March 12, 2011
Never on time
I don’t expect buses to run exactly on time, but when I plan 2 hours for traveling time and still miss the bus I have to transfer onto because of RTD’s incompetence, I get angry. But this isn’t the worst story.
November 15, 2010
never on time
I don't expect buses to run exactly on time, but when I plan 2 hours for traveling time and still miss the bus I have to transfer onto because of RTD's incompetence, I get angry. But this isn't the worst story. No, the worst was the day (a Sunday) they didn't bother to run a scheduled bus, and then demanded all riders walk to a different stop a half mile away. Why was this a problem? Well, one of the riders was in a wheel chair, and after getting to the stop they directed us to, they told us to go to a different stop and simply laughed when people started complaining. This poor man in the wheelchair was left to wonder if he would be able to make it to his appointment (let alone home) thanks to RTD demanding he use his battery to get to the bus they didn't bother to send. I have never been more sickened, and if there is any way you can avoid RTD, DO! Awful company, awful standards.
September 26, 2009
Driver tried to run us over
We were trying to cross the street at Market & 16th. It was orange light while we were in the middle of the street.
The bus driver saw us and tried to run us over. He intentionally accelerated the bus. The bus number is 102-FKJ.
The driver was a Black driver. This incident occurred at 8:50pm on Saturday Sep 26th, 2009.
Armin Singh