I have a 2008 Samsung LCD 40" model LN-T4069F. I cannot control turning the TV OFF using the TV controls or the remote provided by HD TV. The average cost to repair is in excess of $350. I have 3 such Samsung TV's and am concerned. Up till now I had planned on buying a super large Samsung TV for a video center being set up in a custom home currently being built. Now I wonder why buy another Samsung product. Perhaps enough unhappy customers will write their Attorney Generals complaining of defective units and no recall. I found this following summary on another web site for addressing Samsung TV problems.
"I had the power problem were Tv takes longer and longer to come on and just clicks, eventually it wouldn't come on at all, called a TV repair man and he said it was a common problem with Samsung LCD TV's, cost £100 to fix so weighed up the options of buying a new one probably at £500/600 and decided to get it repaired - he replaced 4 capacitors and only took about 25 minutes. Have read a bit more about this problem and seems to surface after about 2 years so maybe this repair will only last this long."