Dropped off digitized artwork with Wolf Camera for processing by Benjamin Studios to create a portrait of my great-grandfather. Although they were supposed to get back to me within 72 hours, I didn't hear from them for a month. When I called Wolf they bounced me to Benjamin Studios who claimed to have not received the order. Subsequently BS "found" the order and produced a proof of the artwork which I told them was unacceptable because the reproduced image did not resemble the original.
I asked for a refund and was told that I was not due one because they had performed according to the contract I signed. When I read the fine print in detail I saw that I had agreed to pay for whatever they delivered whether it was acceptable or not.
I figured "no problem, I can always file a dispute with Visa". Boy was I wrong. Visa will not accept a dispute because of the terms and conditions on the receipt I signed so my only resolution is to accept a portrait that does not resemble the one I gave them to work from.