Saxon Mortgage Services ,Inc et al

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Fort Worth, Texas, United States

Saxon Mortgage Services ,Inc et al Reviews

dislocatedcajun April 11, 2010
A Web of Fraud and Conspiracy
Attention: Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc

Today, and after speaking to yet ANOTHER in a series of unknowledgeable Customer Services Representatives of Saxon Mortgage Services; who refused to allow me to speak to the Customer Relations Specialist, named Sunday Orta, and to whom I explained I had received a letter from Sunday Orta and that I needed to speak to her regarding her written response to us. Saxon’s customer service representative insisted that I had to tell her the reason for my call to Saxon and what it was I want of Saxon Mortgage Services; so I took my time and relayed several of the problems and concerns of which I have shared; and in in writing to Saxon Mortgage Services Customer relations Department; and NEVER having received responses or resolutions to the MULTIPLE Problems; and the Multiple Illegal Acts having been committed over and over again by Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc et‘al, I truly needed to communicate with Saxon Customer Relations department. After again stating several of the issues we have with Saxon; I then asked Saxons’ customer service representative what she is going to do about all of our issues and she said there was nothing she has the authority to do anything about. Which of course takes us back to the square one of Saxon NEVER addressing any of the MULTITUDE of ISSUES and illegal acts which Saxon continues to perform. This Saxon Customer Service representative then told me that Saxon is in receipt of the multiple written disputes and complaints I have filed, however my issues and complaints were only going to be addressed by the specific SUBJECT and subtopic areas if they ARE found in my writing any subject that pertained to that department. Ok Saxon lets make it complicated. This is one sure way to avoid addressing the huge volume of issues Saxon has.

Therefore; and today 03/25/2010,
I have sent my entire writing of issues and complaints to each and every and individual Subject and Sub-Topic listed on the Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc On-line web site and using the embedded e-mail provided by Saxon’s Customer Relations Department to submit our complaints, disputes and VALID legal issues against Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc., and in writing.

Saxon you are pros at avoiding the real and valid legal issues you have. Why do you insist on making it virtually impossible for a customer to have their concerns professionally (if you understand the meaning of the word), and correctly handled? Are you too busy trying to find ways to rip your customers off while padding the pockets of your Wall Street buddies. This is my guess.

Saxon we are not pawns in your game of get rich quick. We are real people, REAL CUSTOMERS who deserve the respect of each and every one of you. You think that because we are persons who, having been met with horrific health issues followed by tremendous losses of income; such problems which changed our lives and our financial security In a blink of eye, that we are to be treated as desperate and unworthy pawns who you can rip off at your leisure and for your financial gain! I pray you never have to encounter people such as yourselves, and then have to try to conduct business with the greedy, and selfish business people and corporations who have proven that their ONLY interest in life is to take advantage of those of us who do NOT have THE money it takes to fight crooks such as yourselves.

I do not have an excess of money, and I am now physically disabled; after having held quite a successful and HONEST career for 37 years; However, I do have God and the power of RIGHT and WRONG and JUSTICE on my side. I will conduct my campaign against you in my every waking hour, until finally, Justice is served. This is not a threat it is a promise; and something that needs to be done to prevent You and companies who operate such as you; from walking all over and destroying the lives of people whose money and property you will gladly take, in exchange for reeking havoc and misery to our and others lives; while finding ways to pocket the all powerful and important cash you seem to require to breathe.


Vickie P

Saxon Account Number

March 24, 2009 URGENT Please respond if you wish to join with me in this legal battle against Saxon Mortgage Services.



I have contacted and filed a complaint listing over 52 LEGAL wrong doings, which We believe to be INTENTIONAL; CALCULATED; CONSPIRED with MANY; Illegal manipulations of innocent and trusting consumers; INTENTIONAL and CRIMINAL OVER STATING of PROPERTY VALUES with the intent to defraud, consumers and investors alike; plus a list of other charges we have against these people. And by all the above with the Indiana Attorney General, Greg Zoeller; the Office of Consumer Protection against Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc; and their holding company Saxon Capital, Inc; headquartered in Glen Allen, Virginia
-- Saxon Capital, Inc. ("Saxon" or the "Company") (NYSE: SAX), a residential mortgage lending and servicing real estate investment trust (REIT),
and the owners of all of these businesses; who is known as and is doing business as Morgan Stanley Co; Morgan Stanley Mortgage Capital, Inc; a residential mortgage lending and servicing real announced today that the Company's shareholders approved the merger, upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the Agreement and Plan of Merger (the "Merger Agreement"), dated as of August 8, 2006, by and among Morgan Stanley Mortgage Capital Inc. ("MS Mortgage"), Angle Merger Subsidiary Corporation, a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of MS Mortgage, and the Company, of Angle Merger Sub Corporation with and into the Company, with the...
and is who Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc refers to only as being our ‘Investor‘, but never would tell me the name of our ‘Investor‘, I had to learn this on my own.

I did research on-line and at the library to find all of the following information: Morgan Stanley Co acquired Saxon Capital, Inc in December 2006, and of course, along with Morgan Stanley’s acquisition, they also gained ownership of, Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc; a/k/a SMI in other States and operating as Saxon Home Mortgage in the state of New York; as well as Saxon Capital, Inc conducting business across the United States of America, and still is using a number of different registered D/B/A’s operating under the corporate umbrella of Saxon Capital Inc; which is owned by Morgan Stanley Company; who is also known as, and is also doing business as Morgan Stanley Managed Investments Company.

