I have purchased a samsung cell on ddt. 09.09-2009 From the begining the sysem is not properly working. Finally since th disply went away, I have given to your service centre at Visakhpatnam and the complaint was registered wide no.WA5938106507.
After one month the set was returned without repairing statig that the complaint was not under warrantty. The reason they told that the sweat entered the system damaging the mother board.
Surprised to note that mear sweat entering the system means the set is defective. In the customer report form they stated the reason only to avoid the warranty but actually there are no evidence of any systems logged. I have protested the same in writing duly condemning the verson of service centre. They are telling that they have mentioned in the primilimary customer form itself. If they have identified early why they have accepted my set for repair. It clearly shows that only to aviod the replacement of the mother board, knowing they have noted the above remark.
If your do not respond, there is not alternative for me to approach the appropriate form