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United States Reviews

Uldore46 April 11, 2011
They hacked a Runescape account of mine and many others
They hacked a Runescape account of mine and many others.
Ompeer February 1, 2011
I wouldn't buy or sell anything on this website
I wouldn't buy or sell anything on this website. My reasons include if you give them any account information at all, they'll hack your account then they'll try to avoid any questions. Basically means they'll say they'll contact you but they won't. They also won't deliver on any goods either. Sooo don't do business honestly..
Hirndandez November 30, 2010
They'll say they'll contact you but they won't
I wouldn't buy or sell anything on this website. My reasons include if you give them any account information at all, they'll hack your account then they'll try to avoid any questions. Basically means they'll say they'll contact you but they won't. They also won't deliver on any goods either. Sooo don't do business honestly..
SSBML June 28, 2010
Horrible Business; a fraud
I first submitted a sale of the account I own. It was said that I was going to be paid "$48.8" For 3 days I try to get in contact through textual customer support.
Finally, I get in contact with Elva Zhang. Right before contact, I submit a request to change my password due to it being changed by I converse with Elva Zhang.
It is stated that they have incorrect info. I change the password. I then change it to separate one for trade. It is give to her. I go through requesting a payment.
I end up withdrawing my request, leaving a warning and contact info. They state they are affiliated with Paypal, which they have no proof of on their website nor did
they provide any documentation of such. I am planning on reporting this to Paypal and see what their answer is.

I highly recommend everyone stay away from this website and any affiliate of such. Check the ip for the website before you make business, if it links back to the information
I found (stated in transcript) then stay clear away from them. They are a fraud

The following transcript is the exact one I requested through their integrated chat service, except for the edits in bracket i.e. [EXAMPLE]
There were no timestamps given to me except for the starting and finishing time. It is obviously shown that this conversation took almost
two hours to complete.I used an alias when entering the chat.

Chat Transcript

Visitor: John Eagder
Operator: Elva Zhang
Company: lorland
Started: 28 Jun 2010 16:05:39
Finished: 28 Jun 2010 17:45:20

John Eagder: Compliments
* Welcome John Eagder! Your request has been directed to the Runescape department. Please wait for our operator to answer your call.
* Call accepted by operator Elva Zhang. Currently in room: John Eagder, Elva Zhang.
Elva Zhang: hi
John Eagder: Hello!
Elva Zhang: h i
John Eagder: I would like to check the status of my account
Elva Zhang: hold
Elva Zhang: olg name, plz
John Eagder: olg?
Elva Zhang: log
John Eagder: log? Specify?
Elva Zhang: ur log name in RS
John Eagder: Where is your business located?
John Eagder: I am expecting an answer
John Eagder: If you do not heed to co-operate I will then step forth to take legal action.
John Eagder: is using a forward server based in Columbus Ohio USA
John Eagder: Based in Beijing
John Eagder: Registrars.
Domain Name...
Creation Date... 2007-06-08 00:06:52
Registration Date... 2007-06-08 00:06:52
Expiry Date... 2013-06-08 00:06:52
Organisation Name... liu xin
Organisation Address. 1109, piece road
Organisation Address.
Organisation Address. Guangzhou
Organisation Address. 510000
Organisation Address. GD
Organisation Address. CN

Admin Name... Liu xin
Admin Address... 1109, piece road
Admin Address...
Admin Address... Guangzhou
Admin Address... 510000
Admin Address... GD
Admin Address... CN
Admin Email... [email protected]
Admin Phone... +86.2083569936
Admin Fax... +86.2083569936

Tech Name... Liu xin
Tech Address... 1109, piece road
Tech Address...
Tech Address... Guangzhou
Tech Address... 510000
Tech Address... GD
Tech Address... CN
Tech Email... [email protected]
Tech Phone... +86.2083569936
Tech Fax... +86.2083569936

