We called Comcast to have internet connections moved from one room to another in our house. The Representative recommended this "$9.99 per month" program where "their" support squad would cover the cost up to $300 per year b/c placing a service call for this with Comcast would cost a minimum of $150. If we signed up for this program we could cancel it immediately after they came and did the work and save some money. They said it was their current promotion with Comcast. The rep called me, (my fiance was the 1st to talk to the comcast rep) I signed up for it. He gave me 1 # to call comcast to set up the service call. Then I was supposed to call a 2nd # to reach the support squad to cover the cost, etc. He gave me 2 "999" area code numbers to reach both these place. Neither # was a real # and I reached no one. I placed 4 calls to Comcast trying to figure out how to schedule a service call and discuss "support squad". Not one person I spoke with within Comcast knew what the hell I was talking about. They knew nothing of this program. I immediately checked my bank account praying it wasn't empty. They billed out the $9.99. I cancelled my debit card immediately through my bank. I called the "saveology" back again at the number they originally called me at. No person there could find or give me a direct # for support squad and said they'd have to transfer me b/c the "999" numbers are internal only and wouldn't work for me (OBVIOUSLY). Each time I was transferred I was on hold FOREVER, so I'd hang up and call back again. No one ever apologized, no one could give me a direct #, no one could cancel the service for me no matter how many times I told them how "disappointed or concerned or cheated" that I felt. My question to them was "how am i supposed to schedule the service if you can't provide me ANY contact information for support squad???" None of the 11 people I spoke with had a response to that question.
I told them my card is now cancelled, Iw ant to cancel my service immediately...all they would do is try to sell me some alarm service or cell phone service and then either put me on hold again only to be hung up on or transferred to a number that got me absolutely nowhere and I had to start all over with a new person and repeat the process all over again. I finally got in touch with a woman that actually gave me a direct number AND she transferred me directly to support squad. I went to billing and they cancelled my service immediately and asked no questions as to why...and that my $9.99 would be refunded. I will never see that $$ b/c i cancelled the card I gave them but that's ok...I spent a grand total of $9.99 and almost 4 hours on the phone between them and Comcast today.
My fiance called Comcast when I told him what happened and Comcast said they NEVER EVER use outside companies for their services. EVER. The cost to add a new connection is only $50...NOT $150 or more...and they would never ask us to pay a monthly cost to cover a one-time service. Comcast will be here Wednesday and even gave us a discount and will add an extra connection for free to make up for our troubles. At least we got some help from them, I got the support squad cancelled and will hopefully never ever have to deal with this again.
What a day!!!