In Oct 2005, these dentists (3 at the time) grossly overfilled a root canal on back molar and squirted Sargenti paste into my nerve channel. They concealed the overfill and use of Sargenti and left it for me to diagnose myself. Sargenti paste contains formaldehyde and when it comes in contact with nerves, it destroys them... or pickles them like they do for embalming. Sargenti has been REJECTED for approval by the FDA. The state dental board slapped them on the wrists and continue to allow them to use it with "informed consent". A patient can NOT be asked to consent to negligent substandard care. They have injured others who likely do not know it is Sargenti paste. They tried to tell me that they nicked me with the injection... and kept that story right past my opportunity to not live with a permanent 24/7 numb and burning lip and chin. See links below. The last link will eventually have a way to send a petition to the AL dental board to stop allowing the use of it in our state. Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin have banned it. It is banned in parts of canada and not allowed to be made and sold. The FDA has regulations against Sargenti but after 40 years they don't enforce them. EVERY SINGLE accredited dental school not only teaches to NOT use to Sargenti they teach it is below the standard of care to do so. Even UAB and BU when these dentists when and where these dentists were in dental school. Be ware.