Recently crime is in rise in ghana.
Robbers are targetting foreigners mercilessly.
in last week alone one Italian was murdered mercilessly. His head was slashed in 2 pcs. he died instantly.
It was done in front of his wife and children.
Girls local and foreigners are raped in front of thier husbands, families.
I am wondering monies/donation which ghana is getting from the west is not invested on its people.
pressure should be put on the government to secure the interest of foreigners.
I like President Obama should bring clear messege to PRESIDENT ATTA MILLS to eliminate crime from the society.
52 years of indepenence and ghana is still uncivilized nation.
majority of locals are lazy and greedy.
I request western countries pls put pressure on ghana to change otherwise it will be too late for ghana.
I have seen leaders who dont act responsible then God's wrath will destroy that nation.