In June 2009, we were to begin payment for our newly 'modified' loan, which locked our rate for a number of years to 7% and reduced our monthly payments by $200. At least, this is what was indicated in our modification contract/agreement (which they did not submit to us with signatures).
We called Saxon and made our first (reduced) payment on June 1st. July, we call and make our payment, for the amount of our modified loan. Saxon accepted both payments. In August, I call to make our payment, and they refust to accept it. They said our payment was now $300 more than our modification amount (at this point, we have not received anything from Saxon indicating a change in our payment) and that the last payment we made in July was sitting in an account marked as "unallocated" funds.
I asked that the 'operator' read for me what Saxon had on file for my current payment amount - her records indicated this new larger amount. I asked if she had access to our new modification agreement, and she did, and she verified our contract amount.
At that point, she opened our account 'for review' from higher management, we were advised to disregard any notices we receive while they 'review' our account to clear up the amount due, and not to submit payment (which they refused to take on every attempt).
Everyone we talked to over the next 2 months indicated that they were escalating our account 'for review'. Noone contacted us, noone reviewd our account, and we were now behind in payments.
We made an attempt to pay through September, and Saxon refused to accept our payment until they completed their review, every time we were advised that our home was not going to be subject to Foreclosure or Default while they completed their review, and to disregard any notices we receive, since they are automatically generated.
We made several (documented) phone follow up calls to find out the status of our account, attempting to pay each time, which was refused for 'review'. We were then advised to submit a new application for modification. They sent us the paperwork, we put together a new 112 page application package, and submitted it by fax and certified mail.
Our phone call to verify receipt of our package, and to find out the status of our account, resulted in being told they received our package and we would receive information by mail indicating their progress with our account, soon. That very day, we received 10 certified notices of default, and 10 additional traditional mail copies of default/filing with our court - intent to sell the property!! Yes - 20 copies of their intent to foreclose. This was in early Nov 2009. We are still under the impression that our home is not in danger of default or foreclosure, because our account is still 'under review' and they had not straightened out our original modification and payment amount, or how to get the 'system' to accept a payment from us. We are still under the impression that we are to 'disregard any notices' we receive.
We also received 2 modifcation notices within 2 days of my follow up call - one notice requested a call from us to submit more information, they other notice was to inform us that they received our package and it was being processed. I called them, in response to their notice/request. I was then asked for my payment, I attempted to pay, was rejected again (I am always told it is a flaw with their system and they can't take my payment).
I asked what information they needed for the modification - and the operator said they showed no indication that they needed anything by the information provided on my account. This is when they tell me: "Because your home is in foreclosure." WHATTT?????? If you can imagine, I aksed the 5 W's - Who, What, Where, When, WHY and HOW????
Further review of my account with the operator, and I discovered that the information about the new investor on my account (investor #159 - they won't tell me who owns my loan) DOES NOT DO MODIFCATIONS. So... now my account has fallen behind for every month they refuse to take payment, they put a hold on our account for their own review which they never performed, they requested a new modification application (this can take 45 days to process, after they accept it), we learned they increased our payment because our 'Escrow Increased' - without notification, we have been told our home was not in danger of foreclosure - and they have now filed with the court in Sacramento to sell our home if we don't come up with the balance due. Mind you - they are sitting on $1800 of ours that they are holding as 'unallocated', which would have covered the increased escrow amount they apparently added to our account, and caused a problem with their system so they were unable to process our payments after July.
We are now desperate to keep our home and were advised by Saxon to also apply for the goverment home affordable mortgage help - in the same conversation with Saxon, we were refused that service until December, because Saxon was 'going through a restructuring and would not be able to process the Home Affordability Program applications until after Dec. 1, 2009." So, yesterday (Dec 2nd) we called in and applied for this program over the phone. I'm not sure we trust our application is going to be processed. We were declined because we had a modification on our account already and we missed our first 3 payments!! WHICH WE TRIED TO MAKE!!
They put in a request to put a hold on foreclosure while our account is under review for the new gov. mod. The hold did not take. Now, our home is in Foreclosure, and I honestly don't know what this means exactly, or what to do next. I spent $300 with an attorney after finding out our home is actually in foreclosure, only to be told it would be too expensive for us to take this to court. I am at a complete loss, literally, emotionally, and figuratively.
Hoping noone else every has to experience this nightmare.