I signed a 2 years contract from Rogers wireless cell phone. I paid $400 for the cell phone from my pocket. After 3 months of usage the service is really bad and most of my calls drop. I was really upset with the service for which i am paying $45-month. I called Rogers and one of their customer service guy told me that Rogers does not have lots of wireless towers (BTS) in my area and hence the service is bad.
I told customer service that i am paying $45-month for a really bad service. Rogers customer service guys also agreed that the Rogers wireless service in my area is bad, because of fewer base stations in this area.
After 1 hour of phone conversation with customer service i was directed to a Manager, who was totally refusing to help me. I spend another hour with this Manager and he was not even ready to help me at all, i am guessing that it might be their internal co-operate policy.
My concern is very simple either provide me the service i am paying for OR cancel my contract without any fines (because this is not my fault),
Rogers is totally ripping me off, by not giving me service for the money i am paying every month.
I just want to let other know that Rogers is totally after your money, hence think twice before signing any contracts with them.
NOTE: I wanted to talk to someone at higher level, but it is so hard to get any information. It seems that their information is very closed.