I also learned of the following news today:03/22/2010

IRVING, Texas -- Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc. ("Saxon") announced today the appointment of Stephen Staid as Executive Vice President of Customer Relationship Management. His appointment comes as Saxon repositions itself into the residential sub-servicing space, specializing in distressed asset servicing.
In this role, Mr. Staid will be responsible for the all aspects of the Customer Relationship including Financial Transaction Management, Early Stage Delinquency, Modification Fulfillment, Command Center, Call Monitoring, and Customer Service. He also will serve as a member of the Saxon Executive Committee, reporting directly to Saxon CEO Anthony Meola. 03/03/2010

The (refinancing) of our 1st Mortgage Loan was Closed by an Independent Loan Closer, who was also a Licensed Notary; at the time he closed our Mortgage Loan; and who is not a staff employee of Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc; or of Saxon Home Loans; or Accredited Home Loans, Inc., but was instead hired as an independent contractor to Saxon Home Mortgage Lenders; and Saxon capital, Inc; and is doing business in Irving, Texas as Inzura Settlement Company, Inc a subsidiary of Accredited Home Loans, Inc; who specializes and provides services including Property Appraisals and Valuations; in addition to the services of Mortgage Loan Closers, foreclosure property reviews and investigation, Settlement accounting for recently closed loans to prepare said loans for ‘bundle distribution’ to investors and other duties as assigned and contracted by and to the aforementioned corporations known as mortgage loan origination companies; and mortgage servicing companies, and also debt collection agencies; all of the corporations shown above and including Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc ; who in the year 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and early 2008; also operated as; or did business as, a home mortgage loan origination company; along with; and in conjunction with Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc and Accredited Home Loans, Inc. Accredited Home Loans, Inc is now a defunct business name; having filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy protection in May 2009; after transferring many remaining loans held in Accredited’s Mortgage loan portfolio to Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc; and some of which Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc recently transferred to Quantum Mortgage Services Group, Inc with offices in California, Illinois and Florida

This Loan Closer asked us to meet him at the Public Library in Fort Wayne, IN; in order to complete the closing of, and signing of, all the loan documents and disclosures which committed us to this loan agreement with Accredited Home Lenders, Inc who is or was contracted to Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc; in the year 2007; to act as an agent for Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc and Saxon Home Mortgage Company; to conduct the origination of home mortgages; in the State of Indiana; under the direction of and under the guidelines of Saxon Home Mortgage Lenders; Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc; Saxon Capital, Inc and Morgan Stanley Company; and who is also conducting business and doing business using the name Morgan Stanley Managed Investments Company.

During our loan closing the CLOSER presented a document to us which read that it was a document which served as a commitment to a Five (5) year, Five %( 5 percent) PRE-PAYMENT Penalty. I was familiar with and have signed a somewhat similar agreement for an Indiana State Approved residential Mortgage Loan agreement; and which is known as the acceptable, usual and Customary Standard Business practice in the State of Indiana, a document known as a 2 year, 2 % prepayment penalty mortgage loan agreement; which had been a part of our original closing of the actual purchase of our home in 2004; AND therefore I argued and told this hired Closer that there is "NO WAY” that I would sign, or allow my husband to affix his signature to, a five year, 5 % pre-payment penalty". We had this exact discussion with our closer; who then chose to lay that UNSIGNED by US, document aside; and told us he would present our other completed, signed and initialed loan documents to the Lender; without the prepayment penalty document being included with our other signed and agreed upon documents and disclosures. He then explained to us, however, that "the Lender may refuse to accept all of the other documents as a completed loan closing; because we had NOT signed that 5 Year, 5% prepay penalty document; he further stated that the Lender may reject the loan closing we had that day, April 02, 2007; because we have not signed the 5 year 5% prepayment penalty document, and that, then the Lender may request that we re-sign the documents at another arranged mortgage loan closing; to include the pre-payment penalty document. We were NOT given a copy of the 5 Year 5% pre-payment penalty document as part of our settlement portfolio of our signed and agreed upon Mortgage Loan Closing documents and disclosures; all others documents of which had been given to us to review during the 72 hour RIGHT to RESCIND legal waiting period; which is required by law when an individual is using their primary residence as collateral to secure a refinance of an existing Mortgage loan. The Closer stated we did not get to keep a copy of the five year, 5% pre-payment penalty document since we had refused to sign it, and it was not now considered to be a part of our mortgage loan agreement.

I have explained this to you, only because of what transpired with Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc some months later; in which case Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc told us that we had agreed to a 5 year 5% prepayment penalty.

We received a Notice delivered to us by U S Mail Services on May 03, 2007, and which we received from Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc; explaining that our loan had been TRANSFERRED to Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc on April 30th, 2007 and for the purpose of them (Saxon) Servicing our Mortgage Loan; and that our payments and all questions or concerns regarding our Mortgage Loan were to be directed to Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc, located in Fort Worth, Texas, and that beginning with the very first payment to our loan and then each subsequent agreed upon and due loan payment; until our loan was paid in full, or until we are otherwise notified; and our payment which was scheduled to made on our mortgage loan was still due June 1st, 2007 as per the loan agreement which had been executed on April 2, 2007; were to be paid to Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc. Nothing had really changed for us except the Name of the company who was supposed to be servicing our loan. The original payment mailing address was the same as we had been given at our loan closing; the only information we were missing, at that time, is that we had not been assigned an account number; by which our loan and loan payments would be identified as belonging to us; when we made these payments to Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc.

