Ross Dress For Less

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Ross Dress For Less Reviews

November 18, 2008
Cigarette smoking by employees
I work nearby and it is discussed all the time about employees and management smoking out front. Customers can't get into store without passing through cloud of 2nd hand smoke or come out into it. Cigarette butts are all scattered out front and carried into stores all around. Managers and employees should have a smoke room or smoke in back of store if that is how they choose to die.
November 7, 2008
I am an employee and have been at this store for a ffew years and already am tired.the assitant manager has worked everyones nerves.she (assit.mng)speaks unkindly to employees, has made employees cried.when she is left in charge of the stock room it never seems to stay 100%. Then at the end of the day she blaims the stock team and gives them an choice either move faster or get fired.One day she asked a stock person to stay and help in the stockroom and ended up leaving instead of staying. She is resposible for that stokroom and is not supppose to leave untill its a 100%. Today she came in on her day off during store hours in jeans to help.All she did was remove hardlines from boxes and dump trash..after that she was in the office and left..She did not help with staging at all..No help with stripping or hanging or running racks. She never does unless there is a visit.

She has walked away from customers when she feels she is done checking out customers. Customers do not like the way she speaks to them..I have had several customers who are regulars that complain about her. Customers complain about the way she speaks to them. How she is short with them. The assit. manager feels because she speaks in a nice tone that her words are not hurtfull or condesending. She belittles people with her words and always questions the way people do their jobs even though they have been there longer than her.

Hours are always being cut but managment never feels the voids and that is there job yet they want eveerything a 100%. The employees can only do so much when is managment going to kick it up a notch. Management is always pulling people from other areas to put them on register or stock room or the floor because of a visit yet will not be back up or stand in the fitting room for 30 min. or even 15 min.

This store is losing good people ude to lack of good managment skills and work habits. Assit. ng is black yet puts down other black employees. She only gets along with about 3 people...She will allow some toeat together all the time yet when someone else does it she is quick to end that. If someone else takes a paid 30 min. break she doesnt say a word someone else takes a 18 min. break she is all up in their butt and starts pagging them.

She will twist Ross rules to make them work for her. Noone is suppose to take a lunh 2 hours before they leave and she always does and since she doesnt have to clock in or out she aometimes takes longer than an hour. She walks around looking busy but everyone sees her doing nothing.I lnow paper work needs to be done but not all day...

DOnt think this complaint is for stupid reasons I have hada a couple of jobs where Iwas not happy so Imoved on to better pay and better work ethics... Here the pay is good the job is easy but management makes it uneasy, unpleasent, many people wanna leave, and that is not good work ethics. I do not work well with rude, stupid, igorrant people. What ever issues she has she also brings to work and she is the only one.

This needs to be confronted and taken care of. She has gone from onestore to another and issues are still the same. That should raise a red flag...


An unhappy employee
October 24, 2008
A store that treating their customers like thefts
On March 10, I bought a set of four place mats and other stuffs at the Tukwila, Washington Ross Store (Store# 0044). For some reason the machine couldn't recognize the bar code of the place mats at the time I checked out. Therefore, the cashier scanned another item with same value as the place mats instead. However, I didn't realize that since both of the item cost the same.

On March 31 afternoon (around 16:20 pacific daylight time) I tried to return the place mats at the same store in Tukwila. Nevertheless, the sale associates at the customers service counter, Todd and Senada, told me that I couldn't return it since it isn't listed on the receipt. I explained the story to them, but they even not tried to listen to me and grabbed the place mats then tossed it behind the counter. I negotiated with them, yet they insinuated that I never be able to prove I paid for the place mats since it is not listed on the receipt. Finally, I leave the store only with the receipt.

