Samsung Reviews
sandeep koslia
July 27, 2009
for current
machine earthing
July 24, 2009
customer service
I am writing the anonymously. I happen to work for the Executive Customer Relations department of Samsung. Everyone in these forums is always complaining about how horrible our service is, but they honestly do no know how restricted we are with things we are limited to do within our power. Believe me, I take upwards of 40-50 calls a day of people who have time and time again gone through repairs on units, been waiting for callbacks, gotten the run around all the time, and I honestly do feel sorry for people when they call us. But there are several things you have to realize when you call us.
1. We work in a 3rd party call center. Samsung's name is not on my paychecks. We represent their products, but do not work for them. And there are a few different buildings that have Executive Relations Department agents in them. So just because you get ahold of a "Craig" one day or a "Barbara" the next day means that we know who that person is, because sometimes we don't. I know personally unless I know the specific agent who was in the file previously and I know how they work, I don't trust much of what is typed in a file. I always try to verify my own research to assist people.
2. When you call 1-800 Samsung, the call goes to our general service level agents. They do NOT have the ability on their level to extend warranties, or handle anything other than repairs, and personally, some of them do not even have the brain capacity to do that right. I spend many hours of my days trying to correct files that have gotten " escalated" to my department. So please, if you are sent up to ECR, we ARE trying to help you.. ( or at least I try to).
3. When you call 1800 Samsung, and request a supervisor, if it is the normal day time operating hours for our dept between 9 am and 7pm eastern time, you will be transferred to the ECR dept. We are not supervisors, we are agents that handle requests for escalations. And we DO in most cases have the authority to help someone depending on the situation. If you call during a time of the day, or on the weekend when our dept is not open, the service agent will make a VOC file (3000) which goes into the general ECR queue. Please realize, on a day to day basis there can be as many as 1000 files put into that queue. And there are only 2 agents in my dept, in my building that go through those files. So, your best bet is, trying to call us during normal operating hours if you want to speak to someone.
4. People have to realize, that if we went through and extended everyone's warranty to cover repairs, Samsung would be a bankrupt company. ECR is certainly within our ability to extend warranties for people who are slightly out (i.e. 90 days), or for those that have had multiple repairs (i.e. at least one previously within that last 6-12 months). So please, if you call up to us, and you are 3 years out of warranty, and have never had the unit repaired, spare us your cursing at us. We are not the ones who made the policies, we just enforce them, we are the messengers. If I had the authority, I would gladly cover a repair for you, but in that case, it could be my job, and I don't need to be unemployed.
5.Yes, we do get scored on call quality and call times. I don't like rushing people off the phone, but my job quality depends on it. So if I am being brief with you, its not bc I don't care, or Im being rude. It's because that if I don't meet the average handle time for my calls, that could also be my job. So please, bare with us.
6. If you have contacted Samsung within the past month, you may have been made aware that we have been having severe computer issues. That reason being, we upgraded to a new system, and believe me, that agents you are speaking to are just as frustrated as you. We had very little training on this upgraded system, and most of us, including myself had our hitches along the way. That being said, the waiting times to get through to our department have drastically increased. You usually didnt have to wait more than 5 mins to get through, and I know this bc we have a system up at all times that show how many calls are waiting and for how long. Now the waiting times can be as long as up to 20 minutes. All agents are trying to get to the cx's as quickly as possible. So please, when you get on the phone, we know how frustrated you are... we are almost at times feeling the same way.
7. We KNOW how bad some of our servicing centers are that service such things at blue ray players.. believe me. Time and time again I get calls about how people received units back damaged, or they have been waiting a month, or the service center lost their unit. BELIEVE ME, we KNOW. And I sit there and wonder most days why Samsung still continues to use their services after so many complaints. But, once again.. we don't make the contracts, we are just the messengers... don't take it out on us... Those who call us up and are nice to me.. tend to get alot further.
8. Don't get on the phone and start demanding this and demanding that, and being all over rude. I pride myself on my very very small number of supervisor calls, bc I am for the most part a very level headed person, and I know my job inside and out. I do know how to talk appropriately to people, and if you treat me with the same respect that I give you as soon as we get on a call, I can guarantee, I can most likely assist you within that time, no supervisor needed. Not everyone in my department can say that, but not everyone has a 92% call quality either. So please be kind to your ECR agent. It will get you alot further.
9. We know about all the problems with our units... Especially DLP tv's. And I get just as frustrated as you when I get a call from someone who is 2 years out of warranty, with a DLP and it has completely broken, isnt turning on...And has been diagnosed as needing a new light engine from a service center.. That is not a cheap repair... and my department is not authorized to assist. We know about all the problems with these units, .. I deal with them all day, everyday. But until Samsung decides to make a recall on them... we have to keep making people angry, and yes... it does suck. But if you are having a dark vertical band running down either the left or right side of your DLP unit and it was made 2 or more years ago... give Samsung a call. It may be a light tunnel issue, and we are doing free of charge repair for those.