No one ever rejected our Mortgage Loan Documents, Note, or Disclosures for not having signed the 5 year 5% Pre-Payment Penalty agreement. We never heard a word about it. I did have many question and concerns regarding some of the information about our Escrow Amounts and some of the Loan closing Fees and Settlements dollar amounts which had been disclosed to us in our loan documents, and during our closing on April 02, 2007, however; even though I called the company, at the telephone number which had been provided to us at the closing to call with any questions of if we chose to rescind this mortgage agreement during our 72 hour right of rescission, and I had been told by an electronic device, every time I called, that I had to leave a message; and that someone would call me back to answer our questions; the 72 hour Right to Rescind period came and went, and NOT ONE person bothered to return my call to answer the questions we had regarding some of the escrow and some of the Loan closing fee questions which have still to this day, 04/03/2010, and have continued to go unanswered. Someone did finally call us back on the 5th day after we had closed our loan, and then I was told that it was now too late to rescind our loan. My questions went unanswered, even though I called several more times still seeking answers to my questions, each time being told that ‘SOMEONE' would have to call me back. No person or representative ever did return my calls, other than the very brief call we received 5 days after our loan closed on 04/07/2007 and my questions were not answered then either.

It had come time for us to make our first loan payment, and the form which Saxon had mail to us to use, and then to return to them by US Mail when making our loan payment, required that we enter an account number in the space provided; in order for Saxon’s payment processor to verify our payment to our or logged into their system. Finally, and after our payment had come due; and then past due, Saxon was still unable to give me our account number. I asked the teller or clerk in Saxon's Customer Service Department; to who all of my phone calls were directed by Saxon's programmed telephone answering system, how I was supposed to submit our payment without an assigned account number; as Saxon required that we supply to them with our loan payment check. I was told to call back again and again. Finally, the day arrived that Saxon was able to provide us with our account number, however if I mailed our payment at this time, our payment would not arrive to Saxon in sufficient enough time to be posted to our account; during the 15 day ’Grace period’ before, and according to the terms of our Loan NOTE, Saxon could and would charge us and our loan account balance with a 5% Late fee penalty; the late fee penalty amount to be determined by the unpaid amount of our principle and interest payment; which was still remaining and due for that month. The monthly payment due, at this time, was for our June 1, 2007 payment; which was our very first payment to be made on our new mortgage loan contract.

I asked Saxon if there was any other way for me to make a payment that would arrive to Saxon, and then our payment would be posted or credited to our loan, any sooner than if I had mailed it to Saxon. I was told I could give this Saxon Customer Service employee; a person unknown to us, and over this unsecured telephone line, our bank routing number; my checking account number, the amount I was agreeing to pay to Saxon for our loan payment; and my check number; and then Saxon would process my payment electronically; as an ACH transaction; just this one time. The Saxon employee went on to tell me that we would have to pay Saxon a fee of $15 in order to make our payment to Saxon; over the telephone this way; and that Saxon would add this amount to the payment we were making over the telephone, and that Saxon would cause a debit to our checking account to include this payment fee to Saxon; in addition to our regular monthly mortgage payment amount; or I could make my payment to Saxon using Saxon’s ON-LINE WEB SITE. I did not to waste $15 to make our payment over the telephone to Saxon, however I still wanted to get our payment to Saxon in order to avoid having our loan to be assessed, and then us having to pay, a late fee penalty; which is a substantial amount of money, and in my opinion, a very big waste of money, and an irresponsible way to manage our household funds and budget. Saxon would not agree to waive the payment fee; even though it had been Saxon’s error which had caused us to be running late with getting our payment to Saxon; and on time. The Saxon Teller did give me the Web site Address belonging to Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc; telling me we could make our payment directly to Saxon using their on-line system.

I did sign into the internet using our home computer, and did access the Web Site. Once at Saxon’s site, to which I had been directed by the Saxon Customer Service employee; in the month of June 2007; there I did learn that I had the option of paying a $4.95 fee each time I went on-line to Saxon's WEB site to make a payment; or I had the option of setting our account up using Saxon’s Automatic payment system; where Saxon will process our monthly mortgage payment, each month, as an ACH transaction, using our personal and private checking account information; and which we were required to provide to Saxon; with the payment being made to Saxon on our contractual due date each and every month, OR until we cancelled or withdrew our authorization; and in writing, from Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc.

The previous payment terms I have shared with you; in this writing, and which existed in June 2007; have now been updated and changed by Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc and now are payable to Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc, using what is now known as Web Site, however a customer’s loan payment is now processed through Western Union Co, but still using Saxon’s WEB site, and this payment process is still serviced by and regulated by Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc. The monthly; one at a time payment processing fee has been reduced to $2.50. VERSES the previous $4.95 payment processing fee which Saxon had charged to it’s customers in June 2007; and when a customer is either forced to pay this $4.95, ACH payment processing fee; or is forced by financial coherence, or extortion, to set up their monthly loan payments made to Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc; using Saxon’s Automated ACH transaction payment system; which allows Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc to pay themselves; with Saxon having full access to a customers private and personal checking account information; which is held by the customer’s private and personal financial institution.
It was reported by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), in yet ANOTHER follow up report released to the public, this time, and as a warning to the public; in the month of November 2009; and was released to local and national news reporting agencies, and on-line, at the Web site; stating that person’s or individuals providing personal checking account information to ANY organization, individual or business, and through On-line payment Web sites, or over the telephone; which allows a business, et’al, access to a individual’s personal and private checking account; this practice has been determined to be the primary source for thieves and internet hackers to gain access to a person’s or individuals private and personal information and is responsible for the tremendous increase in identity theft; which has been reported to, and is being investigated by the FTC. The public is being advised not to release such information to any individual, organization, business or any one else, on-line or over the telephone. We have since learned that beginning in the year 2008, and perhaps even before this time, but which was not formally detected, and which we reported to our Financial institution; our local police and sheriff‘s departments; the FBI and the Secret Service; who are responsible for investigating such illegal acts. Our confirmation of these illegal acts made to our checking account, was not possible for us to confirm as fraudulent activity to our checking account until the morning of January 11, 2010; when it was determined that we have become victims of identity theft, and have since learned that our checking account (since closed 01/12/2010; due to these multiple acts of theft), was illegally debited on several occasions, and for many months and perhaps 2 years prior, by persons not yet identified or having been caught by authorities; the thieves used unsigned ACH Debits which were presented to our financial institution checking account for payment and in in varying amounts. This is the same ACH payment process that Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc is using when a customer uses Saxon’s On-line payment center, to establish monthly automatic payments to Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc in order to avoid having to pay the fee which Saxon imposes as a payment processing fee each and every month; and in addition to making their required monthly mortgage payment.


