Riverstone Residential Group

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Vancouver, Washington, United States

Phone number: 3608528302

Riverstone Residential Group Reviews

dan holland March 26, 2011
manager refuses to deal with a serious parking problem...she has been told several times that a certain car is being stored in our parking lot (not moved in several weeks) yet it continues to sit there in the same spot today..she also let a person store his van in a disabled parking space for two months...my most recient complaint was that
a neighbor was doing drugs, and as of today she has not reported it to the police.is she lazy or ?????
Lourdes Berberena October 26, 2010
Unfair bussiness practice
About 4 yrs. ago I moved to University Walk Apt.. At the time of the moving the lady in charge of the rental off. told me that i needed a co-signature, because I was not making enough money to be on my owm. I ask my mother, and she co-signed with me. Recently I was forced to move out of the apt. because I lost my job ( actually I was Evited) About 2 wks. ago, my mother recieves a letter yelling her that se has to pay $1488.50. My mother called Riverstone and spoke with Kevin Parker, very rude and disrespectful. He inform my mother that she was the one that needed to pay, she gave him my address and phone number, but I was never contacted. Now from the previous amt. everything went up to $3128.50, and they don't want to make any payment plan. They only want to agee to $525.00 a mth. which I can't afford. I'm a single mother of 2 girls, I don't receive any child support, and the way it is I don't even make enough to pay for my debts. Now they are telling my mother, that if she dosen't pay they are going to come after her employer to garnish her paycheck, and make imposible for her to rent in the future. What can I do? Can someone help me? These people have no mercy.
Frustrated Tenant May 17, 2010
Lack of maintenace service
Electricity went off in the garages sometime during the week. We discovered the problem late Monday afternoon when we were going to put groceries into our freezer. Thats when we discovered no power going to the freezer and no lights. A neighbor said they called the emergency number twice on a Saturday.

Trying to reach the area managers - the regional managers - or national executives is impossible.

Contacted the manager who said to call the emergency number. Called the number and and still no call back. 72 hours and still no response. It's a good thing something's not on fire.

Very poor property managers that care little about walking the property to see if everything is o.k.

I suggest finding other properties managed by some other big company, but there are few that care for anything except the rent.
Chadwick Meyer May 6, 2010
Mold Complaint led to Retaliatory Eviction
We discovered a severe mold problem on the walls behind our daughter's beds in the winter of 2008. We reported the problem, they "cleaned" it, but never took steps to address the clear cause. Despite a year and a half of promises to do something about the lack of insulation in the external walls, which causes condensation to form when the warm interior air meets the cold wall, they took no action. And in the end, they sent us a dismissive letter ignoring our real complaint about the walls and talking about "condensation on the windows" which is a minor problem totally not responsible for the mold issues that we experienced. When we pointed out how they totally disregarded our documented complaint, we received a 60 day eviction notice a few weeks later.

My family of four (2 daughters age 3 and 5) have been living in an apartment owned by Riverstone Residential Group (Carmel House Apartments, Walnut Creek CA) and we've had a severe mold problem for a year and a half. We discovered during the winter of 2008 that the walls behind our daughter's headboards were thick with black mold. This is caused by the fact that there is no insulation in the external walls, so in the winter the inside of the external walls is very cold. When the warm interior air touches the cold wall, natural condensation occurs and the walls get wet (as does the carpet up to 12" away from the wall). If any furniture is within 12" of the wall, it restricts air movement and mold forms quickly. It doesn't matter if you leave the windows open, to "air out" the apartment. As long as the air inside is warm, it contains moisture that condenses on the walls.

We complained and they quickly came and cleaned up the mold (which was about 3 square feet, and thick, behind both daughter's headboards). We didn't have a chance to take pictures unfortunately. They promised to do something about it, but after a year and a half of false promises and inaction, the management sent us a letter saying that the "the problem with condensation on the windows" was normal and they weren't going to do anything about it. We were beyond frustrated by this blatant avoidance of the issue. We told them and contractors over and over again about the problem with condensation on the walls. We have 2 documented letters we sent to them, describing the problem, and specifically stating the problem is not the windows, but the walls. So we sent another letter explaining that they are ignoring the problem and just trying to avoid responsibility. A few months later we got a 60 day eviction notice. No stated reason. We will simply not be allowed to renew our lease (despite being model tenants with no complaints against us). Under normal circumstances that would be retaliatory eviction, but since our lease is up, they don't have to renew it and presumably are legally allowed to kick us out without any reason.

