I received a bill from a dental cleaning for my daugther around 6/08 for services rendered on 8/26/07.
My dental insurance would have covered the bill completely but the dentist office failed to submit the
bill until just a few months ago and my insurance company said it was sent in too late and they will
not pay. When I first received the bill I was shocked as this should have been covered by insurance.
I called the dentist office when I first received the bill as we had complete coverage which was in fact
verified when my daughter went to the dentist. In fact the dentist office called Delta Dental my insurance
provided to verify coverage before my daughters teeth were cleaned and didn't charge me anything
but they never sent the b ill to my insurance company. Now of course they keep sending me the bill
which I refuse to pay due to their negligence and mistake as I was paying premiums for the dental
coverage. I called the dentist office several times and they say they are going to have someone call me
back but they never do. I also discovered through all of this that they had charged my insurance company for a filling on my daughters prior visit and she had no filling. I AM SEVERELY AGRAVATED