In June, 2007, we did learn that Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc did not have our correct mailing address recorded in their records; when our neighbor, living in a different county than ours and a few blocks from our home; and hand delivered to us an unsealed envelope having been mailed by Saxon Mortgage Service, Inc; a debt collector, which contained a notice to us for a payment due for the month of August 1, 2007. Our neighbor had not opened this envelope, but it was indeed sent opened and unsealed by the sender Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc. It was apparent that the envelope had never been sealed, and had been sent through the U S Mail Service in this condition. This notice did contain our personal identifying information, as well as our loan account number, and information regarding our Mortgage loan principle balance, interest payments, principle payments, escrow transactions which had transpired or had been paid from our Escrow account; indicating a serious negative Escrow balance; which Saxon had published to this Notice; in Bold Red lettering, now existed in our Escrow balance, and to immediately contact our Mortgage Account Servicer, Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc. This notice also stated, in large RED print, that Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc is a Debt Collector and that any information obtained by Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc would be used for this purpose. Our neighbor apologized for having read this notice, having removed the contents from the unsealed envelope; and which had been delivered to them at their home; by the US MAIL Service; before realizing it was not their mail until after having read the notice.

I reviewed this statement very carefully; discovering multiple errors, not only in our mailing address, but also in the accounting and negative dollar figures found in this statement.

This statement showed that Saxon had paid an, unnamed in this notice, hazard insurance company $660 from our Escrow account on 06/12/2007. I reasoned that this is why our statement was indicating a serious and Negative Escrow Balance figure. I called Saxon’s customer Service Department, and after being read to, by the employee and from their computer screen, the incorrect information being shown on the employee’s computer screen. I disputed this information and so my call transferred to Saxon’s Insurance Department; where I was told that Saxon had paid State Farm Insurance Agency, who Saxon was reporting as being our Home Owner’s Insurance Provider, the sum of $660.00 on 06/12/2007, and is the amount, having been made record by Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc, as being our annual Homeowners Insurance Premium.

This was ALL totally incorrect information which Saxon had recorded as belonging to our mortgage loan account # . I told Saxon that all of the information; which had been recorded by Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc as belonging to the account of Philip and was incorrect, and I filed this dispute on this day of July 25th, 2007. I explained to Saxon that our Home Owner Insurance company is Wolverine Mutual Insurance Company and have been so for a number of years; even prior to our loan having been refinanced in April 02, 2007, and in addition, I explained that our annual insurance premium is for the amount of $544.90, and was so at the time we closed our mortgage loan on April 02, 2007, AND further, as part of our mortgage loan approval and loan closing process we had been made to delivered, by U.S. Mail, a copy of our Home Owner’s Insurance Declaration Sheet, and also made to hand deliver an original document, to the Closer at our mortgage loan closing; an original Insurance Declaration Sheet; prepared by our Home Owner’s insurance Provider who is Wolverine Mutual Insurance Company, and then this original Insurance Declaration Sheet or page was then hand delivered to the Closer of our Mortgage Loan, who is now known as Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc Loan Number to the Loan Closer and in the presents of Philip L Plasterer on April 02, 2007. It is clearly shown in this Insurance Declaration Sheet document that our renewal date, and the insurance premium was NOT due to be paid AGAIN to Wolverine Mutual Insurance Company until July 1st 2008 and per the terms of the agreed upon and accepted Note, the Insurance premium to Wolverine Mutual Insurance Company was then scheduled to be paid; from the accrual of funds; which are deposited in the Escrow Account of Loan Account Number 2000313601; and that this account is maintained by and serviced by Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc.

It became necessary for us, ( debtors), to contact Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc again; after having received, by US Mail, our Notice of the September 1st, 2007 payment coming due to Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc, received from Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc a Debt Collector; On August 21st, 2007. This statement reflected that the refund of the wrongly paid Insurance premium payment in the amount of $660; which had been paid in error to State Farm Insurance Agency; had been refunded by State Farm Insurance Agency to the Loan Account Number 2000313601. This statement reflected that Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc had applied (deposited) the refunded amount of $660; to an Account owned by Saxon Mortgage Service, Inc which Saxon calls their Suspense Account. However; these funds did and do belong to the Escrow account of Philip L and Vickie L Plasterer also known as loan number 20003136901; BUT Instead Saxon had deposited our funds to Saxon Mortgage Services‘, Inc an account Saxon refers to as Saxon’s SUSPENCE ACCOUNT, belonging only to Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc; their Principles, Directors and Owners.