We know of 3 other neighbors (left, right, and above) who have had the exact same problem with mold brought on by condensation due to the lack of insulation in the walls. When I complained about being evicted they told me that they weren't evicting us, they were just concerned about our health and so that's why they won't renew the lease. At the same time, they told me that the contractors that investigated the problem said it would cost only $700 to fix the problem and blow in insulation, but "they weren't convinced that it would really solve the problem" so they didn't want to "set a precedent" (so they'll do nothing at all, even though they admitted there was a problem). They were "afraid of opening a can of worms", if they fixed our apartment, saying, "where would it end, we might have to fix others." Simultaneously they told me that it wasn't a problem with any other units (a lie). But if it wasn't a problem, then why would they worry about having to fix other units? And if they cared about our health as their "primary concern" then why don't they care about the the next tenants who will live in this same apartment after we leave?

It's all beyond absurd. They told me they would reconsider the eviction this past week, and my family waited anxiously, sick to our stomachs about the prospect of having to uproot the home we've made here the past 2 years, leave our friends and neighbors, move schools, look for another place to live that we can afford, etc. And after a week, they still hadn't given us word, despite my asking every day. So I called Sarah Fulk, the regional manager, and she said they had consulted with their lawyers and determined that they would not allow us to renew our lease. Evidently they know how weak the law is on tenants rights and figure it's cheaper to kick us out and face a lawsuit then to do the right thing.

I'm planning on contacting a lawyer, as well as circling a flyer to all the residents here explaining what the company is doing to us and how little they value the health and welfare of the tenants. And asking them to sign a petition to demand that they address the mold problem and insulate the walls. Also a second petition demanding that they allow us to renew our lease for as long as we are good tenants (we have no complaints, have a great relationship with the property manager and all our neighbors). I'm also going to tell our story to anyone who will listen, to discredit their name undermine their business wherever possible. I doubt it will have any effect, but what more can you do. It's unjust and evil.
EyeWeToddDid April 6, 2010
Invalid Billing upon Move-Out
Had no problems during my stay at the Parks at Hunter's Creek, but once I moved out I received what was called a Move-Out Statement reflecting erroneous charges. It was not even itemized saying what each charge was for. After numerous complaints for them to submit a correct billing statement, they turned it over to a collection agency that uses illegal practices subject to violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. I even provided them a clear cut spreadsheet showing what I should have paid after discussions with the leasing office management. This practice of improper billing could be considered fraudulent because they keep forwarding what they consider valid. Just be wary of what is to come and ensure you visit the leasing office to validate what they are going to charge you.
NO to riverstone February 24, 2010
Illegal business practices
I lived in one of the over 200, 000 properties managed by the Riverstone Residential Group. Riverstone is the flagship third-party management group for CAS Partners.
The below quote is an excerpt from a page on their website: www.riverstoneres.com/credit

"CAS Screening & Riverstone Receivables (CAS SRR) enables maximum profitability through its unique credit screening services, and ensures a high rate of recovery for Riverstone Residential Group's accounts receivable."

I am here to let the unsuspecting renter know how this huge corporation takes advantage of the "common man" - the "little people" tenants just like you and me. Tenants who move into Riverstone Residential managed properties. Incidentally, tenants will most likely not even know who Riverstone Residential Group is - not until the tenants receive THE LETTER. This letter arrives several weeks after tenants move out and will contain a list of phony charges including everything from mold removal, carpet replacement, painting, fixture replacement, appliance repair and replacement, carpet replacement, and so forth.

The Raleigh, NC property where I lived is over 20 years old. The apartment had leaky windows and drainage problems, among other things. The windows and the window ledges grew mold. While living there, I found it necessary to keep a spray bottle filled with a solution of Clorox and water. I frequently and repeatedly sprayed and wiped up mold. Complaints about mold were useless. In fact, I was treated as if the mold didn’t exist. The leasing office was dismissive and said, “Well, when you see window moisture soak it up.” Their maintenance people told me to spray with Clorox. Perhaps Riverstone’s Corporate Policy is to act as if mold doesn’t exist.

