December 17, 2008
Bad service
Imagine this:
- You order a pizza; the estimated delivery time is 30 minutes
- You wait and wait; it's past 1 hour now so you call up and make enquiries
- Customer support tells you to continue waiting while they take no action
- You wait and wait; nearly 2 hours now. Customer support says hmm I can check but will take me another couple of hours
- You are later informed that ooops, somehow the pizza didn't make it to your place. You now have the following options
a) They can send your pizza again but there's an additional delivery charge, or
b) You can cancel the order but they will charge you an administrative fee for doing that
Great, huh? You end up hungry and yet are expected to pay extra moolah.
That's exactly what happens when you place an order at sasa.com. Pray hard nothing happens to your shipment because if by some strange twist of fate(no fault of your own!!!) you don't receive your order, you will be asked to pay for delivery again, or they can give you a refund AFTER withholding 15% of your total order amount as "restocking fee".
Sending emails to them is like talking to a brick wall. Or rather, like knocking your head against one. I asked for a proper explanation and all I got was a long, standard, email that either the address was wrong (it sure well ain't) or I have refused to pay taxes (wrong again) or I have, haha, simply refused to accept the parcel. I got the same reply about 5 times, for every email I sent demanding an explanation that makes sense. That's too much to ask for it seems.
I have had hassle-free dealings with this company before but this irritating episode will be my last.