After I, (Vickie Plasterer), reviewed and studied this incorrect statement, I once again telephoned Saxon. During this telephone call in which I had to explain to Saxon‘s Customer Service representative the reason for and the purpose of my call; in great detail; before he would transfer my call to Saxon’s Insurance Department ; where I was able to verify with Saxon’s Insurance department representative that Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc was still recording and using the incorrect Homeowner’s Insurance Company name and premium amount as Saxon’s record belonging to our account number 2000313601; even after my having contacted Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc over 30 days ago in July 2007, to first dispute the information which Saxon had recorded as true and correct, and also at which time I again provided to Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc all of the correct Insurance Company information including the Name; address; telephone number, our Policy number and the correct amount of our annual homeowner’s Insurance premium; and I also again verified, with this Saxon representative, the exact date when this payment was next due and payable. The Insurance department told me (Vickie) that I needed to speak to a representative of Saxon’s Escrow department; and so my call was transferred to Saxon’s Escrow Department; where I spoke with a supposed and trained by Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc a Saxon Escrow Department Representative

This Saxon’ Escrow Department employee again read to me the recorded information which Saxon had recorded and assigned as belonging to our Mortgage Loan Account Number 2000313601. Saxon’s Escrow department also had recorded to its records all of the same INCORRECT information that Saxon’s Insurance Department was reporting to me. I again spent an additional two hours of my time to provide Saxon’s Escrow department with the same and CORRECT Homeowner’s Insurance information, which I had previously provided to Saxons’ Customer Service Department, and also to Saxon’s Insurance Department again this day; and this very same information having been given to Saxon, by me, and over 30 days prior to this day; in my telephone extensive phone calls to Saxon, and of which I also sent, in writing, to Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc by way of the US Postal Service.

It was explained to me by Saxon’s Escrow Department representative that Saxon had taken it upon itself to apply the $660, which had been refunded to our Account number 20000313601 from State Farm Insurance Company, to Saxon’s SUSPENCE account, because no one that works for Saxon knew where to apply the monies which had been received. I asked the Escrow Department representative if she could see the Negative Escrow Account balance Saxon had reported as our Escrow Account Balance. She answered “Yes” I also asked this representative if she could see where Saxon had recorded the debit shown as an Escrow Disbursement to our Escrow account on June 12, 2007 and for the amount of $660.00. This Escrow department representative answered “Yes” again. . I then told this Saxon representative that it would make good accounting sense; that because Saxon had made this debit to our Escrow Account for the amount of $660, and then the same $660 having been returned to Saxon because it was not due, nor payable to our true insurance provider; that it stands to reason that this $660 which had been taken from our Escrow balance must be re-applied as a credit to our now Negative Escrow balance. This Saxon representative agreed with me and promised to ‘write up’ the, Saxon required, in house order of correction, ; which I was told is the procedure that Saxon employees must use; and this order of error and correction would be sent, that day, being August 21st, 2007, to the accounting department for this discovery of error to be reviewed and ultimately corrected by the accounting department and to our Escrow Account Balance. These multiple and necessary telephone calls made to Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc. was made to Saxon on August 21st, 2207, by the debtor Vickie L Plasterer.

On September 18th, 2007, We, the debtors, did receive by US MAIL delivery from Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc; a Debt Collector, the Statement for Loan Number 2000 indicating the payment due for our October 1st, 2007 Mortgage Loan Payment. This statement was still indicating that our Escrow Balance was showing a serious; Negative and NOW owing to Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc the Escrow Balance Payment of (1388.43). No payments should have been scheduled to be made from our Escrow Balance to date. The first payment scheduled to be made from our Escrow Account which is held, serviced and maintained by Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc. is the second payment due for the year of 2007 is payable for Huntington County Property taxes; which are payable to the Huntington County Treasurer’s Office, located in the City of Huntington, Indiana. 46750. The amount of our property taxes, at that time and for that year totaled $547.06. In April 2007 Inzura Company

Filed on PISSED CONSUMER reports

Today, March 03, 2010, We have contacted and filed multiple complaints with the Indiana Attorney General, Greg Zoeller; his Office of Consumer Protection; against Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc; and their holding company Saxon Capital, Inc; headquartered in Glen Allen, Virginia
-- Saxon Capital, Inc. ("Saxon" or the "Company") (NYSE: SAX), a residential mortgage lending and servicing real estate investment trust (REIT),
and the owners of all of these businesses; who is known as and is doing business as Morgan Stanley Co; Morgan Stanley Mortgage Capital, Inc; a residential mortgage lending and real estate loan servicing Co announced today that the Company's shareholders approved the merger, upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the Agreement and Plan of Merger (the "Merger Agreement"), dated as of August 8, 2006, by and among Morgan Stanley Mortgage Capital Inc. ("MS Mortgage"), Angle Merger Subsidiary Corporation, a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of MS Mortgage, and the Company, of Angle Merger Sub Corporation with and into the Company, with the...
and is who Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc refers to only as being our ‘Investor‘, but never would tell me the name of our ‘Investor‘, I had to learn this on my own.