10. If you are Out of warranty, do yourself a favor and avoid the lower level tiers. They can't help you. Call 1800-522 7341 to go to ECR. and please.. please... please... before you call us, find a copy of your receipt!!! And when you have an agent on the phone, ask them the steps of uploading it on the samsung website... that is the quickest way for us to view it.. Because if we don't have your receipt, we go off of the date the unit was manufactured ( which populates by the serial number). Samsung does not keep track of serial numbers and where they were sold. We do NOT have that info in our system. So the only way to verify your warranty terms are with your receipt! Keep them for everything you buy! And if you already have a service file set up, you can upload your receipt to us in a quick easy step. Scan it into your computer and save it as an image file. Go to and go to Support. Under support you will find Repair Self Tracking. Click on it and go to the page. Choose option 1 to enter in your transaction number ( which will be either a 3000 or 400 number) and your phone number you provided us when you called. Click continue. This take you to the file. Scroll to the bottom of the page, click Upload Purchase Receipt. Browse your computer for the file and hit attach. There you go, its send to Samsung.
> Ok, I hope this blog helps some people. We are not the bad guys, simply the messengers. Please consider that the next time you call us..
rahul khanna
July 21, 2009
i have a samsung SGH J210 mobile phone. Its joystick stopped working and i handed over my phone to durga electronics (samsung service centre in gurgaon) for repair on 24th june 2009. they told me that i wil get my phone back in 15 days but now it has taken more than 25 IMEI no. is 3588221010885796.Do tell me the current status at 0124-2254978.I have been calling the service centre for the last 10 days but they have new excuse every time.please look at the problem otherwise i will hav no other choice than to take some serious action against the company.
Tajinder Banga
July 16, 2009
AC fan not available in india
We have purchased Samsung A/c in year 2001, from last one month A/c Fan is not avalaible in india .
July 13, 2009
not printing
i have two printers .which is made by samsung
i have three monitors. which is product by samsung
now one printer and one monitor is not working
July 9, 2009
Part no longer available
I brought a Samsung 56 inch TV the power button switch kept cutting on and off. Samsung authorized dealer kept my TV for 6 months. The TV is 2 years old. Finally I contact the company again and they tell me that the part is no longer available. How can you sell the public a TV and do not make the part to go with it ? Does this mean that every two years we got to buy another TV if you buy from Samsung.When you called the company and as usual they give you the run around and transferring you from one person to another. Come on Samsung you can do better then this. The next TV I buy, I do not think it will be a Samsung.
July 8, 2009
Samsung Stacked Dryer
Jan 03, 2009
I live in a tiny condo with no place to hang-dry my clothes
and I purchased a stacked washer/dryer from Samsung and 5 months later the dryer stopped heating up.
The clothes would tumble but I couldn't get anything else than air fluff.
May 27, still under warranty, I called Samsung and they told me they would call me back withing 24-48 hours
to schedule a contracted technician to look at it. They never called back.
June 1, I call back and they say I have to unplug the dryer for 10 minutes and
plug it on again to reset it. Say it should work. It doesn't.
I call back, they say to try it again but for 30 minutes this time. It doesn't work.
They tell me AGAIN they would call me back withing 24-48 hours
to schedule a contracted technician to look at it. They never called back.
June 4, I call back asking to schedule a repairmen ASAP.
June 9, the subcontracted local servicing company sends 2 guys over to check it out.
They can't find the problem. They take away the dryer to their lab for further
June 11, they bring the dryer back, and say it SHOULD be ok. They leave.
I try every setting available, simply doesn't heat up. I call back and tell them it doesn't
work. They tell me they can't do anything else and will mark it as "not serviceable"
so Samsung can send a replacement.
June 12, I call Samsung for a replacement. They said I don't qualify, the dryer is
still being serviced. I argue that the servicing company SAID cannot do anything more
to fix it. They say they will call me back within 24-48 hours. Guess what? THEY DON'T.
June 16, The servicing contractors leave me a voice mail to tell me they have the part to fix
the dryer. ???? WHAT??? I call back, ask why they didn't close the ticket in Samsung's system.
They say they will. They seem very confused..
June 17, I call Samsung and ask for replacement since ticket should be closed by now.
I get put on hold for 20 minutes. (I found later that in the meantime
they called the servicing company to convince them to find the problem)
They get back to me and tell me that the service company has found the problem and that will come and fix it.
I tell them it won't work 'cause they spent a day on it and couldn't figure it out. Samsung says it's 99.9% sure
they will this time.
June 21, Unsurprisingly, the service company comes back is NOT able to fix it.
June 22, I call Samsung and ask them TO SEND A REPLACEMENT NOW! They say they will send
the request to the department and call me back within 24-48 hours. GUESS WHAT? They don't!
June 26, it's been a month now and I spent probably a total of 6 hours on hold over the phone
with Samsung without my replacement dryer being shipped. I've had to re-tell my story all over again
each and every time because nobody keeps track of any details or who spoke to me the last time I called.
I verified many times they had MY phone number and it was correct, just to be EXTRA SURE!
Now I call back Samsung and they tell me the service company still hasn't closed the ticket.
I call the service company and they tell me they did close it.
I call back Samsung and told them they did.
They say they will call me now you should have guessed they didn't.
