In June, I bought a Samsung X460-44G laptop for about $1, 300 and it included a 1 year warranty. On December 17th, I submitted my laptop for repair because the keys were malfunctioning. I get a call saying the latch in the back of the laptop was damaged but my warranty would cover the cost to repair the damages, despite my 1 year parts warranty. Both Samsung and UPS denied responsibility. The issue finally gets forwarded to the Executive Repair Center a month of dispute later where I spoke with 10 different associates, all of whom informed me I will be given an exchange for my damaged laptop. None of my programs and files would be recovered from my previous laptop though. Weeks later, I have not heard from any ERC members nor received any laptop. I called them back and I was told that not only did they not carry my laptop but Samsung did not have ANY laptops in their inventory at all. They offered to refund my laptop if I still had a receipt, otherwise I will receive the market value which was nearly $300 less than what I paid.
If this is an example of Samsung's introduction of their mobile computing to the US market, I suggest all consumers to stay away from their products. Not only are the laptops not meant to last but there is a clear lack of customer service and organization. You will rarely hear back from the associates and would have to hound the ERC phoneline to get any update on your claim status. Should anything happen to your product, you can bid farewell to all your programs and files, along with hours of your life spent being put on hold.