Today as in so many days of my life, I was putting ingredients in my crock pot so dinner would be ready when we got home. I first put in a box of stuffing mix, about a cup of onions and celery frozen, and then chicken drumsticks from the fridge.
The chicken was completely thawed and the crock pot was at room temperature as was the lid. I placed the lid on the pot and was going to turn it on after I removed the eggs I was cooking from the skillet. Before I could do that there was a loud "pop" and I looked over and the lid on the crockpot had imploded. The handle of the lid was laying on top of the chicken as well as many pieces of glass from the middle. The rest of the glass was shattered like a windshield and still within the lid frame. This of course ruined my plans for dinner so I went online to try to find a place to voice my concern. I could not find a customer service link or anything, but I did find a lot of complaints from other owners anywhere from handles breaking off to almost catching their kitchens on fire. I have depended on this utensil(this one is 2 years old) or one like it to have food ready for my family for many years. Now I am afraid to use it after reading all the horror stories. Somebody should look into this item and make sure it is safe to use, before a tragedy occurs. Thank you for letting me voice my concerns.