I obtained a Salute Card Visa after a very difficult divorce in the hopes of restoring some of my credit rating...
Like everyone else on here, I paid the ridiculously-high annual fee as well as the "monthly maintennance fee" (even when I had a ZERO balance!) for almost two years.
This past Christmas, I put $450 on the card, and when I tried to use it soon after, the card was declined. When I called their "customer service" number, I was informed I had "no credit available."
Thinking perhaps I unintentionally missed a payment or something, I paid off the ENTIRE balance...
...and I still have "no credit available!"
What I DIDN'T receive was any kind of explanation whatsoever.
Now, I get my monthly bill, and it's showing a ZERO balance...and a monthly maintennance fee!!! Why I am supposed to pay this fee for a card I can't use! I guarantee if I don't pay the monthly fee, Salute will be more than happy to slap me with the $29 "late" fee as well!
This is outright theft!