Rooms to Go
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Category: Home & Garden
Contact Information 26660 Interstate 45, The Woodlands, Texas, United States
Phone number: (281) 298-0247
Rooms to Go Reviews
Kim in Slidell
January 3, 2011
Horrible delivery service
I ordered a sofa and loveseat from Rooms to Go. The time frame of delivery was between 2pm-6pm. I waited home all day in case they came early. Yeah Right! At 6:40, I finally received the first call stating that the delivery would be made between 7 & 8 pm. (So much for 2-6pm, & I missed a 7pm appointment that I had scheduled). At 9pm, I had given up. I was told earlier that deliveries are never made after 9pm CST. I put my two young boys to bed, and I also fell asleep. at 9:45 PM, almost 10 o'clock at night, my doorbell rings. My whole house was woken up, and they were actually delivering my furniture at 10 PM!! The delivery guys said they had 18 deliveries in all, over 80 items, in 3 cities...all for two men in one day! Furthermore, they still had 2 more deliveries to make after mine! The supervisors at Rooms to Go acted concerned on the phone, but never bothered to return my call or my delivery fee as promised. I was told I could receive 25 dollars off! What an insult! I will never again order anything from Rooms to Go!
December 29, 2010
Horrible experience
We went into the store on 11/27/10 in search of a new bedroom. We actually love our current bed but not the rest of the room. Most of the current furniture that we have was purchased new in 1989. The bed was added a couple of years ago from a different set. It is dated, but solid. Unfortunately, it is not uniform (pieces didn't come from a set and therefore don't go together; different woods, finishes, etc). Thinking we might keep our existing bed, we were very indecisive about what we were looking for, etc. The salesman that helped us was patient and understanding. He did not pressure us into anything. We actually asked him at one point to give us time to look and talk among ourselves and we would find him when we had made up our minds (neither of us like high pressure sales people). He respected our wishes and left us alone. He did not even come backto check on us. I have nothing but good things to say about him.
After awhile, made up our minds and found our salesman. We piecemealed a bedroom together, everything except the bed. We did not select a 'package' deal on the entire room. We ordered a dresser/mirror, two night stands, a chest, and media center. Again, everything EXCEPT the bed. I had a nagging feeling about the quality of the furniture that we had picked out. Call me weird, but I often mentally judge the quality of furniture by how the drawers slide on the rails. Our current bedroom furniture is North Carolina built and solid as a tank. It has lasted 20+ years and will last at least another 20 more. The RTG furniture that we selected was rough and uneven on the tracks. The drawers looked and felt like they were built from 1/8" pressboard. It just felt CHEAP. Yet, our desire to have something new over rode that naggin feeling.
In the process, we found a new living room to boot. However, we didn't like the tables and lamps that came as part of the room.
We left the store with a partial order entered into the system but made it clear that we needed to finalize our plans on the tables and lamps. The total at that point (sans taxes, delivery, etc) was over $6000+.
Our credit card for the 'deposit' (to the tune of $550) was run that night. I did not know until later that it was 'run' (as in charged). I thought that would all go through once the order was completed.
We returned to the store a week later to complete the order. We had our 4 year old with us since we thought it would only take a few minutes (less than 30) to make some changes to the existing order. We had decided on different tables, etc to go with the living room furniture package. The tables that we selected were more expensive than what was included in the set so this was of course 'allowed'. Additionally, we had changed our minds on the bedroom furniture, deciding to get rid of our existing bed (selling on Craigslist, etc with the hopes to offset the additional money being spent at RTG) and going with an entire bedroom PACKAGE including the bed, but from a different set than we had originally choosen from.
At the time we went in (and still a current offer at the time of this writing), RTG is offering TV packages (which are actually gift cards to a different retailer to be used towards the purchase of a TV (or anything else)) that become valid 5 days after you take receipt of your furniture from RTG. We also need to replace our refrigerator so we were going to use this towards the purchase of a new refrigerator). The 'living room' we initially selected qualified for this promotion, so we had already been issued a card (not valid yet - but we had physical possession of the card). The new bedroom package that we moved to on our return visit also qualified (and offset the cost of the extra furniture). Because the gift card from the living room package had already been issued at the time of our initial visit, RTG was ADAMANT about updating the current order rather than deleting it and starting fresh with a new order.
At some point, the manager came over and pretty much booted our salesman who had patiently worked with us for about 4 hours during both the visits and took over the order update entry. The store manager treated our salesman in a very verbally demeaning way, which was quite embaraasing for both of us. There was problems deleting pieces, adding packages, changing this piece for that piece. At one point, the system started asking for the entry person (who at this point was the store manager) to swipe an HHGregg card, which had no relavancy to this order and which no one could figure out why it was asking for the HHGregg card or how to get around it.
3 HOURS later, I left the store again. My wife had already left with the 4 yr old to get food and a change of atmosphere. If you don't take the 'package' room as is, expect MAJOR hassels making adds/changes/deletions. If you have a order entered that has to be updated, expect even more MAJOR hassels. Their system doesn't seem to like doing anything 'outside the "box"' (meaning their pre-packaged sets). I thought the order had pretty much been completed at that point, and I left the store with a second invoice including an updated (increased) final price. The manager told me they would resolve the issue and complete the order later. I just thought this was a technicality. Basically, I left with the understanding that the paperwork that I had in my hand, which I had to sign 3 different times for, was FINAL and there was just a technical issue preventing the order from being submitted.