During the last 2 years and 9 months, Saxon Mortgage Servicing, Inc has broken or failed to adhere to the Laws of our Nation, the FDPCA also regarding the Laws and rules of RESPA; the FDCPA; the Fair credit Reporting Act, the Mortgage Lending Act and rules; the Federal Banking and Finance Act, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, and many other Federal Government And Indiana State Laws, Rules and regulations. We have tried to work with and through Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc by first pointing out to Saxon the serious violations and the multiple Gross accounting and other errors; asking them to correct their Multiple GROSS ERRORS which Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc has knowingly, intentionally, and with forethought and malice caused to our account. We feel certain that Saxon will have intentionally performed the same errors to the majority of the accounts which are owned by and/or Serviced by Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc, and those which were serviced previously under Saxon's previous operating name of Meritech Mortgage Servicing Inc, which is owned by parent company Saxon Capital, Inc, which in August 2006, was voted on and approved to be acquired by Morgan Stanley Mortgage Capital, Inc., a division of Morgan Stanley Managed Investments which is owned by Morgan Stanley Co. In addition there exists a relationship also with American Money Line, Inc and Angle Merger Subsidiary Corporation, a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of Morgan Stanley Mortgage Capital Inc, and the Company, of Angle Merger Sub Corporation with and into the Company.

During the last two years and nine months I have ordered; and on separate occasions, received a printout of our mortgage loan summary; and which includes our payment history which is specific to our mortgage loan account; which is maintained by Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc. and has been told to us by Saxon that this printout is a true and exact summary of our payments made to Saxon; and our principal balance, interest, Escrow and Fees; Summary. In addition, I have documented over 452 telephone conversations I have been forced to instigate with Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc; and which are caused by the intentional; continued and repeated Gross Errors made by Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc; and having had to speak with the Customer Service Department, which is located in Fort Worth, Texas; and in Irving, Texas and to some other offices and departments which are located and operated in the State of California; and regarding the multiple and continual Gross Errors; which are caused by and in the favor of Saxon Mortgage Services Inc; Saxon Capital Inc; Morgan Stanley Mortgage Capital Inc; Morgan Stanley Managed Investments; and all other Corporations, Affiliates, agents of, and for Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc; the various Boards of Directors, Officers of, Managers of, Investors in and to; Staff and employees of the various and many corporations with affiliations to and with Saxon Mortgage Services Inc; and in addition to Saxon Mortgage Services Inc's departments which have been introduced to 'us', their customers, a/k/a as the debtors, as being their departments of Property Tax Services Department; their Loan Loss Mitigation Department; their Bankruptcy Department; their Customer Service Department; their Customer Relations Department; in addition, I have been forced to communicate and in written form; having documented and sent to Saxon's Customer Relations Department; over 45 written communications of accounting and fee dispute and multiple account and policy questions and disputes; and which, for the most part, have gone unanswered; and using the Web site; and where customers of Saxon Mortgage Services Inc are directed to e-mail account disputes, policy questions or concerns, general questions, payment questions or concerns, Escrow questions or concerns, fee questions or concerns, Mortgage Loan Account Statement questions or concerns, and any other matter to Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc Customer Relations Department; And after remitting the Saxon Mortgage Services Inc embedded e-mail document to their Customer Relations Department; and it has been received by this department; a time stamped and dated notice of receipt is generated to(our) the customer's provided and recorded e-mail address, advising (us) the customer that (my) the customer’s written and e-mailed request for service has been received and will be reviewed and answered 'shortly'. The actual wording in the receipt sent by Saxon's Mortgage Services, Inc' Customer Relations Department varies from time to time sometimes it states in writing as follows: "Saxon is in receipt of your email regarding the above referenced loan. Our goal is to provide valued services with care, responsibility and attention to detail to ensure a unique and positive experience with Saxon". OR I have received a receipt from Saxon's Mortgage Services Inc Customer Relations Department which states in writing the following: e-mail receipt dated by my system as having been received by my e-mail system on 3/22/2010 12:30 a.m.

"Dear, Mr. Plasterer

Your email request regarding Fee Disputes has been sent to our Customer Relations department. You should hear back from us shortly. If you should need immediate assistance, please call us at 817-665-7200.

You provided the following contact information:

Loan Number: 2000
Your email address is: ************
Telephone Number: (***********

Thank you for your business.


(Complaint continues here)

Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc claims to offer REAL TIME Mortgage Loan Account information, that is continually contradicted by Saxon Mortgage Services Inc Customer Service Department; who always tells me that the information which has been published by and which I have read, reviewed and gathered our mortgage loan information from is "NEVER Correct"; and that the only account information which is correct is the information a customer service teller, agent or employee gives to me; and when out of necessity, I speak to them by telephoning ; having telephoned them at their published telephone number. I have found that the Real time, time stamped and dated on-line information; which I have reviewed and copied for my files; is a 'true' record of our Mortgage Loan Account as serviced and reported by the various departments of Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc; and is serviced by and maintained by Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc; in real time. I am NOT stating nor confirming that the on-line web site and any other document which reports our mortgage loan activity which is serviced and maintained by Saxon Mortgage Services Inc is correct in its entirety. QUITE the CONTRARY, I am stating and charging Saxon Mortgage Services Inc with false reporting, false and deceptive accounting procedures are being used for the actual dollars received, and or disbursed, and in many instances the act of conversion is very apparent, and in some instances; which I have identified; the act of embezzlement is apparent as well. I can prove and will show evidence of the acts of conversion which have occurred to our Mortgage Loan account on many and various occasions; I can prove and show where the acts of embezzlement; by the Corporation; have occurred; and on more than one occasion; our funds being taken and used by the Corporation to pay its business obligations; said obligations having nothing to do with our loan payments, our principal balance, our Escrow, our interest payments or any fees which we may have been assessed by, or recovered from, Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc. These acts of conversion and embezzlement are premeditated and intentional acts of Saxon Mortgage Services.

