Royal Indian Raj
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royal truth
April 19, 2011
Ex Employees posting Internet Liable
Royal Indian Raj International Corporation launches multi-million dollar lawsuit against against former Vice President of Communications, William Zack for print and internet liable.
VANCOUVER, Apr. 22 /CNW-AsiaNet/ --
Royal Indian Raj International Corporation (RIRIC) announces today a $100M
USD lawsuit for Slander, Liable and Defamation of Character against RIRIC
former Vice President of Communications William Zack. The suit was filed in the
United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.
The RIRIC lawsuit, initiated in May of 2008 in New York, alleges that Mr.
Zack stole proprietary information, confidential data and contact lists from
RIRIC then, waged a slanderous smear campaign against the company in North
America and India. RIRIC alleges that in or around March 2008, Mr. Zack used
various fictitious anonymous aliases to communicate misinformation about
RIRIC’s business to the public through postings on unethical websites and
through a direct interview with a Canadian newspaper which was then later
excerpted by the Times of India newspaper. He also used the stolen lists to
communicate directly with shareholders, customers and alliance partners. RIRIC
contends this damaged the RIRIC trade mark, caused millions of dollars in
financial loss and a huge loss of client goodwill.
The lawsuit alleges that Mr. Zack misled RIRIC's principals and the public
to believe that delays in developing the inaugural Royal Garden City Project
and the Royal Garden Villas & Resort in Bangalore, Karnataka
( resulted from mismanagement at RIRIC as opposed
to India’s notoriously bureaucratic land development process, specifically the
delay of the 2001-2021 Bangalore Regional Master Plan (approved only in Jan
30th, 2009) and India’s government upheavals. India has seen five failed
governments collapse in Bangalore since 2004. These factors have delayed
developments for over 400 Indian real estate developers in the vicinity,
including RIRIC. Mr. Zack also claimed that RIRIC exaggerated its developments
and wrongly used celebrity endorsements. RIRIC vigorously maintains that both
claims are invalid and untrue. In addition to filing the lawsuit in US courts,
RIRIC intends to prosecute Mr. Zack in India under Indian criminal law.
"Not only is this campaign un-factual and unethical, it has harmed our
company and its principal's reputation as a leader in the Indian Realty sector
under the Indian Government's Integrated Township program, " states RIRIC
Chairman; Manoj Benjamin. "Court systems provide legal ways for dispute
mediation and regretfully, Mr. Zack opted to air his grievances against us
through this online smear campaign. Annoying someone anonymously via the
Internet, through a website or even by email; however is a federal crime with
stiff fines and prison time. And beyond being illegal, this is a great shame.
Our business practices remain and always have been transparent and sound."
Mr. Zack's grievances began in November 2007 when he filed a lawsuit with
RIRIC and the company, in turn, filed one against Mr. Zack. Negotiations failed
and when an arbitration date at a Colorado court was set for February 2008, Mr.
Zack did not appear. In February 2009 his lawsuit against RIRIC in British
Columbia was dismissed, and yet his online defamation campaign continues.
Mr. Benjamin states that whilst this campaign was designed to hinder and
harm RIRIC's operations, development and sales in India, the company remains
focused, growing and strong. Soon RIRIC will be clearing permissions from State
and Central authorities not only on the inaugural Royal Garden Villas & Resort
project but larger projects including a new affordable housing project and a
special economic zone (SEZ).
"As pioneers in the Indian Realty sector we always predicted the real
estate market would open and thrive. Presently India's real estate market lacks
regulation and is therefore highly unstructured, disorganized and far more
challenging than anything that has been encountered in the West. Despite this,
we have held in there patiently with India's archaic permissions process and
weathered political resistance. We have loyal investors and now with
permissions being granted on the Royal Garden and Villas Township we are going
full throttle ahead. We are proud of our endeavors in India; one of the world's
most economically vibrant nations for real estate. We remain committed to its
growth and to providing housing for this nation for many years to come."
October 20, 2010
Fraud Allegations - new lawsuits
Looks like Royal Indian Raj and it's associates (Manoj Benjamin, Ravi Benjamin, Collins Benjamin, Anjula Benjamin, Sherri Vaters, Patrick Hinds - to name a few) are also being sued in Florida. Just another lawsuit to add to growing list of other fraud charges.
Note some of the additional business names listed in this suit. Very interesting.
February 26, 2010
Tax write-off
Can I do a tax write off for the investment losses I had in Royal Indian Raj corporation? Will it get complicated since the property was in India? Since the investment was made in US dollars and the company is based in Nevada, i think it should be feasible?
OR should the invesment be first declared as a ponzi scheme before we can do a tax write-off?