Such thing never happened at other stores like Marshall and TJ Maxx in my experience. I felt that I was being insulted and I believed your company should provide better customers service training to the sale associates. I can say 90% of the customs won't check the bar codes number and the name of each item on the receipts upon the payment. How the sale associates, Todd and Senada, could insinuate that I stole the place mats and tried to get advantage from the store? Do you think it is worth to get advantage from the store for only $3.99? In addition, it might possible that I brought the wrong receipt (even though I am absolutely sure this is not the case). How could the sale associates, Todd and Senada, grabbed the place mats which was belong to me and tossed it behind the counter just because it was not listed on the receipt?
October 18, 2008
Poor customer service
I lost a hand-made Navajo bracelet in the Ross Dress for Less store on Almaden Blvd. in San Jose, California this afternoon. It is sterling silver with turquoise and coral stones, and has great sentimental value for me because it is one of a kind. After looking on the floor all over the store and checking the fitting room myself, I ask the loss control person to announce on the store intercom that I had lost the bracelet and that I would pay any customer who returned it a $20 reward. The Loss Person paged the store manager for permission without success. After an extended period the loss person went upstairs to speak with the store manager. Some time later, he returned to tell me that the store manager had refused to make an announcement on my behalf. I then waited in a lengthy line at Customer Service to let them know that I had lost the bracelet and to leave my name and number in case it turned up. As I waited in line, the assistant manager appeared nearby. I spoke with the assistant manager myself and again he refused to make the announcement. So much time passed between my initial request and getting an answer that any customer who may have found the bracelet had probably left the store. I do not feel that my request for an announcement was unreasonable. Nor do I feel that the extended period between the time that I asked for help and the time I got a response was reasonable. In the end, all I could do was leave my name and number in case the bracelet turned up. As a result of this lack of cooperation and the "who cares" attitude of the assistant manager, Ross lost a sale this afternoon that was worth far more than the value of the bracelet. It also lost a customer for life. I told the assistant manager this, gave my shopping cart full of clothing to the loss control person, and left the store. This lack of courtesy and customer service is unacceptable.
October 14, 2008
No Customer Service banner & Rude Ross Employees
Yesterday, I walked in Ross stores at the loop, Kissmmee, FL to return my short which was small in size.When i walked in there was no customer service board which i can follow and the register which was taking care of returns was lit off.
I went to the next register which was purchase only assuming they are taking care of return.After waiting for 40 minutes in line because of an old lady who was damn slow with the purchases, i got to know that i have to go to the counter which is number 1 counter and light is lit off.
Old lady asked the lit off counter register lady ' Virgin' to take care of me next but one other customer started complaining about me coming in between the line.Now what is my fault ?There was no customer service board + counter light is switched off as if it's her time is up.I was asked by line manager to go back in line and wait for my turn again.
I talked to the asst/ manager on the spot after that and she agreed that this is common complaint .That means nobody is taking care of it?Nobody?
I have left 3 voicemail with David Clark, district manager and waiting for a good response.
October 6, 2008
team leader(nicole guterriez)
team leader does not know how to treat her team, she calls her team stupid people and yells at them. when i was still working for ross in guam i asked her if we are gonna finish scanning the junior pants and she just gave an attitude to me and then said that i ask a stupid question so she gave me a stupid answer, the reason why i asked her if we still continue were we left off is because sometimes when she knows that she's not gonna finish her list in that two days she tells us to not scan everything so that we can finish off faster and when it comes to reticketing she tells us to just put any price on the tag and when she is not making her numbers(the 3000 items in a day) she sometimes double scan those i was just making sure if we still continue were we left off or go scan another department because sometimes she'll tell us "nevermind just go scan the other department that's on the list". and now she's saying that i am stupid, what kind of team leaders are they hiring for ross in guam? managers should check on their employees most often!
August 22, 2008
Ross Stores
I'm one of those proud employees of Ross Dress for Less. (heavy sarcasm) Everything I have read on this board I can agree with. Whether it be managers that are liars, customers that are thieves, or employees that just don't give a damn, it's all true. What people just don't seem to understand is that we are a DISCOUNT store. How you cannot realize that, I dunno, but it seems like every day a customer comes in the store wanting and expecting personal service. We aren't paid on commission people. How many times am I asked where something is a day?? Too damn many that's how many. People walk in the door and ask "where is the shoe dept"? Well, open your tiny little eyes and look to the left and lo and behold! SHOES!

