Do not buy from this company unless you enjoy purchasing a substandard computer that has a warranty that is next to useless. After several months of use, my laptop LCD screen simply stopped working. I sent the unit in for warranty repair only to find out that they would not cover the screen as warranty due to a small scratch on the screen. Their official statement was that the manufacturer of the LCD screen would not replace it without a $70 charge for the scratch. When I pointed out that the scratch had nothing to do with the other they agreed but still insisted that I was liable for the charge. After several back and forth emails they agreed to split the cost to 35 dollars and I finally relented. I just want my computer back in working order.
I will never purchase from this company again and I am recommending the same to everyone out there. If a computer is less than 7 months old and the screen stops working and they charge the customer for this "warranty repair" the company is not worth the hassle. Order from someone else, anyone else.