December 30, 2009
Royal Indian Raj CEO Manoj Benjamin Caught In Web of Lies
Royal Indian Raj International Corporation ( RIRIC ) Gives Investor Royal Indian Raj Run Around.
Read the full story on the Vancouver Sun Website:
Royal Indian Raj International Corporation ( RIRIC ) Complaints. View All Complaints Now:
Royal Indian Raj International Corporation ( RIRIC ) Appears to be involved in Fraud. Read article. Decide for yourself.
Royal Indian Raj International Corporation Bangalore India Complaints - Read RIRIC Complaints now.
Royal Indian Raj International Corporation ( RIRIC ) Investors Fuming - Visit this website and Read All About it.
Manoj Benjamin is scrounging for money to prop up his ailing scam operation. Among other absurd claims, Manoj Benjamin claims to have already received the Pravasi award of achievement and has now made a 2nd claim that he is again receiving the award. The NRI institute ( ) denies that Manoj Benjamin has ever been nominated for the award and states that he never will be nominated for the award. Manoj Bejamin is a career criminal. Manoj Benjamin tells the most outrageous lies to take money from the innocent. Do not be fooled by his sociopathic charm.
August 4, 2009
RG Villas - helpless situation
I have also invested lot of money in Royal Gardens project for last 2 years with absolutely no returns. Its been more than a year since I have requested the refund but no luck. I have hardly been able to get in touch with them but whenever i did, I had to listen to their ever growing lame excuses. I have talked to many people in their canada office.
I am sure there are lot of people in the same boat. Why is it that we are not able to do anything to get our hard earned money back except hope that they refund one day or just wait for them to run away with our money. I feel helpless and surprised that I cannot do anything.
I don't have much knowledge or time to take this matter legally and personally I think that it will take forever before matters get settled through legal route. But how about media? there's got be ways to get some help and put a closure to this fraud and help everything get their money back.
I have been reading articles about RG villas and their fraud scheme for last 2 years on a regular basis. I only wish I had similar research before investing the funds.
I am not sure if everyone is as puzzled like me, but would imagine some of you have taken certain extreme steps (not like me just hoping and hoping) to tackle this fraud situation and deal with liars like Manoj Benjamin and his brother Ravi Benjamin.
Just wanted to get the ball rolling and see what we can do together...
Sharon Dobson
May 6, 2009
RG Villas Developer ( ) Reacts Illogically To Legitimate Inquiries
Points to Ponder:
If you're near the exit of a store and hear the security alarms go off as a customer exits, what is the normal ensuing scene that typically develops?
Does the customer:
i) Protest loudly and repeatedly to the security officer (and everyone else within earshot) that he had undertaken a legitimate transaction, but not bother to show the security officer his receipt?
Or does he simply produce his receipt; the proof of purchase?
ii) Run off to his lawyer and launch a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the security officer and possibly the store, without bothering to show the security officer his receipt?
Or does he simply produce his receipt; the proof of purchase?
iii) Tell everyone who might have any concerns about the legitimacy of his transaction to call him on the phone so that he could talk and talk and talk about the transaction?
Or does he simply produce his receipt; the proof of purchase?
The customer immediately produces his receipt; his proof of purchase, then merrily goes about his business.
Even a very young child, when accused of theft will turn his pockets inside in an effort to produce proof. Proving innocence with proof is an inborn human instinct. So why is it that all RIRIC offers to its inquiring investors is lip service? "Call us so we can talk."
If Royal Indian Raj wanted to simply and quickly silence its critics it would have offered immediate proof, and thereby made fools of all protestors in short order. Instead it posts "Corporate Statements" and other posts under aliases praising the integrity of RIRIC, while villainizing inquiring parties. It trumpets itself as the righteous party by launching a preposterously large lawsuit against it former Director of Communications, who their numerous search-engine-loving press releases fail to mention is also an investor in RIRIC.
RIRIC's representatives post libelous remarks on the internet about me, a former consultant, and while doing so conveniently neglect to mention that my company is also a RIRIC investor.
Questions to Ponder:
1) Why did RIRIC choose Nevada to incorporate? Was it because Nevada law offers maximum protection to the corporation and its officers, while affording very little protection to its investors?
2) Why doesn't RIRIC provide its investors with financial statements?
3) Whay doesn't RIRIC hold Annual General Meetings?
4) Why hasn't the Royal Garden Villas Developer built a single thing in over 10 years? Knowing that permit issuance often is delayed, why didn't RIRIC foresee the delay issue and use a small portion of the millions acquired from investors and villa customers to purchase land available in the Bangalore area, which already had permits in place while awaiting permits on the RGVillas property?