You will find some really, really cheap prices at Ross and this is why people will shop there. I don't see Ross going out of business anytime soon. The reason being that people will put up with a lot of stuff if they can get something they want and like for a cheap price. How many posts on here start with "Store is so dirty but, hey, they have awesome prices"?

I'm not sure why there are so many complaints on here about returns. My store will return practically anything. The only thing I have seen to be non-returnable is an item with no tag and no receipt. Yet, customers still think we are just supposed to take them back. Yeah, no tag, no receipt. I'll just make up some price and punch it into the computer and there ya go! Who really knows or cares if you bought it here? Gee, I do.

There are people that come in day in and day out and I dread it every time I see them. I know they are going to give me a hard time. It's like some people are only happy if they can take out their frustrations on some lowly peon such as a retail worker. It really seems to make them feel superior. "I let that stupid girl at customer service have it! I'm so smart and she's so dumb! I rule!!"

I think the cure-all for difficult customers is to have them work at Ross for ohhh I don't know... three months. During holiday season. And for them to have to wait on people JUST LIKE THEM. Maybe there will be a bit more comprehension of what we actually deal with.

Having said that, I do agree there are employees that can be rude. I'm not trying to excuse it, but I certainly can sympathize with it. There is such a thing as being polite.
Sometimes it's hard, but it's something we all need to do, whether we are employees or customers. It's always easier to help someone with a problem if they are being polite and treating you like a human being. The ones that scream and yell are the ones that I don't want to do anything for and certainly won't go out of my way to satisfy. I'm a person. Treat me like one and I'll treat you like one. It's not difficult.

Yes, scheduling sucks at Ross. Hours suck. Pay sucks. Why do I work there? Got me. Right now, I have a job and I'm bringing in a second income for my household and that's important. I was a stay at home mom for a lot of years, so I have no experience in anything. This is where I was hired. Soon, hopefully, I'll have something I can put down on job applications and I'll get something better.
August 11, 2008
Customer Service is a punishment not a Help.
On Fri 8/8/08 I purchased a slip cover for my couch.Well it was too short. So on Sun 8/10/08 I went to exchange it. When I walked in the store I spotted the "Customer Service" Kiosk. I walked upto it with my bag and a really rude dude in his stupid LossPrevention shirt, told me that I had to get in the line. Y'know the one that goes all the way back to the end of the store. I asked why and they said it was in all fairness to the customers. So to the back of the line I go.. 33 minutes (yes, I did count them) went by and I finally get to the front of the line, only to find out(by Big Rude Dude) that the register that opened was for "Purchases Only" I needed to wait for a spot (1of 2) at the "Customer Service" Kiosk to be opened..So, I had to let the person behind me go in front of me.. The next time a resgister was opened, the Cashier, shouted out, "Next Person in line for Purchases only". So again I had to let the person behind me go ahead. Then the next line that opened up, the guy I had to let go ahead of me, because it again was a purchase only, felt so bad..He offered to let me go, but I had to explain that I was being punished a because I had an exchange.. How is the in all fairness to the customers? Yes, I agree that the purchasing customer gets benefit from this New Corporate Policy. But why should Refund/Exchange customers have to be humiliated having to let the person behind you go ahead.. Fairness to ALL customers would be, Having ALL Registers Do PURCHASES/EXCHANGES/REFUNDS..You know like Mervyns, Sears, Nordstroms, Macys.etc...What Stupid fool in Corporate thought this up? I have now vowed never to shop there again..And believe my sister and I browsed the store almost every week. And we have decided to recruit customers to BOYCOTT ROSS. I am contacting all the news stations with this story and if I get one to be interested I am going to show them this site and hope they investigate Ross and there Comunistic Policies..Basicallly they are rudely telling us, while laughing in our faces, to shut up and conform. I do not conform well.
Disclaimer- I am not a violent person, nor would I ever suggest that Anyone react with violence..Okay? Sorry, just had to cover my... Thanks for listening. And No I don't leave my clothes in the fitting room, my kids don't run around breaking everything (they would rather be dead than seen in Ross). And I actuall put stuff back on the hanger even though I didn't take it off ( a little OCD about that) Thanks again..Sincerely, but Seething
August 11, 2008
Landfill in a building complete with fire and health hazards
The Bellingham WA store is an accident waiting to happen. I have complained via email to corporate within the last year about this store to no avail. Now I have taken pictures with my cell phone and started a file with all correspondence to ROSS. Why you ask? The other day I was in the store and watched a older woman fall while trying to get through the sheet isle. It is no exaggeration when I say it has to be at least 4 feet deep in the isle. It's only a matter of time before ROSS gets sued for an injury at this location(if they haven't already). It is already a fire hazard and a health hazard. I tell you, If I hear of anyone bringing litigation against the Bellingham Ross for injury, the litigants attorneys will be getting copies of my electronic letters and pictures proving they were aware of the situation and chose not to do anything about it.