However, several weeks after I moved out, I received THE LETTER. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was being charged for mold removal (plus other things not yet described). While living there I took pictures of the ever-present mold. I took pictures of the mouse feces. I took pictures of the drainage problems. I took pictures of the nasty AC unit and the black mold on an interior two-by-four. I collected a library of pictures. All the windows leaked. These windows are not regular size; they are floor-to-ceiling and are attractive. When a tenant moves in, the windows are clean. But soon, these structures start growing fungus. So you investigate. You look deeper. You peer into the cracks and see black mold. You get a magnifying glass and inspect the painted ledges; and during this examination of the dips, nooks, crannies, and corners, black mold is found. You open the windows and inspect the seals, and you see mold and dirt. You wonder how dirt got up onto the window ledges that are a foot off the ground. Then you remember
“THE POND.” This “pond” is located immediately outside the apartment, inches away from the moldy windows. But, this “pond” only appears after a heavy rain or snow.

Next you inspect the kitchen herb window. Both rust and mold are growing in and around the ledges, corners, cracks, and screws. With your camera in hand, you take pictures and macro pictures (close ups). Somewhere in your mind, you know this issue could be unhealthy.

Reader, my complaints are extensive. It is a story I continue to write. My next chapter called, Mouse Feces in the Oven, Cabinets, and Drawers, is a roller-coaster ride of frustration and anger. My Clorox and water solution came in real handy.

Be warned. If you are moving into a property managed by Riverstone Residential Group, you can not be too careful. And really, you should look eleswhere.
NO to riverstone February 24, 2010
illegal business practices
I lived in one of the over 200, 000 properties managed by the Riverstone Residential Group. Riverstone is the flagship third-party management group for CAS Partners.
The below quote is an excerpt from a page on their website: www.riverstoneres.com/credit

"CAS Screening & Riverstone Receivables (CAS SRR) enables maximum profitability through its unique credit screening services, and ensures a high rate of recovery for Riverstone Residential Group's accounts receivable."

I am here to let the unsuspecting renter know how this huge corporation takes advantage of the "common man" - the "little people" tenants just like you and me. Tenants who move into Riverstone Residential managed properties. Incidentally, tenants will most likely not even know who Riverstone Residential Group is - not until the tenants receive THE LETTER. This letter arrives several weeks after tenants move out and will contain a list of phony charges including everything from mold removal, carpet replacement, painting, fixture replacement, appliance repair and replacement, carpet replacement, and so forth.

The Raleigh, NC property where I lived is over 20 years old. The apartment had leaky windows and drainage problems, among other things. The windows and the window ledges grew mold. While living there, I found it necessary to keep a spray bottle filled with a solution of Clorox and water. I frequently and repeatedly sprayed and wiped up mold. Complaints about mold were useless. In fact, I was treated as if the mold didn’t exist. The leasing office was dismissive and said, “Well, when you see window moisture soak it up.” Their maintenance people told me to spray with Clorox. Perhaps Riverstone’s Corporate Policy is to act as if mold doesn’t exist.

However, several weeks after I moved out, I received THE LETTER. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was being charged for mold removal (plus other things not yet described). While living there I took pictures of the ever-present mold. I took pictures of the mouse feces. I took pictures of the drainage problems. I took pictures of the nasty AC unit and the black mold on an interior two-by-four. I collected a library of pictures. All the windows leaked. These windows are not regular size; they are floor-to-ceiling and are attractive. When a tenant moves in, the windows are clean. But soon, these structures start growing fungus. So you investigate. You look deeper. You peer into the cracks and see black mold. You get a magnifying glass and inspect the painted ledges; and during this examination of the dips, nooks, crannies, and corners, black mold is found. You open the windows and inspect the seals, and you see mold and dirt. You wonder how dirt got up onto the window ledges that are a foot off the ground. Then you remember
“THE POND.” This “pond” is located immediately outside the apartment, inches away from the moldy windows. But, this “pond” only appears after a heavy rain or snow.

Next you inspect the kitchen herb window. Both rust and mold are growing in and around the ledges, corners, cracks, and screws. With your camera in hand, you take pictures and macro pictures (close ups). Somewhere in your mind, you know this issue could be unhealthy.

Reader, my complaints are extensive. It is a story I continue to write. My next chapter called, Mouse Feces in the Oven, Cabinets, and Drawers, is a roller-coaster ride of frustration and anger. My Clorox and water solution came in real handy.

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