July 2, I call back, they say it's written in the system I'm set-up for a replacement.
I ask when? they don't know, because the department is not yet ready to get a unit from the
July 3, I call back, they say they will contact me starting next week to set up a delivery date.
They never called.
July 8th, I call back they say the woman in charge of the replacement is gone for the afternoon.
She will call me back tomorrow.
I WILL EVER BE ABLE TO. They never return calls, they are clueless and when they're not
they don't tell you the truth. It seems like they want people to forget about it and buy another one.
What a bunch of losers... I bought a new LCD TV last week and guess what? It was NOT a Samsung.
July 8, 2009
fridge and freezerRSH1NHMH
BEWARE DONT BUY ANY PRODUCTS FROM SAMSUNG as the company had very bad customer services even you have warranty you spend so much money calling their prime telephone no. for follow-up when your item breakdown. They dont know how to deal with it
Brad Belles
July 1, 2009
Customer Service Manipulation
You'll believe it when you see it.
I purchased a DTB-H260F digital set top box to convert digital signal input (June 12 2009) from over the air local TV stations to a first generation 1080i 32" LCD Panasonic display. This box is touted to upconvert digital to digital HD and I believe as it is designed, it does a good job at video HD upconversion. However, upcoversion necessitates the use of a HDMI cable that conducts both video and audio. When working properly, the audio is amplified using HDMI and the end user enjoys a wider range of sound effects and an enhanced vocal clarity. The following explanation is a true account of my experience when the HDMI audio-output failed in this "magic box" and I had to engage SAMSUNG to repair it under warranty.
The manufacturing date, determined by the serial number, is August of 08. The date of purchase was December 9th. This is important because as you will soon read, these can and often times are, manipulated to stop warranty repairs until warranty periods expire. But first let me begin at the beginning.
I contacted customer service, explained my problem and agreed to let them send me a shipping label in the mail. It never arrived. A week later, called back, they offered to email it, I agreed, never arrived. Called again asked for supervisor, was transferred to "Executive Customer Relations" and they explained policy, over and over. Finally got a shipping label and sent it off to the service center in Riverdale NJ. Was returned unrepaired. Called again and this time I stayed on the phone until the agent emailed me the return shipping label. I sent it off again and then the following happened.
I received an email that the unit had been received and would be repaired and returned within 5-7 business days. Two weeks later I find out that someone had manipulated the information in their computer to cause my repair to go on hold. You see, they put in the correct manufacturing date but changed the purchase date to kick the repair until the information conflict was corrected. The solution, upload the invoice proving the purchase date constitutes a warranty repair. Keep in mind, at the time of this writing the warranty peroid of one year from the manufacutring date of August 08 is still two months in the future. A person with common sense would do the warranty repair and be done with it. NOT SAMSUNG.
Asked for a supervisor, was told a supervisor would review my file and call me with in 72 hrs. Two plus weeks later began receiving voice mails on my home answering machine indicationg that there is a problem with the purchase date. This is after I had uploaded the purchase invoice. Are you starting to see how calculated they have become in supporting the questionable products they sell? I will fill you in on a couple of other practices that allowed aproximatly two months to pass and the second repair has yet to be compleated. I might mention here that SAMUSUNG policy is after three repairs, a replacement unit will be sent instead.
Upon calling in to customer service, they ask for your phone number. They then ask for you warranty "transaction" number. They review your file and then come back on the line and ask what you want. Each time you send the unit in for repair your transaction number is updated to a new number. If you are using a tranaction number of a more recent event they dont see the information from the other repairs. Please note, they get a lot of unhappy customers, A LOT. So be forewarned that they usually are not the most compassionate and understanding folk on the planet.
I recommend that you use the phone companies thee digit code to cloak your phone number. AT&T uses *67. I found that this company can automatically identify your phone number and send you in to a phone loop, or just disconnect your call. At times of high call volume at the service call center 888-685-1349 the calls will dump and you can spend upwards of five hours trying to get through. I did this because I was starting to become suspicious that the motivation of these folks was to expire the warranty period before the repair could be compleated. When you get dumped or put on hold, simply call back in to the wrong department and have them transferr the call. This circumvents the automated phone number tracking through their computer.s
To review, flagging problem phone numbers, manipulating purchase dates-requiring "verification documentation", promising to send shipping labels when they never arrive, not requiring the service center to repair the units adequately, and gererally lying cheating and stealing our time to problem solve these creative ways know only to SAMSUNG CUSTOMER SERVICE cause most of use to never consider the SAMSUNG name ever again in any upcoming purchases.
Hoped this helped you reduce the time you will have to invest to get your SAMSUNG produt repaired. Good luck.
Brad Belles
June 27, 2009
Awful service
I had purchased AC in june this year. The AC just stopped working on its own. When customer care was contacted to provide service i was told that stablizer wouldn't be working so get the stablizer repaired . The person named Deepak said check the output of stablizer and then let us know.I contacted the dealer who suppled the AC also didn't take any action so being in warranty period I had to get repaired on payment.The most pathetic and disappointing behaviour by the customer care and the dealer ACE Technology NOIDA.
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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