They have so much stock end up on the floor which becomes totally unsaleable. Stock is mixed up so bad that it is a frustrating experience to shop there. You spend hours trying to find a matching sheet, or towel and end up just walking out without buying anything. Add to that the condition of the food section and I am surprised the health department isn't involved. There are open containers of food and food spills that never get cleaned up. I won't eat at restaurants in that strip mall because I know there has to be a rodent problem stemming from Ross.

I saw and heard staff saying that the stock people were sent home, at 2 pm in the afternoon. I have seen the same item on the floor for over a year. No one re-stocks, and the staff are all back in the dressing room area just talking and having a great time talking to their friends about the people they see on camera. I sure hope they are filming me, because I am filming them. I have gone to ROSS three times in the last year and I have not once seen anyone re-stocking the shelves.

While I was there, I overheard at least 80% of the patrons complaining about the condition of the store. From what I have read on complaint boards Bellingham is not the only store maintained in the manner. In other words, the CEO isn't doing his job, the upper level managers are not doing their job, the lower level managers are reaping the rewards in lost profits and lower wages and higher turnovers in staff.

Maybe someone needs to organize the labor in the stores. Since the word isn't going out from the top down, maybe we have to send them a message from the bottom up. Maybe if they brought up the wages and working conditions (safety being a real big issue), and staff level, the CEO's might take a closer look at how their stores are being operated. Hey, I work for a Labor Organization. I have seen where a Union comes in and turns a facility around.

Wonder why the CEO does not care that the condition of his stores represent him? Wonder why CEO MICHAEL BALMUTH has sold off 1/5 of his shares in the store within the last 3 months? Makes you want to go hmmmmm. Also, do a search on his annual salary - just in pay and bonus he is at over a million. Add to that stock, etc. he is at 14 million. That answers that question.

I am off to do some google-ing on ROSS, litigants and CEO's as well as labor organizations. I am also going to post my complaints on every consumer board I can find. I will also post a complaint with the Fire Marshall and Health Department. Don't you just love cut and paste? Good luck with that Bellingham store Ross Dress for Less. Sure hope any fines and lawsuits are hefty. I will be shopping at TJ Max and Walmart. Their stores are clean!
June 20, 2008
Store atmosphere
I don't understand why Ross let's the consumer get away with throwing their merchandise all over the floor! It's like a big joke, no one seems to care that the store looks like a pig sty. What's up with that? No other store would put up with it. I have been to T.J.Max, which has the same stuff as Ross and it doesn't look like Ross at all. I think the big bosses better start taking a look at the way the store looks and make some changes, It's an embarrassment to say you work there, people just shake their heads and laugh! It's not fair that the employees get punished to stay and clean up the publics messes, if so then you need to pay a lot more than what employees make there. I hope you take this seriously.

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