i Sri Madhu Sudan kedia, Tusra, dt .Bolangir, Orissa has taken a loan undar SEEUY/P.M.R.Y in the name of my daughter Kumari. Anita Kedia, Which already Closed by Final payment of Rs.30, 000/- (Rupees Thirty Thousand's only)under OTS Scheme on Dt.03.07.06 (Scaned copy of clearence Certificate & Money receipt enclosed).
But regret to write that:-
1.Till Date the SBI Tusra Branch people not giving the SUBSIDY amount to us Rs.7800/-(Rupees Seven Thousand's eight hundred only).
2.Further they pressure to us to deposite more money on that account and with pressure we have DEPOSITE Rs.2800/- (Rupees Two Thousand's eight Hundred only) in five installment's .
But after deposited the Excess money Rs.2800/-, we came to know thet they have collected the same amount from us, Unnesserely and now they also aggred with the same, but showing that they don't have the power to release, and they have already writedown the matter to the R.M, Bolangir on Dt.25.07.08, but they playing hide and sick game with us, in betweeen we are going to branch several time's and return with the same reply.
Due to all this Matter we suffer from Mental Tension, Time loss. Therefore I request You to kindly repay our actual receiveable amount with in a short time, with intrest and obliged.
Thanks N regard's
Madhu sudan kedia
Tusra, Dt.Bolangir
Mo. no-9937786704
[email protected]