I was about to buy a ScanPan NonStick Frypan, but then I found out that is was made from PTFE. The company cleverly hides this fact by saying their product is "green" and is not made from Teflon. But Teflon is PTFE and PTFE is known to cause cancer. PTFE is now listed as a carcinogen. So the nerve to sell cookware as healthy when it is made from PTFE.
Of course, I returned the product after much hassles by ScanPans, but they couldn't refuse my return. They did charge me a cancellation fee, but I was happy just to get rid of that terrible and unhealthy product. Hopefully, I can warn others to avoid ScanPans products like the plague. Who would want to use a PTFE cooking surface, unless they're interested in getting cancer. Stay away from ScanPans! It's a fraudulent and bad company! Yikes!