Saxon Mortgage Services Inc; et’al; does intentionally over charges late fees and has and does continue to intentionally and wrongly calculate the LATE FEES which Saxon does and has assessed to our loan account number 2000; and Saxon et’al, has refused to correct their intentional over charging of late fee activity; and even after having been notified, in writing by me, (their customer and debtor); and such written notice of dispute having been sent to Saxon’s Customer Relations Department, by the debtor; while using Saxon Mortgage Services Inc provided and embedded e-mail communication form, and by also by telephone contact to Saxon’s Customer Service Department. Our Note specifically states that a late fee may be assessed by our NOTE HOLDER; if our monthly loan payment is not paid within the provided 15 GRACE DAYS which follow the contractual due date of our loan payment. Further, the NOTE specifically states; and in writing; that the 5% late fee that can be assessed by the NOTE HOLDER will be calculated on the actual amount of the Principal and Interest Payment; which is yet unpaid, and still due and owing by the Debtor who is obligated to the NOTE.

Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc agreed to and must abide by the payment terms as written and disclosed in the agreed upon and signed NOTE; which states, ; in writing, ; that a payment made to Saxon Mortgage Services Inc (hereinafter referred to as the NOTE HOLDER), will post a payment to a customer’s outstanding loan balance which is held and serviced by the Note Holder; and on the date it is received by them; having been paid to them by a customer; and as follows:

First, : any interest which is contractually due and payable; per the terms of the NOTE, will be credited, (debited from the amount of the interest balance owing), to the customer’s loan account;

Second: Followed by the principal amount which is contractually due and payable by the terms of the NOTE; will be credited to (debited from the amount of the principal balance still owing), the principal balance;

Third: And then if any monies from the payment remain; from the payment amount received from the customer by the NOTE HOLDER; the determined and agreed upon payment being due to be paid to the customer’s Escrow Account Balance will be credited, to the customer’s escrow balance; for future and agreed upon disbursement to pay the customers determined and scheduled Taxes and Hazard Insurance;

Fourth: And then if any monies remain; from this payment having been received from the customer; and there are any fees due and payable; the fees will be paid; UNLESS the customer sends a written Notice to the NOTE HOLDER together with the payment, or otherwise calls the NOTE HOLDER to advise the NOTE HOLDER that the payment being submitted, at that time, is to be distributed to the Next Due Payment amount due of Interest, and then Principle and then any Escrow amounts coming due in the next scheduled payment amount; OR

Fifth: and then if there are monies remaining from the payment made by the customer; and any outstanding fee have been paid to the NOTE HOLDER; and the customer makes a request; in writing, or by calling the NOTE HOLDERS designated representative; then any monies remaining from the payment received by the NOTE HOLDER, will be credited to the customers principle balance, per the customers request, OR

Sixth: if the customer does not make a request in writing; or does not have a verbal communication to the NOTE HOLDERS designated representative; any monies remaining from the payment received by the NOTE HOLDER which may be remaining from the payment which has been paid to the NOTE HOLDER; and by the customer, these monies will be credited to the next interest payment coming due; followed by the contractual principal amount showing next due and payable; followed by an y fees which may be due and payable, and so forth; and as previously explained and written in the six steps above.

