Back in June 2008, I ordered 2 MagicJack services from who guarantee a 30 day examination period, however, they fail to provide any return shipping address with any of their correstpondence and, disable any buttons on their website to enable a return "within 30 days",
Before I ordered, I was told on live chat, the 30 day period starts upon activation. Thats a $20 activation fee and $20 per year plus shipping.
Magic Jack refused to supply me a return address and when I threatened a credit card charge back, I was told "good luck" and they disconnected the live chat.
Royal Bank investigated, confirmed that it was impossible to "return" and by some miricale obtained an address and phone number, told me to return "the item" that is a one time, disposable USB stick that has no value and is not reusuable. that's Royal's cop out to say "you did not return the item", obviously, one is not going to spend $20 to return a $20 item.
Its Royal Bank's cowardly way of failing to act ethically.
After numerous phone calls, I'm guessing 4 hours in total, Royal back 4 months later tell me to call Visa International.
Not much hope there either.
Both Royal Bank Visa and Visa international did not appear concerned by a threat of negative feedback.
Royal and VISA have a product guarantee but, read the fine print, its next to useless.
I'm looking for another credit card company who will provide recourse against FRAUD.
If you are thinking of doing business with, DONT use your VISA CARD. MagicJack is using a "visa card game" to avoid refunds within its 30 day period.
I'm beginning to develop a real hatred towards Dan of MagicJack, this company is fraudulent in the extreme.
Just check the incredible number of complaints to the Florida Better Business Bureau.
There are Many many other legitimate companies that provide a better service than magic jack at far less cost and most importantly, good companies providing excellent value without operating a FRAUD or providing false and misleading information.
One company does deserve a plug, they put MagicJack to shame and thats I'd give them top marks.
Again, Royal Visa fails to charge back on behalf of customers who suffer fraudulent sales. They have the power to do charge backs, but for some reason, certain companies, very carefully arrange their affairs to avoid 99.999% of charge backs. MagicJack is one company that has managed to do that and is to be avoided at all costs.