I am looking for the other 4 passengers who missed this flight on account of wrong information on the screen at the entrance to gate D and the names of the passengers not being called.
The flight was due to leave at 10.30pm and a 10.15pm we found out boarding had taken place at gate D, down the passageway, while we were staring at the screen with this flight on it and no mention of boarding. The airline would not board us on the flight but tried to sell us new tickets at €100. I ran to get the last bus back into Paris.
It is actually Beauvais and not Ryanair who are at fault. The airport denies that they didn't abide by the rules that govern all airports. I would like to find the other four passengers as mutual witnesses that this happened, and to find out what happened after I left. Ryanair told me there was a police report but cannot give me any more information on that.