To Whom It May Concern:
May it hereby be noted that I have thoroughly reviewed the Web Site RoyalIndianSham and find it to be completely factual and an accurate portrayal of the history of the company Royal Indian Raj Corporation (RIRC) and its relationship with its Investors. If you have yet to review this Site yourself, I would encourage you to do so.
Please note that I am an Investor of $50, 000.00 (10, 000 Shares at $5.00 each) in RIRC, having made this investment over ten(10) years ago. At the time of investment, I was assured that RIRC was going to be taken "Public" within six(6) months of my initial investment and any and all Shares would then become liquid at that time; I was told that the Initial Public Offering (IPO) was going to be valued at $18.00 to $20.00, thereby providing what was portrayed to be a very exciting investment opportunity.
Over the past 10 years, I have made numerous attempts to communicate with RIRC's CEO Mr. Manoj Benjamin to express my concerns and to seek refund of my investment; with the exception of one extremely vitriolic response, Mr. Benjamin deigned to ignore my communiques. My primary contact was the former Director of Public Relations, Mr. Patrick Hinds, who had first presented the investment opportunity to me and a friend (who also became an Investor.). I would periodically ask Mr. Hinds for updates as to when I might see a return on my initial investment and the answer was always along the lines of " won't be long now..." I also received inquiries from RIRC asking if I would be interested in investing even more funds! Somewhere in the latter part of 2007, in an Investor Communique from the Chairman, Mr. Manoj Benjamin alluded to "...exciting news for our investors..." would be forthcoming towards the end of the year. True to form and just as before, nothing yet has come to fruition.
It is my opinion. based on the aforementioned personal experience, that Royal Indian Raj Corporation, Mr. Manoj Benjamin, and all of RIRC's Principals have perpetrated a huge scam on their Investors and continue that duplicity today. Consequently, I am very pleased to see that a couple of organized efforts have emerged as vehicles seeking to bring these charlatans to legal scrutiny and ultimate prosecution.
M. Mallette