In our case against Saxon Mortgages Services Inc; et‘al; we can prove and provide exact detail to the fact; that Saxon is guilty of refusing to credit (debit) any interest owing, or credit (debit) any amount of our principle balance still owing to our account; when the payments which we have paid to Saxon Mortgage Services Inc have exceeded any interest and principle amounts then due and owing; and when no Escrow amounts were due and owing; and when no Fees were due and owing to Saxon Mortgage Services Inc; AND Saxon had not caused a principle reduction to our outstanding principal amount still owing; and neither had we requested, in writing or by verbal communication with a representative of Saxon Mortgage Services Inc; that a principal reduction payment be made to our remaining principal balance with these funds which were not yet contractually due and payable to Saxon Mortgage Services Inc; and that Saxon also refused to credit any portion of our loan which is payable to Saxon Mortgage Services Inc, however Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc is in receipt of our money paid to them when they over charged our account; and when Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc’s own on-line customer payment site would not accept our payment amount of $860.67 which was the only contractual amount due and payable to Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc at that time; and also at that time the Only way we were permitted to make our payment to Saxon Mortgage Services Inc; and by using Saxon’s provided on-line customer payment site; was we were forced to have to pay the amount which we did not owe. We ( our loan number 2000313601 had been over charged by Saxon Mortgage Services Inc; when on July 13th, 2009; Saxon Mortgage Services Inc knowingly did perform the act of conversion when Saxon Mortgage Services did electronically process a debit to take funds from our personal and private Checking account, and without our authorization, causing our Credit Union to charge us our checking account a NSF fee of $25.00 for Saxon’s effort to withdraw $860.67; and which was not owed to them. Saxon did not make just one attempt to take our money; Saxon caused their act to convert our funds from our personal and private checking account again on July 16th 2009 causing our Credit Union to charge our checking account with another $25 NSF penalty. However, our nightmare did not end there; as the acts of conversion by Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc created what became a snowball effect of extreme financial stressors; and did cause two of our other creditors checks to be returned as NSF; and did cause an electronic payment which we had made just prior to Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc processing their fraudulent electronic requests for payment from our checking account to be paid against NSF funds for which our Credit Union charged our checking account another $25 NSF Penalty fee. And then because of Saxon Mortgage Services Inc act of conversion; the two checks we had written, one for $5.00 to our local convenience store, Crossroads Pantry, Markle IN, check number 623; and to who we had to pay another NSF penalty fee of $25 to them to redeem our NSF check from them and to clear our name from their list of Bad Check writers, and we also were assessed another NSF fee by Our grocery store, ; Owens Family Grocery, who is owned by Kroger Stores; who when our $30.00 check came back to them as unpaid from their financial institution, Kroger’s bad check policy is that Kroger sends their returned checks to a collection agency immediately upon getting our check back; and then we had to wait to be contacted by the Kroger collection agency; and to whom we had to pay ANOTHER $25. NSF Penalty Fee to redeem our returned check from them; this was followed by the Kroger collection agency listing our names on a NATION WIDE LIST which notifies retailers NOT TO ACCEPT CHECK PAYMENTS from the people whose names, addresses and driver’s license numbers are found to be on this published list. We were not aware that our names had been added to this list; until we went to Wal-Mart two weeks later, where we were purchasing necessary medical items; and when we offered our personal check for payment of these items to the cashier who then made the effort to process our personal check payment through her store register; and then much to embarrassment and horrible humiliation which was caused by this action, and as the long line of people that we know in our small town looked on, the cashier handed us our check back and then she paged her store manager over the stores intercom system to come to her register, the store manager then telling us in front of this long line of people, which line had been delayed for a long time; because of our check being rejected; and then me having to walk over to the ATM which was located in the front of the store, and with me having to hang my head in shame and embarrassment, I had to pay a bank fee of $3.00 to make an electronic withdrawal from this ATM, in order to be able to pay Wal-Mart cash for our purchase; only because they refused to accept our check as payment; and we had shopped at this Wal-Mart for a very long time, always paying with a check, because I prefer to maintain our household by recording our paper check transactions, and also having the processed paper check as a record of my expenditures and for Tax purposes; NOW however, and because of Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc inability to properly and accurately perform the duties of a competent Mortgage Loan Servicing Company, our names, our address and our Drivers License numbers are now on a NATION WIDE LIST of DO NOT ACCEPT CHECKS FROM THESE PEOPLE; and this list is furnished to retailers throughout the United States.
First Day of March, 2010, Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc on the 18th Day of March 2010, did on that date; credit the partial payment which we had made to Saxon Mortgage Services in the month of September 2009; and during such time as Saxon Mortgage Services Inc chose to over charge our account, three times, and did wrongly assess our Mortgage Account Loan, identified by Saxon as Loan number 0000001 multiple late Fee penalties for payment due and payable in the months of September 2009, August 2009, and July 2009, and wrongly so, and because Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc knowingly and illegally attempted the act of Conversion, Saxon over charged our account for fees which were never due to them.

Because our NOTE Specifically states that the NOTE HOLDER is due a late charge payment, when our account is not paid before the end of the 15 day ‘grace days’ ; our NOTE HOLDER may asses our account a late fee penalty of 5% of the unpaid portion of the INTEREST and PRINCIPAL which is not yet paid. So here we go. Our account shows a partial payment due fro the Marcy 01, 2010 payment. I intentionally scheduled our payment to be paid AFTER the 15 “grace days’ had expired. Ok, so our set and usual payment is $860.67. This balance includes our established monthly Escrow payment amount which is $81.26; However for the Month of March we are only due for a partial payment, BECAUSE we overpaid SAXON when their system would not accept our Normal payment, only because Saxon was wrongly attempting to collect Late Fees and NSF fees from us for the GROSS ERROR which they made trying to pay themselves and when a payment was not due. So looking carefully at the wording of the NOTE; again, which states that a late fee is calculated at 5% of the amount of principal and Interest which is not yet paid. Please look at the following calculations and remember that Saxon acn only charge and collect THAT PORTION Of the Interest and Principal payment which is yet unpaid and that I do have a partial payment made to Saxon as it stands NOW;
Usual Monthly Payment total $860.67
Minus my Tax and Ins Escrow 81.26
Leaving the principal & interest payment which is due 779.41
5% late fee on my USUAL Interest & Principal due 38.97

HOWEVER for the MONTH of MARCH we only owe a PARTIAL
Principal and Interest payment

Partial payment due $821.70
Minus my Escrow amount 81.26
Leaving my Principal & Interest Due amount of 740.44
5% late fee on my PARTIAL Interest & Principal due 37.02

Saxon’s Illegal OVER CHARGE of LATE FES DUE 1.95

Saxon has a customer base of over 184, 000 accounts
Let’s just use 15000 of those accounts that very likely could have a partial payment Made to their account; especially because of Saxon’s habit of OVER charging of fees and a customer NOT being able to make an online payment, unless they pay Saxon’s Over charge of fees
Number of accounts with over payments 15, 000
The over charge amount used for example X 1.95
Monies Fraudulently collected by Saxon in 1 month $29, 250.00
Times 12 months in a year X 12.
Saxon has STOLEN from Customers In one year
$351, 000.00

Saxon has been in business for 50 Years this year
$ 351, 000.00
X 50
Saxon has potentially illegally pocketed
$ 17, 550, 000.00

Not a Bad TAKE over 17 and a HALF MILLION Dollars which SAXON has illegally pocketed

BAILOUT which Saxon and Morgan Stanley has
TAKEN from their Customers ILLEGALLY???? And
Put in their own pockets?

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