The situation is I received a pair of black Chukka Samuel Windsor boots for Xmas. from my father I started wearing them January 2 2009 by the time the snow came in February I realised my feet were getting wet as walked in the snow. I complained to you and was told the boots were not waterproof and I could send them in if I wished . By now the gloss has also come off the boots and they do not look how I consider an expensive hand made £100 plus pair of boots should.
I sent them in and they replied to my father that the warranty had expired and if he would have to pay £5 to have them returned to him
I think this is very shoddy for a compnay that advertises hand made boots worth £100
I see that in 2006 they were forced by the ASA to remove the slogan handmade ror over a 100 years from their advertising.
07956 446693