I never heard anything Have MIcheal Coker or Kelevine Hook pay the Border Parole now Or I heard the FBI IS conducting a sue Againt them in Spain because of the EX THey can Ok the MOney for Willison release Today OR You can pay all of my bills since You took everything away THe rich can pay the poor can not . I need groceries haven't been able to buy any for months now or medicine I had to even cancell my Dr appointments cause I'm not able to pay I tried to get a payday loan to help but I keep gettig noththing but a lawyer I need a loan to help Willison BEnmark to come home but You can cause I can't If you are really true Have Spain let him come home this week for sure so he can cash his check since they keep telling me they can not in spain They are telling me that only in the USA BOA
I know the banks there can HELP HELP HELP now I want a answer Tomorrow for sure aBOUT IT ALL OR A LETTER STATING EVERYTHING THROUGH THE POST OFFICE NOT INTERNET I know you can let Willison come home too Unless all of you want to pay my bills and get me some insurance for the drs and dental and life of 1300 that is owed to nylic company I know very well you can check it all out