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Santander Reviews

Wright F October 25, 2010
Late statement
I received a letter from Citi Financial that my car loan account had been sold to Santander and that we would be receiving a coupon booklet to make our car payments in the future. I began checking the mail daily in an effort to make sure I did not overlook receiving this booklet so that I could make my car payment in a timely manner. However, I did not receive a booklet from Santander; what I received was a statement that was supposedly mailed out on 9/27/10 and may payment was due 10/10/10. This statement was received on Saturday 10/09/10; however, I did not check my mail until Sunday, 10/10/10 (glad I did). On the statement it says "there is NO grace period for payments. If your payment is not received or is returned for non-sufficient funds, immediate collection procedures and applicable fees begin...If you do not receive a billing statement for any given month, call our toll free number 888-222-4227 and notify us immediately." Evidently, this is something to be on guard for. Needless to say, my husband then called and made a payment by phone which costs an additional $10.95. I totally believe this was done intentionally in hopes that people sign up to pay online and if you don't you are penalized for it by paying additional fees. Anyway, I called their customer service number the next day to see if this is their practice to send statements out late. I spoke with "Natasha of the South Carolina office" she did not want to give me her last name; she told me that statements are usually mailed out 15 days before payments are due...okay well let's see between 9/27 to 10/10 that's 12 days and then she stated there is most likely a problem with my postal service and I need to call them (I stated I would do that if I needed to but I don’t think that’s the problem - we will see when it’s time for next month’s payment). Ms. Natasha then informed me that I could have sent them a payment earlier because there name and address information was on the letter sent to me by Citi Financial. What? What type of customer service is this??!! Whatever I said she had a reply for but no apologies. I have a bad feeling about this company especially after reading the other reports. So keep up when your payments are due (you may even have to submit payment before receiving a statement) as it may be this company's intention to trap you!!!
bumblebetty October 12, 2010
hia, i dont want to be to quick on the uptake, but, as i pay and go with a santander store card, i have been right up to date with all payments, as having debt already, i need to keep a very careful eye on my accounts.anyhow, after going through my bank statements and purchases, i notice i have been charged twice on one two items.i phoned up the customer services and paid 8 pounds to find nothing out, i will now have to write, i guess, to find out what to do.i am writing this as a possible warning, if that counts for anything.thank you for posting your complaints as well.p.s.get the customer services assessed.
Desi2kus October 10, 2010
I paid my first car note and the idiots ran my card twice so it was a total of 2 payments instead of one. I've been calling their customer service (yea right)and no one knows what to do or they hung up. How does a company get away with this? Finally a capable person (yea right again)took my information and then stated he was not sure if he could get this cleared and oh by the way, he admitted that it was their fault. So why couldn't he stop the double payment? Bad company ever. When the rep took my payment I knew she made a mistake and when I inquired, she replied there was an transaction error but never clearly stated what she had done. so I hold Santander completely responsible sine the people they hire are very incompetent when it comes to this sort of business.
darla1 October 6, 2010
car payment
I just received a letter from santander, they bought out citifinancial auto, I got this letter 2 days ago, now they want me to pay a late charge because they say they sent me a letter last month. I phoned them to set up a payment arrangement and they want me to give them an extra 12 dollars, to process my payment, I ask her if that was for her Christmas bonus! I have 1 year to pay my truck off, I am so pissed!!!
Aggravated83 September 24, 2010
