I have read a lot of the reports about VVM collecting monies on behalf of the SABC on the www.hellopeter.com website and I am also in the same situation that all my correspondence is ignored by the SABC and VVM. My situation is simple. I have informed them both that I do not have a TV and both have my affidavit on file. It is far to late for these companies to claim innocence and to pretend that they have not received it. It is a waste of time and money to call the call centre to solve your problem. The call centre operators are trained to collect money and their modus operandi are, to make customers feel that it is impossible to solve their problem unless the customer pay the monies, even if it is not owed to the SABC. This is why VVM never acknowledges receipt of your correspondence. The pattern is very clear.
I know their modus operandi: They will ignore my correspondence and affidavit and keep quiet for a while, just to harass me all over again with higher and higher debt every year. I see it in an extremely serious light that VVM keep on threatening me with legal action and that my credit record will be affected, for monies that they know full well are not owed to the SABC.