5) How could RIRIC reasonably believe that it could enter into the public stock market without audited financial statments in place?
6) Why did Royal Indian Raj wait nearly a year after lauching a lawsuit against its former Director of Communications to issue a press release on the lawsuit? Is this just a psychological ploy to regain consumer confidence and boost RIRIC's voice in the search engines? Is it intended to intimidate others who would voice their legitimate concerns? And why did the press release omit details about the countersuit launched against RIRIC by the former Director of Communications? Why did it not mention that the former Director of Communications is also an investor?
7) Why has RIRIC shrunk from over a dozen employees in its Vancouver head office, to a mere 4? And why were staff let go without proper notice and proper payouts? Why did the former employees and associates choose to leave and to cut ties with RIRIC?
8) Instead of sending out a newsletter announcing an absurdly large lawsuit against the former Director of Communications, why didn't Royal Indian Raj spend the time and money more productively by sending out an investor newsletter with supporting documents such as: past financial statements, past Annual General Meeting minutes, an invitation to the next AGM, and other various documents that RIRIC should be producing as proof of its transparency.
9) Why did RIRIC spend hours and hours formulating a slick press release announcing a year old lawsuit and then waste more time and money deliberating over it with a lawyer, but not spend 1 single hour compiling documented proof for investors?
If you were a prinicple in RIRIC would you:
i) spend hours on internet posts?
ii) spend hours talking talking talking?
iii) spend lots of investor money launching and fighting a lawsuit against a RIRIC investor?
Or would you simply flash the proof, thereby immediately silencing your critics, then get on with business?
Sharon Dobson
April 8, 2009
Royal Indian Raj - RG Villas Developer - Questionable Business Practices
Some of you may have noticed that Royal Indian Raj has changed its IP address. For an update on RIRIC's electronic evidence trail that they've left behind on the India Consumer Complaints Board, please see the following post at:
sujoy majumdar
April 5, 2009
Fraud and Deception!!
I am customer with Royal India Raj and have invested a lot of money with there rgvillas project which I doubt will ever take of. I bought the property Medina in 2006 when the company was promoting Vijay Amritraj heavily. Being naive I got sucked into buying the property and paid the money in full to avail the 30% discount. Now there is no Amritraj/Nickalaus/Steven Seagal and the company is even banned from Marketing in BC CANADA. Read articles below:
I had asked RIRIC to refund my money in August 2008 and they bluntly refuse to do so. I am warning all potential investors out there who want to invest in this project or are going to start their installment payments.
If you want any further information and still have doubts on the validity of the post please contact me at [email protected]. I can provide you 100's of email exchanges I had with the company executives to refund my money and their continual refusal to do so.
Again I am a customer of RGVILLAS who has been duped of his blood sweat money and want to help others customers from getting duped.
That is the only motivation I have left.
Bill Zack
April 3, 2009
My goodness, another "corporate statement" from the scamsters at Royal Indian Fraud. Curiously, the two leading scamsters, Manoj Benjamin and Ravi Benjamin, never sign their names. They hide behind their "corporate statements" like the cowards they are. Come on out Manoj and face the music. I notice that you haven't mentioned in any of your "corporate statements" how you have refused to return monies to customers who have, per their contracts with Royal Indian Raj, requested refunds. And I noticed nowhere in your "corporate statement" have you mentioned that you are now banned, per government decree, from marketing in British Columbia.
I assume you're going to file a lawsuit against the government agency that banned you since that is your offical corporate response to anyone who stands up to you and describes you for what you are - a scam artist.
Bill Zack
April 1, 2009
For 10 years, Manoj Benjamin and Royal Indian Raj have been all talk and no action. Ravi Benjamin likes to spout off about a $100 million lawsuit against me, but when he and Royal Indian Raj have to appear in court or produce documents, guess what? They're no-shows. My guess is Manoj and Ravi Benjamin simply don't have the guts to actually show themselves in court because they know what's in store. They're going to be exposed as the scam artists they are. They certainly don't want any judge questioning all the lies they have produced over the years.
So, my suggestion to Manoj Benjamin and Ravi Benjamin and Royal Indian Raj is simple. If you want to meet me in court, let's go right now. Tell your lawyers to stop delaying. We're ready to take you and your scam company on today. And tomorrow and the day after.
Of course, you won't. Because like all bullies, when you're faced with someone who isn't afraid of you, who laughs at you, you back down like the cowards you are.
By the way, I notice that you haven't responded to the recent ruling by the British Columbia Financial Institutions Commission, which has forced you to stop marketing Royal Garden Villas in British Columbia.
Care to respond, cowards?
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