Bill Name... Liu xin
Bill Address... 1109, piece road
Bill Address...
Bill Address... Guangzhou
Bill Address... 510000
Bill Address... GD
Bill Address... CN
Bill Email... [email protected]
Bill Phone... +86.2083569936
Bill Fax... +86.2083569936
Name Server...
Name Server...
Elva Zhang: what do you want to knmow ?
John Eagder: Thank you. I wish to know the status of the transaction. The position you have put me in is one of stress. You have in your possesion my account. I have just recently tried to take it back, and am in the process of doing so. I am going to request some form of communication that is more clear through this process.
John Eagder: You have been in possession of the account and of the money that will be due to me, I understand by terms there is a 1-2 week wait
John Eagder: But the support/tech team has been of poor quality
Elva Zhang: whats ur log name in rs ?
Elva Zhang: hold
John Eagder: will do
Elva Zhang: when diid u place the roeder /
John Eagder: I believe 36-64 hours ago
John Eagder: from this IP
Elva Zhang: yes, we need ur correct pass
John Eagder: okay. I am in the process of repealing the account due to unsure terms on the business you work for. Give me one moment. Hold.
Elva Zhang: ok
John Eagder: The account is in a process of pending for a repeal. The accounts new password will be given to me shortly. Once I have obtained that password, I will change it. There are no recovery questions set.
John Eagder: To the point where I obtain the password, what can I do to give it to you and STAY in contact with you until our business is done?
Elva Zhang: STAY in contact or plz come back after u get the correct pass
John Eagder: I will stay in this chat room until then. It is uknown if the amount of time will be an hour to several hours. If connection is broken, I will come back. In what way can I assure the authenticity of this company?
Elva Zhang: This site has been ran nearly 4 years, you can check the feedback from the player on the homepage, at the same time, we are under the supervision of pay pal, we never and ever do the hack things, and coz the 3k limit in rs, all the websites selling rs gold will ask those information to help transfer the money, not just us.
John Eagder: Where is the documentation or proof with an alliance of paypal?
Elva Zhang: what do you, mean
John Eagder: How can I be for sure that Paypal supervises this company. Evidence of that supervision.
Elva Zhang: if u dont trust us, u can recover ur acc back
John Eagder: I would love to do business with you, I just need to verify the authenticity. If this does work out, I would be very please to leave a great review and spread the word of the service you provide. I only wish to see some sort of verification with your paypal partnership.
John Eagder: All of the information that you provide as evidence of a reliable company is rather shaky. All of that information could be fabricated. Therefore authentication of a paypal-partnership will lock in my belief of this company as a reliable one.
Elva Zhang: yes, we r trust worth
John Eagder: Your statement, as much as I respect your opinion isnt viable in the field of business. All I need is authentication of this company. Any type of legal document of business, any statement of paypal saying they collaborate with you. Without this evidence, this company screams fraud.
Elva Zhang: :-)
John Eagder: Is my hypothetical situation of this website being a scam true?
Elva Zhang: if u dont trust us, u can recover ur acc back
John Eagder: What information do you have of my account?
Elva Zhang: we dont have, coz u pass is wrong
John Eagder: If you know its wrong, you obviously are in possession of an incorrect password. What may that incorrect password be?
Elva Zhang: what do you mean ?
John Eagder: How do you know my password is wrong?
Elva Zhang: our guy tried to log
John Eagder: So that information that he has, what is it. I need to confirm that it is correct.
Elva Zhang: ok, we can wait
John Eagder: Once the pending is complete for my referral, I shall change the password to [REMOVED PASSWORD FOR PRIVACY]
John Eagder: At the moment the process is still in pending
John Eagder: I will notify you when the password has been changed to 19fs2j72ge
John Eagder: The Account name is [REMOVED ACCOUNT NAME FOR PRIVACY]
John Eagder: The password is [REMOVED PASSWORD FOR PRIVACY]
John Eagder: I ask you to confirm this information
Elva Zhang: is that all ?
John Eagder: What do you mean?
Elva Zhang: hold
John Eagder: will do
Elva Zhang: You would get the payment 16 -20 days later since we get your order, just make sure no one would log on ur acc or change the pass in the next days, coz we need time to make sure someone would buy your acc and no one would hack it !
John Eagder: You don't know where to send money to...
John Eagder: correct. May I ask why the strict limit of 16 days? Doing this puts me in a position where I have to trust you with my information and wait 16-20 days for a payment from a website with no verification with authenticity.
Elva Zhang: just make sure no one would log on ur acc or change the pass in the next days, coz we need time to make sure someone would buy your acc and no one would hack
John Eagder: please answer my question
Elva Zhang: just make sure no one would log on ur acc or change the pass in the next days, coz we need time to make sure someone would buy your acc and no one would hack it
