If you want to know more about the idiot who put up a site under my name...GOOGLE robertkrutko and read in disbeleif as I did...this guy has a head full of bad wiring...LMFAO...lol...I don't know what this idiots problem is...but apparently he is so desperate
to find another good captain to exploit, that he had another drunk buddy purchase a web site (note the date of the submission) to try to degrade me.
So lets start from the beginning. I applied for a captains job aboard a charter boat in key west
called Afternoon Delight. The man I met with was Al King. He claimed to be the owner of the boat and a licensed capt. Turned out he was neither. His brother owns the boat and does not care that Al King uses his boat to scam unsuspecting tourists who simply want to catch some fish. During my 2 weeks working with Al King, he received several complaints from people he took hundreds of dollars from, yet produced nothing. In fact, if one person got sea sick, he insisted that we return them to the dock and call it a day (while keeping ALL their money), he considered that a good day.
When Al King smashed the boat into the Hyatt Hotel dock (almost hitting two people in the water in the swimming area)...I walked off the boat and quit. I told him to keep his money, I didn't even want to be paid by such a "rip-off artist" My concience could not permit me to be a part of a scam artists profit making.
Fast forward a couple of years; I see an ad in the paper for a captain. I call. I recognize the voice...its Al King. I tell him "I have worked for you before...you rip off your costomers and keep all the tip money for yourself, and make the unsuspecting employee do all of the boat work while you sit around and drink...thanks...but no thanks"
Well Al King called me back several times trying to get me to accept the job. I continued to tell him I was not interested, and to please leave me alone. I thought it was over. Apparently he has some misguided under achieving goofball (Robert Krutko) who called and threatend to open a web site under my name name. Apparently anyone can do this to anyone (if you know their name). So..."what ever dude". I am not the one who can't find someone to work for me. I am not the one who has been run out of every decent slip in the harbour. I have a job. My next step is to contact the Florida marine patrol and inform them of the scam being perpetrated by Al King and the Fishing chater boat Afternoon Delight. He does not pay his slip fee's, and scams good fishermen out of their hard earned money. This web site is some ignorant persons feeble attempt to get even with me for simply turning down a job from a corrupt little man with bad intentions.
I have filed a police report with Key west Police for identity theft by Robert Krutko (08-6254). Again...lol...any questions?...go to
http://www.unitedyachts.us/, or simply Google Robert krutko.
It's self explainitory. I am done dignifying this guy's crap with a response. I have contacted an attorney (the same one who handled his other defimation suit). See ya soon Robert!!