The above law office is a debt collector on behalf of Memorial Regional Hospital. It filed a judgment against me even though I was paying something towards the bill back in 2003. I paid the judgment in full, which the mortgage company that I refinanced with in August 2006 paid the remaining balance. However, the attorney's office refuses to show that the judgment was satisfied instead it continued to send me threatening letters for others services rendered after the final judgment was in place. I think this is totally illegal and I am in the process of filing a formal complaint against the law office.
My credit report was also showing five judgments instead of one which caused my credit score to drop and my credit report to appear with five different credit reports as supposed to one. I filed an investigation with Transunion and it is still showing two of the same judgments. Therefore, I would have to ask for another investigation. When I sent the law office an explanation on the reason for the information on my credit report, it return send me a threatening letter to pay the remaining balance within forty (48) eight hours. Up to this day which is 4-10-07, it has yet to answer the question.