We had picked different tables (at a higher price than the ones in the set) and therefore the total went up as expected. I left the store with an updated invoice of about $6600 (again, sans taxes, delivery, etc). The difference in the invoices was about what we expected doing rough mental math.
I got a call the following week from the delivery schedule confirming our delivery date of 12/17.
On Monday, 12/13, I received a call from the sales person telling me that I had a balance due of almost another $700 dollars over the updated invoice that needed to be taken care of ASAP, otherwise, there would be no delivery as expected in four days.
I called the store but of course both the sales person as well as the manager who tried to update the order were both off. The manager that I did speak with did not know any of the details other than they needed me to take care of the 'balance owed'.
I went into the store today, 12/14. Our salesman was off but the original manager who updated (or tried to update) the order explained that they had used an incorrect SKU number from a different state, which is why the order was not taking in the system. They re-entered the order on Sat 12/4 after my 2nd visit and had a new total (not what I left the store with on 12/3) and I needed to pay the difference. After a fairly heated exchanged, with several uses of words and phrases like "unprofessional", "pitful customer service", etc. on my behalf, nothing changed. There was obviously no wiggle room. He made no apologies. He offered no concessions. To make matters worse, he has HORRIBLE interpersonal skills and could only pass blame onto the original salesman (even though he was the one who booted the salesman from the computer terminal and entered the updates himself) and make statements like "I'm trying to tell you" and "I'll be glad to deliver what is on the original order on Friday, but it is not what is on THIS (pointing to the new invoice with the $700 price increase).
I could tell my ONLY options were to cough up the difference or cancel the entire order. I chose the latter.
My wife was expecting new furniture for Christmas. It is NOT happening now.
I feel bad that our original salesman will not earn a commission that I think he earned and still deserves.
My charge card was run two weeks ago for a deposit to a non-finalized order which has since changed.
I had more credit 'extended' (which I will NOT use) with Rooms to Go which will make it difficult to go to a REAL furniture store and try and match what we had picked out.
But, personally it was the right decision to make. I feel like I have been victim of bait and switch and then deceptive selling or just pure gross incompetence (one or the other), all the while still worried that I was about to be in debt for well over $7000 (again, not including taxes and delivery, and NOT including the $550 deposit already charged over two weeks earlier after our first visit on 11/27) for furniture that my gut instinct told me was CHEAP and will NOT LAST. We would probably still be making payments on it long after it had fallen apart, broken etc. After reading the other reviews here, I think my gut instinct was right as usual.
Follow your instincts. I wish I had been smart enough to follow my own advice. Fortunately, bad, no, HORRIBLE business practices and customer service saved me from a very expensive mistake.
Sales Associate
November 29, 2010
A retail floor Sales Professional, as I have become to define it these last four decades, is the person having an enduring and relentless will to accept and persevere the repeated agony of customer’s disdain and impersonal rejection only to be occasionally eclipsed by the ecstasy of a consummation of a sale or going home blank, periodically followed by a cancellation thereof, whilst cognizant that you must be masochistic enough to endure the same experience numerous times each workday. Yet, despite all of this, you best remain enthusiastic with a smile on your face and the fortitude to voluntarily relive this cycle numerous times throughout the day.
The aforementioned notwithstanding, the Retail Floor Sales Professional is accountable for corporate set sales goals, appeasing the customer in any sales related issue and assuming blame in most cases when they are unhappy with your product or end result- regardless of who is to blame. The Sales Professional must sell the added products or services demanded of them without concern of its efficacy or usefulness. Failure to meet those requirements will find you revisiting the “Company Trainer” who sells less and probably knows even less than you as well. Retail Sales Professionals, more often than not, are managed by individuals incapable of accomplishing the very same goals, rules and demands required of you, (i.e. do as I say, not as I do syndrome).
You must have a thorough understanding of all your products, its features, advantages and benefits, aware of its respective availability and able to convey all of this information to the consumer at a moment's notice. You must stay current and adhere to all company policies, floor rules and front office procedures, and while you digest all of this, you best remain keenly aware of your surroundings so as not to allow your customer or you become prey for the vultures that are salivating and perching close by waiting to devour that customer you felt so sure would remain loyal.
Finally, you best document most conversations, invoices or quotes otherwise customers will throw you under the bus without thinking twice, you always being the culprit and at fault despite them suffering from "Terminal Convenient Amnesia". Remember customers hear only what they want to hear. You NEVER win, they NEVER lose.
November 4, 2010
Bad customer service
I recently bought two bedroom sets for my daughters and am disgusted with the overall experience I had spending almost $3, 000 with Rooms to go. The delivery/set up was not done right and pieces have been falling apart. Miserable experience dealing with customer service who remained "indifferent" to my issues. Basically told me they were sorry i was not satisfied and hoped they could help me in the future. How are they in business???? I have heard muktiple stories about their bad customer service. Stay away from their Disney bed sets...rose handles break off at the slightest touch...forget about pulling your trundle bed out. The quality is sooooooo terrible.
