structure.
July 24, 2010
Short tempered Manager
I was in the store today trying to return an Item and the cashier ( which was new) tried paging the manager to no avail. When he did finally come to the counter, he was very abrupt and short with the cashier in front of all the customers. I know it made her feel bad. I was angry for having to wait such a long time. This manager needs to learn how to control his anger and frustration in front of customers. He also needs to learn how to respect his employees and talk to them decently with out snapping at them. This is not the first time I have seen this reaction in regards to the Manager. I do not want to have to deal directly with him again.
July 20, 2010
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
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