Cross Country contracts out providers throughout the country. One of there providers ( Keyhole Roadside Assistance ), based out of Richardson Tx is rampant with such unconscionable activity. It has been discovered
that there are over 13 drivers-mgmt- and OWNER who are registered sex offenders.
Cross Country has been made aware of this which has resulted in little or no action. We have hired a private investigator to look into these matters and have found that some of the drivers are moved around to various cities ( Dayton Oh, Dallas Tx, Atlanta Ga ). In the case of Dayton and Dallas it was found that most of the drivers are illegal immigrants.Below you will find links to verify these claims:
Mr. Pawson is the owner of Keyhole Roadside Assistance.
It has also been found out that one of the the drivers victimized a youth that was a customer to Keyhole. They are no longer employed but what is frightening is the continued practice of this company to subject society to such dangerous people. This is likely the result of
the mental state of ownership since there is affinity there.
Our organization seeks to protect society with knowledge of the potential encounters of known sex offenders. This is done in various outlets. In the case with Keyhole-Cross Country and all of their
partnerships it is determined that a fully dedicated website is in development to be revealed to allow people to see the dangers in an having an auto club that is in accord of such endangerment.
I advise you to contact your automobile company and cross country to tell them you do not want keyhole roadside assistance serving you, they should terminate their contract with them altogether.