October 25, 2010
Didn't deliver on time
On July 30, 2010 I ordered a dinette set w/buffet. I was told I could not get delivery until Oct 8. I agreed to wait but asked at that time if they could not meet the delivery date could I cancel my order and receive my $255 deposit back. I was told that would not be a problem.
On Oct 6 I got a recorded message stating my delivery would arrive on Oct 8
On Oct 7 I received a call telling my my order could not be delivered because each piece was damaged. They wanted to reschedule delivery for Oct 22. I then spoke to the manager and was told it could not be delivered because it had not been received from overseas. Obviously someone was misinformed because I'm SURE they would NEVER LIE about it.
I told the manager I wanted to cancel the order and get a refund and was told he would issue a store credit. A store credit is not acceptable since I will not buy from Rooms to Go again. The manager was pretty rude and we hung up.
I called again on Oct 8 and spoke to a different manager, Kevin, who was much easier to deal with. I stated my case and asked if he would find out the real reason my delivery was not made and said I would be willing to wait if they were willing to negotiate with me. Today is Oct 11 and I'm still waiting for an answer. I'm hoping I don't have to go to the store to get someone to listen to me and give me an answer.
October 19, 2010
Rude customer service
We were charged a late charge on a bill that we did not receive until after the due date. When my girlfriend called the customer service was rude to her. When I called they were both rude and aggressive. They offered very little help and they actually had the nerve to raise their voices. Not that it would be right to do so, but they treated us like delinquents who never made payments; We have made every payment only they had processed the payment three after the due date. If you enjoy rude beligerent customer service then rooms to go is the furniture store for you.
October 11, 2010
Poor customer service
I see I am not along dealing with poor customer service at rooms to go. I spoke with Charlene Redish today who not provide me a supervisor as request and proceded to hang up on me. I called bacl and spoke with Vickey Wikens who said she was a supervisor. She informed me that there was notes of me cussing I denied this and ask her to play her recorded lines back - she advised me that sups are not recoreded. She told that I had cussed while talking to her per there notes. ( agreat slander cass in the making ) and I ask please provide example - she replied because I said I was pissed off. I informed her that is not cussing that is because I am mad at the rooms to gocustomer service. I also ask her for managment names - she refused and hung up on me. I was able to get the info here it is.
October 11, 2010
Poor customer service
I see I am not along dealing with poor customer service at rooms to go. I spoke with Charlene Redish today who not provide me a supervisor as request and proceded to hang up on me. I called bacl and spoke with Vickey Wikens who said she was a supervisor. She informed me that there was notes of me cussing I denied this and ask her to play her recorded lines back - she advised me that sups are not recoreded. She told that I had cussed while talking to her per there notes. ( agreat slander cass in the making ) and I ask please provide example - she replied because I said I was pissed off. I informed her that is not cussing that is because I am mad at the rooms to gocustomer service. I also ask her for managment names - she refused and hung up on me. I was able to get the info here it is.
October 11, 2010
Don't buy from them
I purchased a massage chair from Rooms to Go at the end of July. When they delivered it to my residence, they forgot the power cord. They informed me of their mistake and promised that a power cord would arrive in a few days. The power cord never came.
I called their customer service center, and after 20 minutes on hold, ordered a power cord. A cord arrived; however, it was not the cord to my chair. I called a second time, and the entire process was repeated. I called a third time. They informed me that they did not really know which cord goes to my chair and they want to replace my chair.
They called today (September 22) to schedule the delivery of a replacement. The first available date they had is October 9. When I complained to a corporate manager, she acted like I was being unreasonable for expecting the proper power cord in a timely manner. She offered me nothing but a canned apology.
I paid 700 dollars to be jerked around for 2.5 months. Don't buy from Rooms to Go.
Willisha Smith
September 29, 2010
Defective Furniture DON'T BUY FROM THERE!!!
I purchased a living room set from Rooms To Go in the beginning of August 2010. The furniture was delivered around the middle of august. I called customer service after looking over the furniture and advised them that the loveseat was cracked and there were little nicks on the backside of the couch. They said that they had to send a technician out to look at the furniture which they did 3 weeks later. The technician said that there was nothing he could do to repair the furniture and that he would have customer service call to set up another delivery date for a new one. The rep called 2 days later and stated that the furniture was no longer available that I would have to go to the store and pick something else out! I explained to her that, that wasn’t an option since I’ve already brought accessories to match that furniture. The rep called me back and informed me that she had a additional loveseat that she could have delivered in a week. I told her ok, they delivered it yesterday and the loveseat is broke again. I called the manager of the Greensboro, NC store Richard Whitehead and informed him of the situation that has went with that purchase from his store and pretty much he said that it was nothing that he could do to help me and that I need to call customer service once again!!! I called customer service and informed them of the situation again and now there ordering another that is scheduled to be delivered October 6th 2010!!! So we will see!!! PLEASE DO NOT BUY FURNITURE FROM ROOMS TO GO!!!
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