Santander took over CitiFinancial Auto Loans. Of course no notice was given to the customers. No statements mailed out for 3 months. To make a payment over the phone a fee of $10.95 is charged. Although it was due to there negligence that customers did not recceive a statement you are still required to pay this fee to a payment they will post whenever they want. I absolutely HATE this company. They are so unprofessional and disorganized. It seems the only way they acquire clients is to buy out other companies and leave customers with no choice. I can not get this loan paid fast enough so that I can stop dealing with this IDIOTS.
Bedore September 16, 2010
Stoll Money
We paid off our auto loan when we traded our vehicle for another. Called Citi auto and made sure no more auto draft, account closed and an actual credit was there for over payment. Out of no where there is an auto draft from Santander after our account was closed. This is how we found out they now had our loan. They have been less then helpful. Might get money back in 35 to 45 days by mail, it's our fault for not calling them too. We didn't know they exsisted, why should we call them if we took care of things on our end with Citi. They can't credit the account since it's now "closed" but they can debt it just fine. The best suggestion by a supervisor was to file a dispute of charges with our bank. Sure, now we not only are out the money, our bank will look down on us for a dispute claim, they don't look to see who's fault it is. Santander now has stollen our money and it's our fault, we should make our bank give it back to us, seriously. Their customer service is horrible, and their reps will either lie or do not know how to do their job, or it could just be both. I'm questioning not only the Santandergroup but now Citi who sold their auto loans to them.
Shysters in TX September 9, 2010
Forgery & Fraud
In March 2010, I received a notice from United Auto Credit Corp that my car loan would be moved to Santander Consumer. Ive always paid on time (mostly ahead of time) with a money order, and Ive never been late nor missed a payment. I have about 18 months of payments left. The last week of July 2010 I started receiving calls from Santander, but they never left a message. I called them back and they asked when should they expect their 7/10 car payment. I informed them that I bought and sent a money order on 7/18/10 so they should have it by now. They denied they ever got it, so I contacted the company that my m.o. was issued from, and they informed me that the m.o. was cashed on 8/10/10. They couldnt immediately tell me who cashed it, so I called Santander back and told them the m.o. was cashed. In the meantime, Im getting approx. 4-5 calls a day from these people, which I promptly ignore. I refuse to be stressed out by aggressive debt collection calls ever again, so they can call until the cows come home. Anyway, I called the m.o. company again and they told me to send in $15 to trace the m.o. About 5 days later, I received a copy of the m.o. - it had been altered so bad that my 8 y ear old grandson could have done a better job. My m.o. number was cut from the original, pasted onto a Mexican m.o., and cashed somewhere in Mexico. (And as a sidenote, shame on Continental Express Money Order Co. for accepting such an obvious forged note - I may just include them in my lawsuit.) It was an obvious inside job, as indicated by all of these Santander complaints. These people are crooks and thieves, and I would rather them come get this car and I fight them in court before I pay them another dime. Im also going to file federal charges because of this international scam and Im contacting the Texas Attorney General. Santander should not be allowed to conduct business - they prey on people with compromised credit and steal even more money from us. If anyone has a complaint with Santander, you should not hesitate to contact the Texas Attorney General. They will continue to prey on us unless we all do something about it. Posting a complaint on a board will not stop it!!
santander hater July 26, 2010
lies and calls all the time
Santander just called me telling me they want the car or I have to pay right now they then told me that they can garnish my wages if you google it you will see is what I was told so I did 41. South Carolina Wage Garnishment

