On Aug. 24th 08 I return my less than 6 month old Samsung PC monitor fully expecting them to replace it that day with a new one being this one had completely died and I had also purchased the 4 yr.extended warrenty plan and was led to believe upon purchasing this that if anything were to happen to my monitor that could not be repaired there that I would be promptly presented with a new one that very day...what a FOOL I was to believe that! I was informed that it was pertectly fine and could be repaired but would have to be sent away to their service center.
I was upset right away that I'd have to be without this monitor for which of course meant I could not use my computer.
The geek squad guy assured me it wouldn't be that long, a week no more than 2 weeks it would be back. He said they'd call to update me and let me know when it was ready for me to pick up. The 2 weeks went buy, no call, so that Saturday I went back to the store to inquire about it. I was told it was still at the service center, they didn't know why it was still there unless they were waiting on parts, said they'd call me on Monday to let me know what was going on with it being the service center is closed on weekends and they couldn't call them until then.
Monday came and went, no call, finally on Wednesday I call them and they say they still do not know anything. The next Saturday I'm back at their store again standing in the long customer service line with all the other very unhappy people, finally after about 30 minutes or so I'm at the customer service desk and they're looking up my account and the status on my monitor. Guess what?!? They don't even know where it is at this point because the service center they sent it to shut down and they THINK maybe it was sent to the center in New York but they're not for sure. "Oh great! so they've lost my monitor now??" I said. Oh no mam we don't know that at all, it's just we don't know and we can't call the center being it's the weekend, we'll call you Monday to let you know. Of course they never call me, I ended up calling them only to be given the run around again. My husband then got into it and went to their store where they then said they were going to REPLACE the monitor...oh but not right then, oh no they are now waiting on a authorization number from the Samsung factory before they can hand over a new monitor to me.
My husband about flipped out at this point, demanded to see the head store manager, department manager and whoever else cared to hear a piece of his mind. How bad for their business as other customers were standing around hearing all this and getting a true sence of how Best Buy treats their loyal customers, very badly.
My husband left the store that day empty handed of course because Best Buy doesn't care about their customers at all or they wouldn't be treated as badly as we have been treated.
After he cooled down he called them a few days later after they had not called us on the "we will call you on Monday", to ask if they now had the authorization number so we could pick up this monitor and end all this nonsence. No they still did not have the number, I mean good grief how hard is it to get a number?? My husband tried so hard to remain calm on the phone so he asked the lady(department manager I think she was)if there was any way possible being we have waited so long that we could just come and pick up the monitor they owe us and let them worry about getting the number when they get it. She said she would ask her manager when he got in that afternoon if they could do that for us and that she would call us back one way or the other. We never received that phone call...it's now 5 days later and still no call. I tried twice calling them today only for the person who answered to tell me they'd have to connect me to the Geek squad department. The phone rang so many times it finally stopped and disconnected me, no one would even pick up the phone to talk to me.
I'm debating on whether or not to make the 40 mile trip back there tomorrow. I'm sure I'll be given the run around and lied to again. I'm just so tired of wasting my time being upset and angry at these people. I feel so very violated, as if I've been robbed in some way.
I am seriously beginning to wonder if Best Buy will EVER get this authorization number and if I will ever get this monitor at all.
Seems they have ALL the control plus several hundred of my dollars that they refuse to refund to me. It's been almost 2 months now and they have done absolutely NOTHING for me in all this because they do NOT care, this became oh so clear to me by the way they treat you and talk to you when you go into their store or call them. They will say anything to shut the complaning customer up and get them out of the store, even if it's the biggest lie ever!