CALL: DET. BURNS - 562-698-6096
Call: SARGENT CAMPBELL - SFP -650-877-8918
U betcha I am upset. So are MANY victims in many states!!! REGARDING: RON WILLIAMS
He is still on the loose at this time 10/09! Help us all with any information you may have.
Between Nov 2003 and Mar 2004, Williams fraudulently obtained over $100, 000.00 in goods and services from several hotels and businesses throughout San Mateo, San Francisco, and Santa Clara counties. Williams has been described as a well-spoken and professional businessman. He sets up company accounts claiming that his “Board of Directors” will approve and pay outstanding balances within 45 days; however, Williams leaves the area and bills aren’t paid.
Williams was convicted on similar cases in Los Angeles County where he fraudulently identified himself as a U.S. Army representative and in Michigan where he fraudulently identified himself as an employee of the African Bead Museum in Detroit.
Recently he fabricated himself as a LAPD officer and a Film maker. Renting houses and subletting rooms for his fake non-profit- Children First Inc, never paying the owners a dime for months, and taking the Rental monies, and running. He is running Fake businesses in many states. ALL for the Cash and what he can get for FREE. Major CON ARTIST!
RON WILLIAMS continues to ruin and upheave the lives of many innocent victims, and anything he comes into contact with! ! EVERYTHING is FRAUD and LIES.
**PLEASE contact your local authorities ASAP and DETECTIVE BURNS!!