I had a terrible experience with the Sceptre technical support group trying to get an x42BV to work in high definition. Below is the transcript of the chat. I wasted hours of time following their advice – that there was unquestionably a problem with my video card - when the problem was ultimately with the x42BV. After hours of working on the driver, I finally dragged the monitor and computer back to Microcenter where I hooked up my computer to another (working) Scepter LCD/TV monitor and was instantly in hi def.
When I called Sceptre tech support after I finally solved the problem, the tech support manager offered apologies and then insinuated that the problem might be misdiagnosed by Microcenter. Even after I wrote that the problem was solved by hooking my computer up to another monitor, the support group wrote back …..
Dear Customer,
The tech support rep is correct. With a Geforce 9500 GS, you might not have the adequate chipset for achieving the resolution of 1920x1080. I apologize if the agent seemed arrogant but the information he relayed to you is correct. Please also read through the following link.
Best Regards,
Sceptre Technical Support Group
Cannot get beyond 1360 by 768 for a Sceptre - x42bv with nvidia 9500 gs on HP w/ Vista 64 Home, I have already wiped clean and reinstalled the nvidia driver as instructed but there was no improvement. I also cannot install the Sceptre Visita Driver
Call accepted by operator Technical Support. Currently in room: Technical Support, Steve.
Technical Support:
If that resolution is the highest you can get with the HP with the newest drivers, then most likely that is the limitation of the video chipset.
Technical Support:
You'll need to ask your video card maker about higher resolution support.
just spoke with nvidia and the card supports it - I also got it up to 1600 earlier but can no longer get that setting
Technical Support:
There's no point on installing the vista driver for the monitor since the monitor is fully plug and play. Just make sure it is recognized as generic pnp and the monitor will be driven fully depending on the capability of the video card.
something is wrong -you are blaming nvidia, thaey ae blaminmg you - I need help - I knopw the card whould support more than 1360 by 768
Technical Support:
I'm not blaming the video card chipset. I'm just saying you'll need a better video card, a higher grade one, such as the Nvidia 9600GT
Technical Support:
I don't understand why a 9500 does not support the resolution, since I know since Geforce 6600, they have been supporting widescreen resolution.
It does support it - therre is a problem
Technical Support:
Is the monitor being recognized as generic pnp monitor?
Technical Support:
Technical Support:
then the TV monitor is already linked with the video card in terms of which resolution is supported, which isn't
Technical Support:
Is it possible for you to try a different video card?
Not now
Technical Support:
Besides a different or higher grade video card, I have no other suggestions.
please send me to a guru
Technical Support:I'm sorry I don't have any other suggestions because this is based on your video card.
why did i get a 1680 x 1050 earlier before i followed secptre advice and now i am limited to 1368...
Technical Support:
If you update your video card driver and you lost resolution then it proves that this is a video card issue.
Technical Support:
You got a different max resolution because of the difference in the video card software driver.
wow, i know, but you guys told me to update it
Technical Support:
Updating the video card driver usually would retain the current resolution support and add more resolutions.
Technical Support:
You can still uninstall your new video card drivers and reinstall your original drivers from your HP manufacturer's driver disc.
usually things work. but they don't, please let me know how to get your monitor to work with a nvidia GeForce 9500 GS at 1080i or write me that it cannot be done
Technical Support:
I have told you that the resolution is based on your video card not the monitor. You need to try another video card such as the Geforce 7600 GT or 8600 GT or 9600 GT with the newest forceware driver. The resolution from the PC will be progressive so it will be 1080P not 1080i.
please let me know how to get your monitor to work with a nvidia GeForce 9500 GS at 1920 by 1080 (highest res) or write me that it cannot be done
Technical Support:
I have told you that the resolution is based on your video card not the monitor. You need to try another video card such as the Geforce 7600 GT or 8600 GT or 9600 GT with the newest forceware driver. The resolution from the PC will be progressive so it will be 1080P not 1080i.
Technical Support:
If you cannot do what I asked, then I'm sorry I cannot help you further.
are you saying it cannot be done?
Technical Support:
A resolution on screen is based on multiple supporting units, the monitor, the video card, the software driver, and the operating system.
a simple yes or no
Technical Support:
If one of them is not up to spec with the resolution requirement, then the resolution cannot be achieved.
i am assuming you are telling me it cannot be done
Technical Support:
I am telling you what needs to be done to achieve the resolution.
Technical Support:
I can't confirm whether it can or cannot be done because you still need to talk with your video card support.
no - i want to know if it is possible tyo resolve it with the hardware i have now - you are not answering my question
Technical Support:
I just told you I can't confirm whether it can or cannot be done because you still need to talk with your video card support.
please contact them
Technical Support:
You'll need to contact them for resolution support.
please send me to your suipervisor
Technical Support:
Also you'll need to ask them about driver issues between old drivers supporting higher resolution while newer driver supports a lower resolution.
supervisor, please
Technical Support:
I have given you all the information I can on resolution support.
Technical Support:
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