December 30, 2010
Saveology Does Not Honor Deals
I decided to order Dish Network through the Armed Forces Exchange Service (aafes.com) mostly because they were offering a $50 rebate. The company that AAFES had contracted with to take the orders was named "Exchange Home Services". The order went fine and we agreed on a price ($37.99 plus tax) for America's Top 120, DVR service, Free HD DVR upgrade, HD for Life, 3 months free HBO/Showtime, 6 months free Protection Plan, free actinvation/install and three receivers. The web site clearly stated that I would receive "Free HD Receivers for Up to 3 rooms". The representative explained to me that I would only be charged for one receiver (my third) but not the first two. At the time, I thought 3 free receivers was referring to the monthly charge but I guess they mean there is no charge to lease the first three receivers (and I would pay $99 if I wanted a 4th one). Either way, it was explained to me that I would only incur a $7 charge for all three receivers. This matched the flyer I had received in the mail that stated "2nd TV tuner included". I received an email from saveology.com that same day showing my order and it clearly stated the DVR and one solo receiver were "included" in the price. This was the first time I realized I was dealing with saveology and not someone from AAFES. Imagine my surprise a few days later when I got my Dish Network bill and was charged an extra $7 for the second receiver ($14 total for receivers 2-3 even though all the ads I have state "2nd tuner included" or "2nd room service free for life"). I called Dish Network and they told me they could not modify my bill and suggested I contact Exchange Home Services. I called them and they suggested calling saveology. When I called saveology they kept insisting that "Free HD receivers for up to 3 rooms" only meant not paying for them upfront. I will even conceed that it can be taken that way to but I had a recorded phone conversation and a handful of flyers that state the second receiver is free also. I sent them a copy of their own email showing the two receives were included in the price AND the agreement from Exchange Home Services and right now they are going to have their employees pull the tapes and see what agreement was reached on the phone. They asked that I call back in 7-10 business days and that they would not be calling me with the results. If they do honor their original agreement i will update this complaint. If they do not, I will contact AAFES and let them know their contractor is changing the agreements after they are made. I will also contact my bank and dispute the charges since I never authorized that amount.