John Eagder: Mam, please answer my question. Why specifically that... You are purchasing this account from me. Are purchase simply means we trade other-wanted things for the benefit of the other. Simply stated, whether that sells or not, you are now the owner of my information, not the account. The ownership of the account is upgraded when you send me my payment. I am willing to accept $42. I do request you send it to me.
Elva Zhang: plz answer us some questions, we need them if the acc got locked or banned :
1 - what's the recovery questions and answers you ever have?(no matter it's still there or not)
2 - what's your earlier password and bank pin numbers that you can remember?
3- in which way did you pay for the membership? when did you pay for your last membership ?and what’s the agreement ID or transaction ID for it? if u used sms to pay, what’s the PIN number for the transaction(not your rs account bank pin)?
4 - when(year and month) and where(in which city) you created the account? what was the Internetwork provider(for example, AOL or Comcast)?
5 - have you ever moved house from one city to another? if u have, which city to which city? and when?
John Eagder: I am not revealing this information. It is too personal for you to have unless I have the payment and or verification of authenticity with paypal.
Elva Zhang: u r such a talker
John Eagder: Im simply trying to make business with you.
Elva Zhang: if u deny what we told u to do, so the business can not go anywhere
John Eagder: You asked for personal information not required to make this transaction. We are at an early stage of trade, therefore you do not need this information. Ive handed you the account, I expect a payment. It takes both of us to take steps.
Elva Zhang: so wait for several days, it's that relly hard for you?
John Eagder: It is when I am left with nothing but a number. Is it hard to send a payment and I give you the remaining info, my contact info, and we make our way?
John Eagder: Its not difficult.
Elva Zhang: tell me again, what's ur request plz?
John Eagder: $42
Elva Zhang: and ?
John Eagder: Are you going to also pay me something else?
Elva Zhang: maybe
John Eagder: $42 is fine.
John Eagder: I only request what it is worth, no more no less.
Elva Zhang: we will sent u the money when de acc is bought
John Eagder: I thought you were buying it.
Elva Zhang: we put it on the acc shelf and sell
John Eagder: I expect a payment soon. I am not liable for the sale of the account. You are under liability to pay me. That is all.
Elva Zhang: but we cant give u the money when the acc is not buying by someone
John Eagder: Yes you can. You are purchasing the account yourself. If you wish to sell this account, I recommend you buy it first. You do not own it yet. I understand that you are selling it for a profit. All you have to do is buy it and sell it. Thats it. You need to buy it first. Thats how the business of resale works.
Elva Zhang: I dont think so
John Eagder: So you mean to tell me that I wont get the money until that account is sold. So that means if the account will never be sold, I will never be payed?
Elva Zhang: yes, but u lost nothing
John Eagder: I lose time and perhaps my account. It is incredible risky to do this in the first place, because it is over the internet.
John Eagder: Also, you said you will pay in 16-20 days. What happens if it is not sold in that timeframe?
Elva Zhang: u can find it back
John Eagder: I will make one last request. I will give you my account in for a payment of $42. Yes or no?
Elva Zhang: yes
John Eagder: so If I give you my account information, I will be paid right now?
Elva Zhang: if it be bought right now
John Eagder: You are buying it though.
Elva Zhang: but we are not the player
John Eagder: You are the one buying it, regardless if you play or not.
Elva Zhang: we are the argent
Elva Zhang: we dont get the money u paid
John Eagder: Im not paying money.
Elva Zhang: so u understand
John Eagder: No. I do not understand. But since I will not be getting paid I withdraw my proposal. I no longer authorize the trade or sell of my account under your name. My account is under my possession again. If I do find that you have altered my account information in an attempt to steal it, I will contact your business. If the business does not comply, I will take international legal actions. If you wish to contact me, do so at [REMOVED EMAIL FOR PRIVACY] I am going to be submitting this transcript for review and will make sure people know what exactly they are dealing with on this website.

End Transcript
October 20, 2008
Fraud and scam
Sellers are not responding to my messages. Several have bounced back as invalid addresses. Paid for 3M in Runescape money to be downloaded to account 3 days ago. Nowhere on their website does it state that you authorize permission for them to go into your account and play the game to attempt to WIN you your money. Gamer had been on account since Friday 1730 CST US, finally got off this morning after not only LOSING my son's 300K and all his armor, got him killed, and of course, NO 3M for which we paid. To make matters worse, PayPal is protecting their client's (not me, the gamers) identity. Corporate HQ consumer rep. refused to release any contact info., or even tell me which country their LLC is registered. Have filed dispute with PayPal -- will see what happens. PayPal is not looking to squeaky clean, either.

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