I'm just like you. I saw the nail art pen, and I wondered, "Is that stuff any good? Because it looks really fun!" So I got the black one. Well, it does have a fine tip. And it does draw pretty nice, easy to use, etc. I'm not really *pissed* but I'm not neutral. It's not like they said "Thick, luscious, hard as nails drawing pen!" But I would have expected more from Sally Hansen.
Pretty much, you draw it on, and then it slides all over the place. Like bacon grease, or butter: You know when you put it's sitting in the hot pan, and you try to put an even layer around the pan, but then it just gathers into piles of liquid? That's what this stuff is like. I did one nail tip with it, and before I was even done, it'd pooled together in the middle of the polish blob.
I tried shaking it more, putting it on in different ways, whatever. It didn't get any better. I noticed that it does pretty good dots if you seperate them enough, but that's nothing a tooth pick couldn't do.
And another thing. I put it on around five o'clock some day. I don't remember the time - it was just not night yet, but not that early in the day. It took a while to dry, but it dried up pretty okay.
I have really dry skin. I have to put lotion on my back and arms and stuff. The night after the day I put it on (30-50 hours later), I got out of the shower and put lotion on my back, but there was a spot I couldn't reach. So I tried the back of my hands, not thinking about the nail polish of course because it had been dry for plenty of time. But I turned around and looked at my back in the mirror and saw these black streaks on it from wherethe nail pen had rubbed right off!
No, it doesn't chip, it *rubs* off. My base coat of nail polish (which was only one (1) layer), is just barely starting to chip, and already, all the black is gone from the pen. At best, there's a few tiny dots on three nails.
I don't reccommend this. It doesn't last, it's thin and liquidy, it rubs off, and there's nothing you can do with this that you can't to better with a tooth pick and some real nail polish.