Free products offered s/a Grant Search Center to recieve information are advertized as FREE and by no means free and the companies takie out large sums of money from our bank accounts from the information we gave them for the shipping and handling of the FREE product (s) are misleading and for the most part totally false.
Companies use the Government; this election year; the President, and other people or companies to lure you in. The companies make it impossible for you to contact them on purpose to be able to charge the customer for unwanted and/or defective products.
I looked for this company's contact information and it is no where on the packaging or the C D cover; which makes it all but impossibel for me to contact RSS Publishing.
I'm trying very hard to support myself as an disables senior citizen and thought a company Giving information and perhaps an education on how to support myself with my talents would be worth looking into. The product is defective and I'm unable to contact the company (RSS) to let them know; which I'm sure they could care less being that I stupidly gave them my information for shipping and handling.
This is the United States and we are suppose to be roll models for the rest of the world and we fail at it miserablly.
I'm very disappointed with our Government for not stopping these and other false companies that are taking advantage of citizens and we are always out of monies and the games to decieve us continues and are getting better with the deception.
I would love for this company to return my $59.95 back to my account and RSS should be made accountable for their deception. If they get hundreds of people s/a myself daily, who really want a legiamate home base business and is doing legimate things and trying very hard to educate themselves in the business world; which our Government endorses; my question and complaint is how can we when this kind of deception is allowed ?