Wage attachment is prohibited in South Carolina. SCCLA 37 -5-104.

wow looks like a lie a huge one there lol. They will tell you anything they can to get money I don't get how this comp even has anything but bad pr I want to see them go down I am going to go to every car dealer ship and let them read all the complaints then as think any of the folks here would ever get a car from you more then once knowing you use a comp like this. Make them think about how they will not get anyone to buy more then one car from them and with me driving a billboard that tells how bad they are want to be what will happen even more?

Hey santander when you read this run over to your books and look at who has a blue 2008 billboard that says don't use this comp they screw you all the time.
Have a good day and may the bbb shut you down
santanderbites June 27, 2010
forgery, theft
I attempted to pay off my car loan Santander 2 weeks ago. The amount owed was $13, 451. I send a check for the amount as my monthly payment. The check was cashed before the due date. The amount on the check had been altered and initialed by an employee to the amount of $1, 345.00 and cashed in that amount. Soooo...the car wasn't paid off as I'd hoped nor was I notified about the check alteration. I only found about the check alteration by going to my bank, investigating my balance and the actual check. I had the check printed. I called Santander 'customer service' and complained. I was put on hold for an eternity (one long-distance call). I called back (2nd long distance call) and was transferred to someone else. This person found a 'copy' of the check somehow and argued with me about the amount and denied there anything wrong with it and that the payment would stand as it was. He added that the total amount due was now $13, 261.00 because a 'revolving interest' charge had been tacked on even though the payment had been made on time and the check was altered. He told me I should fax my concerns to the 'ASU' department, whatever that is. So, I got all of my documentation together, wrote a note describing my issues in great detail and faxed and mailed (certified mail, another $6.00 spent on this idiocy) the documentation to the 'ASU' department as advised. I also filed a complaint the the Texas Attorney General's Office and sent the same information to them. I also included my complaint to AG's office to Santander along with everything else. This all took place 3 business days ago. I have received a return receipt from the AG's office but of course no word from Santander. I plan on taking this to Small Claims Court in two weeks if I don't get the 'revolving interest' fee removed, the car paid off and the title. I have no doubt I will be ignored by Santander until they have to drag their legal department into it and start threatening me with whatever BS they can come up with. I have time on my hands right now and I'm gearing up for a good fight. Wish me luck!
Larson June 23, 2010
Violates rights
My HSBC auto loan was acquired by Santander Consumer USA when they bought HSBC Auto. Since then, after hitting a rough employment patch, Santander has been relentless in their pursuit of any delinquency...2 days or 32 days, it doesn't matter. They will call all of your contact numbers (home, cell, work, your spouses work) numerous times per day. Even if you talked to them on Monday, letting them know that you don't get paid until Friday, they will call you every day multiple times per day until then. When you confront them with this info, by saying "Read your system notes, " they will tell you "it is an automated system and there is no way they can keep the system from calling."

As an added form of harassment and intimidation they will call your employer and your spouse's employer...and...let your boss and coworkers know that you are in collections. Even when you call Santander and tell them to stop calling you (and your spouse)at work. They will continue to call. Well I finally had it with their disregard of the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act. So here is what I did:

Filed complaints with the BBB in my area. BTW, the BBB has suspended Santander's rating while they are under investigation. And I also filed a complaint with my state's Attorneys General Office. Everyone here should do the same. And to help you with that here is the FDCPA, so you will know which of your rights are being vilated.

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), 15 U.S.C. § 1692:

Prohibited conduct

The Act prohibits certain types of "abusive and deceptive" conduct when attempting to collect debts, including the following:

Hours for phone contact: contacting consumers by telephone outside of the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. local time[3]

Failure to cease communication upon request: communicating with consumers in any way (other than litigation) after receiving written notice that said consumer wishes no further communication or refuses to pay the alleged debt, with certain exceptions, including advising that collection efforts are being terminated or that the collector intends to file a lawsuit or pursue other remedies where permitted[4]

Causing a telephone to ring or engaging any person in telephone conversation repeatedly or continuously: with intent to annoy, abuse, or harass any person at the called number.[5]

Communicating with consumers at their place of employment after having been advised that this is unacceptable or prohibited by the employer[6]

Contacting consumer known to be represented by an attorney[7]

Communicating with consumer after request for validation has been made: communicating with the consumer or the pursuing collection efforts by the debt collector after receipt of a consumer's written request for verification of a debt made within the 30 day validation period (or for the name and address of the original creditor on a debt) and before thedebt collector mails the consumer the requested verification or original creditor's name and address[8]

Misrepresentation or deceit: misrepresenting the debt or using deception to collect the debt, including a debt collector's misrepresentation that he or she is an attorney or law enforcement officer[9]

Publishing the consumer's name or address on a "bad debt" list[10]

Seeking unjustified amounts, which would include demanding any amounts not permitted under an applicable contract or as provided under applicable law[11]

Threatening arrest or legal action that is either not permitted or not actually contemplated[12]

Abusive or profane language used in the course of communication related to the debt[13]

Communication with third parties: revealing or discussing the nature of debts with third parties (other than the consumer's spouse or attorney) [14]

Contact by embarrassing media, such as communicating with a consumer regarding a debt by post card, or using any language or symbol, other than thedebt collector’s address, on any envelope when communicating with a consumer by use of the mails or by telegram, except that a debt collector may use his business name if such name does not indicate that he is in the debt collection business [15][16]

Reporting false information on a consumer's credit report or threatening to do so in the process of collection[17]

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